Alien paradise

Chapter 373 Fulfilling your impossible wish

The next day, Elodie once again acted as a messenger from the Paradise Cult and came to the homes of brothers Fanshu and Marley.

After a night of treatment, the girl's condition improved significantly. Not only did she wake up in the morning, she even drank some rice porridge.

And the person who was "blessed" by the Lord of Paradise last night told more people the news... so this time the number of people gathered in front of the brother's house reached more than thirty. Elodie didn't say much and immediately started dividing the contract types according to needs - this time she brought more medicine and prepared more contracts.

I was busy until noon, when Enkui also showed up. Unlike yesterday, there was a deep whip mark on her face. The blood was wiped away, but the wound extended from her forehead to her lower cheek.

"What are you..." Elodie said in surprise.

"It's nothing. I was whipped by the supervisor because not all the people I arranged came to work today." She shrugged and said indifferently.

"The person you arranged?"

"Little girl, when did you come to Acropolis? You don't even know this?"

Elodie's heart skipped a beat, but there was no change on the surface, "I just arrived yesterday. I heard the guidance from the gods and rushed here from Thousand Limburg."

" live in the west of the city? Hanging out with those rich people?"

“The quality of my accommodation does not affect my responsibilities.”

"Tsk, I'm not saying you're wrong." Enkui wiped her nose, "That's not a place where ordinary people can live. Either they have something to do with smugglers, or they're the lackeys of the company. You live in that kind of place, but you like If you come here to spread the belief in Paradise, you will encounter all sorts of evil things if you live long enough.”

"The followers of Paradise Sect... must all be very rich." Fanshu, who was eavesdropping on the side, couldn't help but muttered.

"Go away, kid." Enkui waved his hand and continued, "Since you don't understand anything, I'll tell you. You don't think that the company can figure out how many people there are in Acropolis and how many people can work. A few. I'm quite famous in this street, so they chose me to be the person in charge of the street. They have to mobilize enough labor to work in the cave every day. The advantage is that I don't have to do it myself, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sneak out at noon. you."

No wonder Brother Fanshu calls her eldest sister.

"I know what you are thinking - I am also a lackey of the company, enslaving the neighbors for them? Make no mistake, if I don't accept the other party's request, then the person in charge will be replaced by a local gang." She looked unhappy, as if It's a bit embarrassing just to explain it.

"Sister has already taken good care of us." Mare spoke helpfully. "In several blocks in the south controlled by gangs, I heard that more than half of them were killed or injured. As long as people are still breathing, they have to keep going down to the cave."

"Disinfect first. The wound needs to be bandaged." Elodie opened the first aid kit.

"No, this little flesh wound will heal on its own in a few days." Enkui stretched out his hand to hold her down, "Leave the medicine to those who need it more. The Acropolis cannot replenish the medicine in the capital. Contract preparation Ok?"

Seeing that the other party insisted on doing this, Elodie could only give up. She took out the special contract and said, "Do you want me to read it to you?"

"No, I can read."

Enkui took the contract and read it from beginning to end, with some disbelief in her eyes, "As long as you are willing? No other conditions? When the company executes, there are security teams guarding it!"

Although Elodie explained that wish power is equal to vitality, it is an illusory thing after all. From a certain perspective, it is equivalent to non-existence - Fanshu paid the wish power, and apart from being a little tired, there were almost no other adverse effects. .

"Why, you don't feel at ease if I don't cut off two pieces of your flesh?" Elodie spread her hands.

This was the first time Chaoyang saw an angel talking like this.

It actually smells a bit like a bad girl on the streets.

"I mean……"

"The Lord of Paradise only takes willing power as reward, and treats everyone equally." She paused, "You sign your name, and the gods will help you bring Vanrik Fish back alive. It's simple and clear, no problem, right?" ?”

Enkui complied and returned the contract, "What are you going to do?"

"It's inconvenient to reveal it." Elodie put away the contract, "Also, I have one more thing I want to entrust you to do."

"Wait a minute, I'm not a believer in Paradise Cult!" She frowned, "Is this an additional condition of the contract?"

"No, but it won't do you any harm." Angel grinned, "Whether it's a neighbor or a co-worker who works together, do any of you have a grudge against 'Death Gun' Sieglin? If someone's wish is Get rid of Sieglin, then come and sign a contract with me!"

"Mr. Barif, why are you free to ask me out today?" Ziglin walked into the restaurant box and sat down carelessly. "The Governor is eager to see the results. You should be too busy now, right?"

Even in a remote town like Acropolis, there are quite high-end high-end restaurants in wealthy areas. Independent boxes, wine accompanying women, delicacies and cellared wines that are more than twenty years old are all available. Even if it is not as good as the royal capital, it is a luxurious place that the locals can only dream of.

But this time, Balif was the only one in the box.

In other words, it was a clone created by Chaoyang by spending 160 points of will power.

"I would like to ask, how many people have you killed since the company entered the Acropolis?" Chaoyang poured him a glass of wine with his own hands. It can be seen that the other party is not too worried about Barif's identity.

"Ah? Are you sure you want to discuss such bloody things while enjoying delicious food?"

"Oh, I thought discussing bloody things was a kind of enjoyment in itself."

Ziglin stared at him with squinted eyes for a while, and then laughed, "Hahahaha... you are indeed the murderer everyone calls you. Compared to a scholar, killing is indeed more suitable for you! But to be honest, I am not a big deal. I’m no worse than you.”

"Death Gun" Zigrin, the leader of the Harpoon gang, has an unknown age and unknown origin. It is said that he was a vicious pirate captain who was reduced to the Acropolis after losing his ship. But no one knows his actual experience. They only know that this man developed into the largest gangster in Acropolis in a short period of time.

"The two guys from Fishbone Street...these two guys owed me money for a long time. They just took advantage of the company's limelight to get rid of them, and their bodies were thrown into the sea."

"The three people in Wutiaokou are thorns in the side. They don't obey my discipline. They just kill the chicken to scare the monkeys."

"There is also one in Lanchun Tower, and that woman actually wants to climb on top of me."

Ziglin really started to count. He was chewing on grilled pork chops and recalling his victory. The ferocity and pride on his face were visible to the naked eye.

"...There are about forty of these in total? Let me first say that I killed these with my own hands, not by ordering my subordinates to kill them. So if you want to compare, you can't count the people handled by the company as your own." ." He licked his lips and looked at Chaoyang provocatively, "It's your turn now."

"I'm sure of one thing, you are indeed an unforgivable person."

"Ha, your head is not broken, is it? Mr. Barif, you are the one who makes this city moan." Ziglin put down the food in his hand with some doubts and winked at the bodyguard guarding the door.

Chaoyang saw from the corner of his eye that the bodyguard put his hands on his waist.

"What about Vanrick Fish's family? You ordered them to be killed too?"

"Tsk, who knows! Those untouchables just like to make random guesses. There are so many gangs in the Acropolis, why did I give the order?"

"If it's not you, who is it?"

"When did you become Mr. Detective? I recognize the things you have done. Even the King of Heaven can't blame me for the things I haven't done!" Siegelin became a little impatient. "Mr. Barif, what's the point of calling me here?" What’s the matter? Just tell me!”

"Actually, I prepared a gift for you." Chaoyang picked up a cardboard box from the chair next to him and placed it in the center of the table. Then he opened the lid of the box, revealing the imitation broadsword-style mine erected inside, and pointed the "this side facing the enemy" at Siegelin and his two bodyguards.

The detonation wire of this mine has been connected in advance, and the wire pull ring is held in Chaoyang's hand.

"What the hell is this?" Ziglin stretched out his hand to get it.

At the same time, Chaoyang pulled the ring apart with force.

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