Alien paradise

Chapter 371 More gains

Fanshu found some firewood and put it into the iron tunnel to light it, making the narrow room brighter.

"You all come in." Mare opened the door and waved to the people outside.

Immediately, more than a dozen people rushed into the room, some came on crutches, and some were even carried in by their companions.

"Master God Envoy, please help my wife take a look!"

"Can you heal my foot?"

"Sir... I heard that you can provide shelter and food? My house was robbed!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, can you do it one by one?" Mare quickly stood up to preside over the order. "This is the saint of the Paradise Cult. She serves a great god called the Lord of Paradise. I saw her with my own eyes. It only took less than an hour to cure our little sister, so if you want to pray... pray to the Lord of Paradise!"

"Holy Lady!" Everyone immediately changed their words and shouted in unison, and several people even knelt down.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Elodie had to use her powers to calm down their excitement. "Before I respond to your prayers, I have to know your names and basic information. Please tell me one by one."

While Mare went out to call for people, she had a casual chat with Fanshu and learned that these people were neighbors and had all done heavy work in the cave. Since everyone knows each other, they take care of each other on weekdays.

Elodie also asked about the cause of Papa Sweet Potato's death. When he mentioned this, his mood became obviously much lower. His father's death was like that of many excavators. When the sea water poured in, these coolies who were busy deep in the cave simply couldn't bear it. There was no way to escape; he would either drown or suffocate to death at the end of the narrow fork. The company did not even recover his body, but only gave him a death certificate and a salary of fifteen copper coins.

Fanshu also talked about accidentally bumping into a murderer in the afternoon, saying that she was too scared at the time and only dared to pick up rocks and hit him instead of going home and getting a knife to kill him. Thinking about it now, she really regrets it.

When everyone started to introduce themselves, Elodie was also helping Chaoyang look at these people.

"This one called Cat Head is okay. It has a certain amount of will power."

"The third one is fine too."

"The last two are fine."

"Wait a minute, that woman's willpower is very strong, she can almost compete with Judy!" Chaoyang suddenly became energetic.

Elodie's eyes also fell on the other party.

"My name is Enkui, and I live nearby..." the woman introduced herself, "As for my wishes... I'll wait until you realize them all. To be honest... I don't believe in the Lord of Paradise. I only believe what I see with my eyes.”

"Sister..." Ma Lei looked embarrassed, but seemed to dare not dissuade the other party.

Big sister? Elodie had heard this title not long ago.

At first, she thought that the other party was the eldest sister of the family, but now it seems that the relationship between the two parties is not like this. The title eldest sister is more like a nickname for "boss".

"Too bad she doesn't believe you."

Chaoyang didn't take it seriously. After all, there are not only good gods in this world, but also evil gods and false gods. Guys who pretend to be deceitful in the name of gods have never stopped. "It doesn't matter. This is only the first day. We can slowly accumulate trust and make a name for ourselves."

Soon, the angel sorted everyone's prayers into categories.

As she expected, 90% of them were related to medical care, food and housing.

The biggest demand of these lower-class residents is to ensure the basic elements for the continuation of life.

"What about those who don't have the willpower?"

"It means they are completely disappointed with the gods. It doesn't matter. As long as they say their prayers, they will answer them. At most, they will not sign the contract. Making a contract also requires willingness."

Chaoyang's answer made Elodie completely relieved.

What she was most worried about was that her willpower would become the filter for treatment or not. Although during this period of extreme lack of willpower, she also understood that the devil would make the selection, but that would ultimately put her life on the trading scale.

In addition, there are two people who have certain aspirations, but Chaoyang cannot satisfy their demands - one of them has a broken leg and hopes to recover as before; the other's husband died in a boat capsizing while fishing, and his wife wants to bring him back to life. . Both of these prayers were well beyond Chaoyang's capabilities.

The rest is easy to handle.

Elodie took out the contract corresponding to the prayer and signed it with these people one by one. All those who need treatment will be given a three-piece set of anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and nutritional supplements. Those who need food will be given money directly. Those who need shelter from the wind and rain will be sent directly to the Swordfish Tavern - Chaoyang has booked five sets of rooms there. Fifteen people live temporarily. After dawn tomorrow, he can directly buy one or two local bungalows and use them as shelters in the paradise.

Along with everyone's gratitude, Elodie felt that her whole heart was enveloped by waves of warmth.

Is this... what it feels like to be a demon?

"A total of 341 points of Willing Power have been collected, which is good... not only has the account been settled, but there is also a surplus of 100 points." Chaoyang Yitong concluded after calculation.

"But we don't have much medicine left, and remaking it requires a lot of effort." Elodie couldn't help but sigh, "So you were having such a difficult time at that time..."

"What, now you know how to sympathize with me? Don't forget that you have a big goal."

The angel then looked at Enkui, "It's your turn. Do you have anything to say to the Lord of Paradise?"

"I can see that the so-called wish fulfillment in your mouth is just to use money to satisfy your own pity." Enkui shook his head, "The person who responded to them is not a god...because the gods don't understand at all. One look at people like us!”

"But eldest sister, I did hear the voice of the gods just now..." Mao Tou said cautiously.

"Indeed, I also heard seemed to come directly from my mind!" Another person also testified.

As a contract signer, you can directly hear Chaoyang's call while the contract relationship is still in existence, and the latter will naturally not let go of this opportunity to "verify his great power."

"What? You - you are being deceived!" Enkui was extremely surprised when she saw that her neighbors actually stood up to testify for an unheard-of sect. "Look at Michael, isn't it true that God can't help him regenerate his broken limbs? There’s poor Mrs. Cass, who can’t get her husband back because she can’t achieve those two wishes even with money!”

"But the medicine provided by the Saint is indeed effective. I have never seen such completely transparent medicine and needles..." Mare murmured, "Is this something that can be done with money..."

"Perhaps she bought the medicine from other places, such as the Royal City of Sancia. There are many strange things you have never seen there -"

"What's wrong with money!" Elodie suddenly raised her voice and interrupted her argument. "Is there any essential difference between relying on ability to realize wishes and relying on money to realize wishes? The plight of most people here is because of If Fanshu is rich, will his sister be seriously ill? If Pike is rich, will he sell his house to others? "

Enkui was momentarily suffocated by the angel's aura and couldn't say a word for a while.

"Just using money to satisfy your own sense of pity? Even if you don't agree with my purpose, you can't deny its practical effect! What's more, is it easy to use money to help others? If every rich person is willing to do this How could the city become what it is today! The most important thing is, if you don’t tell your wish, who knows if it will come true?”

Elodie almost touched the other person's face when she said the last words.

Enkui couldn't resist, and took two steps back in embarrassment, "My, my wish can never be solved with money... No, even if it is a god, it may not be possible to realize it."

"Really, let's talk about it?"

"The company will execute a group of resisters the day after tomorrow, and Vanrick Fish is among them! I want to prevent this from happening!" She almost growled, "How about this, your god also has such a wish? Can it be achieved?"

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