Alien paradise

Chapter 369 The Angel of Paradise Cult

"The large safe buried underground...this world has a lot of surprises." Elodie muttered, "It wouldn't be easy to cut it open on Earth, right?"

"Yeah. If the hardness is high, you need a special drill bit. Or another way, use high temperature to cut, gas cutting or arc cutting... I just don't know what the melting point of this metal lump is."

"You can't still conjure these things!"

"There are records of gas cutting, and you can light a fire with a lighter, but it makes too much noise. I have to move everyone here away before I can try it." Chaoyang touched the wall and whispered, "What I'm really curious about is who is it? Did you leave this large creation behind?"

It reminded him of the temple beneath the Ashhill Mine.

The area is larger and the scale is grander, but it is still a stone building and does not exceed the common sense of the times.

But the metal "city wall" in front of you is another matter entirely.

Even if it is not poured into any building, just collecting so much metal is not something that one or two lords can do.

Is it possible that it is also the creation of a certain god, as his assistant Shocker said? Is the evil god entrenched in the Acropolis related to it?

"I also want to know. There's no point in rushing. As long as we can find the entrance, the answer to this question will come sooner or later." Elodie asked again, "By the way, have you ever read from this guy's memory? What’s the reason for not being popular in Barif?”

"I'm telling you right. Not only is he unpopular...he's simply full of evil." Chaoyang sighed, "I'll share this memory with you. You can see for yourself."

The Phlogiston Company not only had money, people, but also ships... After they entered the Acropolis in the name of development, they quickly became the actual controller of the city. This is also related to the history of the Acropolis - it started as a fishing village and gradually developed to where it is today. It is nominally the territory of the kingdom, but in fact it is controlled by local fishermen, gangs and smugglers. There is no royal appointee. lord. Therefore, when a giant company enters the market, the balance of power among the three parties is quickly broken.

To dig caves as efficiently as possible, companies are targeting local people directly. And because they lacked noble lords, they acted unscrupulously. At first, they only used money to recruit people, but later they even resorted to forced recruitment, requiring at least one adult from each household to participate in the excavation project. If anyone dared to refuse, he would be beaten severely, or his hands and feet would be chopped off as a warning.

Not only that, the schedule set by the company is also extremely demanding, resulting in people having to work at least ten hours a day, or performing heavy manual labor at the bottom of a humid and dark cave. Since the cave is located below sea level, backflow incidents occur frequently, taking dozens of lives each time. But the company ignored him at all and did not pay any pension. The upper management would rather make deals with gangs and hire them as thugs than improve the workers' treatment.

Even at this moment, there were more than two hundred people working on the eastern section of the narrow cave, but it was separated by water, which gave Chaoyang and Elodie the illusion that the cave was quiet.

The people who led all this were none other than Governor Juya and project leader Barif.

The hundreds of people hanging on the beach were all locals who resisted. The more frequent the resistance, the more bloody the suppression. Barif even instituted a system of continuous sitting. If one person in a group riots, the other nine people will be held responsible. Not only will the person who rioted be executed, but his family members will also be subjected to corporal punishment.

"The entire Acropolis now revolves around the Phlogiston Company. No wonder the beaches to the south are full of abandoned fishing boats." Chaoyang lamented, "Once they achieve their goal and completely withdraw from this place, this city will probably be ruined."

When looking through Xiaokel's memories, he seemed to be watching a familiar history of the world.

For example, the banana forests in South America, or the rubber plantations in Africa...

The ash hill mine in Brilliant Castle was not much better before the collapse of Gaotian Company.

"...It's a pity that we can't stop this from happening." Elodie's voice sounded a little sad, "What are you going to do next? People in the whole city will probably recognize your face, so you can sign contracts and replenish your wishes with them. It seems unlikely..."

"That's not necessarily true."

"Do you want to create an additional body? Is the risk too great?"

The risk here does not refer to the consumption of the clone's willpower. Now that he no longer has the Kingdom of God, it only costs 160 points of willpower to create a clone of an ordinary person, and it consumes about 40 points to maintain it for a day. This cost is still acceptable. The real risk is that when he acts with separated consciousness, the ontology has no ability to perceive. In the past, it was either protected by angels or placed in its own base camp, but now neither of these conditions are met. Elodie's strength is at a low point, and Balif's bedroom is not secure. If someone breaks into it, everything will be lost.

"The clone still needs to be created, but not now. What I mean is, you can try it." Chaoyang said.

"What? Me!?" Elodie was stunned.

"They know me, but they don't know a little-known little maid. The contract can be prepared in advance, and it doesn't matter whoever helps them." He paused, "You must have thought about it more than once, the ability of angels and demons can be swapped. You fulfill the wishes of the victims and help them get rid of their pain, instead of hunting demons with your sword. Now the opportunity has come... How about you immerse yourself in the feeling of having super powers to help others? "

As night falls, the Acropolis falls into silence as the sun sets. Especially in the urban areas outside the wealthy areas, there are no more people walking on the streets.

Elodie wore a cloak and walked through dark alleys, finally stopping in front of a dilapidated bungalow.

She knocked on the door, held her hand and waited.

After a while, the door creaked open a small crack. An eye appeared from behind the door, looking at her warily, "Who are you looking for?"

"I heard the prayer. Now you can tell the supplicant... that the gods have come to answer his prayer."

Elodie's voice seemed to have magical power, causing the man to feel a little dazed. He blinked and opened the door completely, "Oh my god, are you... a messenger of the gods?"

"No, I am a servant of God. Please take me to him." The angel said softly.

Soon, she saw the supplicant - the boy who wanted to die with Chaoyang before. He stood guard in front of a dilapidated wooden bed, clutching the hand of the person on the bed. A few hours passed, but the girl's condition did not improve at all. Her eyes were closed tightly and her cheeks were as red as overripe grapes.

"Sweet potato, get out of the way, someone is coming to save my sister!"

The boy was startled and looked back, "Brother, this person is..."

"It's you who is praying... right? Poor child." Elodie comforted the other party in a calm tone, "I may be able to help her or alleviate her pain."

"Did you hear my prayer?" The boy's eyes widened in disbelief, "Are you the messenger of the Goddess of Fertility? Or... the priest of the Eternal Sect?"

Elodie reached out and opened the hood of the cloak - to be honest, she was a little worried now, after all, the child had seen Bai Li's true face in the afternoon. The disguise Chaoyang gave her was nothing more than a wig, double eyelid stickers, false eyelashes and a black mask with X-stripes. As for why he chose such an alternative mask, Chaoyang's explanation is that this style of mask is considered rebellious in modern times, let alone worn here. It can effectively attract the attention of onlookers and reduce their attention to Bai Li's face.

While putting down her hood, she replied softly, "No, I belong to the Paradise Cult and am a rescuer sent by the Lord of Paradise."

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