Alien paradise

Chapter 376 The next one is

Chapter 376 The next one is...

"That is to say, Zhang Zhiyuan was taken deep into the cave and has not come back yet." Chaoyang pondered, "What about Cui Zhenen and Naruko Asahara? Where were they at that time?"

Elodie relayed his words.

"I didn't see them, they should still be in the carriage."

But Zhou Zhi and others did not leave the carriage too far. If they came to the Acropolis together, they would not be more than a hundred meters apart. Judging from the location, the other two people should be on the same street.

Unfortunately, this area is full of densely packed bungalows. Even if they are fifty meters apart, they may belong to two unknown families. Coupled with the changes in appearance and body, it is not easy to recognize them.

"So where are we now? Is this an illusion or reality?" Zhou Zhi asked impatiently.

Elodie patted the girl on the shoulder, "Don't be scared if I tell you. We are now in the Acropolis fifteen years ago, and there are only seven days left before the fog swallows the city."

"Is that the Acropolis we are about to arrive at!?" Zhou Zhi took a breath, "No wonder there are woods and sea here. I originally wanted to find out about it from my kind-hearted neighbors. But it's like going back in time. Things are too mysterious! So it’s another form of paradise game?”

"If so, Anthony would have been resurrected long ago." The angel curled his lips, "There is an old saying among us that if the dream is real enough, then you should live it as reality. So you are entangled in whether it is true or not. Meaning, the source of this strange phenomenon is the evil god, and we have to find a way to break it."

"By the way." She suddenly thought of the key question, "Did you see a few lines of poetry after you woke up?"

"Yes! Yes, I saw it! The specific content is..." Zhou Zhi paused for a while, and then said with an ugly face, "Sorry, I don't remember. I only remember that it was preceded by two sets of questions and followed by declarative sentences. …”

"It's the Chinese version." Chaoyang concluded.

"It seems that everyone who was sent here has received a similar message." Elodie thought thoughtfully.

"Hey, little girl, are you okay?" Enkui's voice came from outside the woodshed.

"We'll talk later. Do you know the original name of this body?"

Zhou Zhi shook his head.

Reminiscent of his statement that there is no adult in the family, this girl may have been abandoned, or her parents may have been thrown into the sea.

"Then just say your name is Xiaomei."

"Xiaomei? It's a bit earthy... Can you change it to another one?"

Without waiting for Zhou Zhi to protest, Elodie had already opened the door and smiled at Enkui who looked suspicious, "No problem, she was really too nervous just now, but she has returned to normal now. Xiaomei, come out, there is nothing here People will harm you.”

"Oh, oh..." Zhou Zhi could only enter the role, pretending to be obedient and follow Sister Angel out of the woodshed.

"Then what is her wish?"

"I'm hungry and want to fill my stomach. What a poor little guy..." Elodie pretended to be pitiful, "Fortunately, I can help her fulfill this request without signing a contract."

"Sorry." Enkui suddenly turned his head and said.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing?" Elodie was confused.

"You are right. People in rich areas are not short of food, but you are the only one who is willing to share food with us for free... I shouldn't be unreasonably angry with you because of your identity, especially in After you really help the neighbors." The eldest sister whispered.

"As long as you understand. Don't worry, I don't take those words to heart." Angel said unfazed, "Besides, I've been used to this level of criticism a long time ago."

"A long time ago? You don't look like a person who is used to living a hard life..."

"I was not a believer in the Paradise Religion at that time. But these things are a long story, so let's talk about them again when we have the opportunity."

Seeing her starting to pack her things, Enkui couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Aren't you going to stay here to receive supplicants tonight?"

"Well, I have to go back early to prepare today. After all, I have something big to do tomorrow." She said with a smile.

Half an hour later, Elodie and Zhou Zhi returned to Barif's hotel, and Chaoyang also asked the store to bring him a sumptuous afternoon tea. Zhou Zhi, who hadn't had a full meal in two days, immediately pounced on him and feasted so wildly that he almost choked himself to death.

Chaoyang took stock of today's results with Angel. Excluding the loss of medicines and medical equipment, the stock of willing power today has increased to 540 points. The big one is the three-consecutive contract with the gang leader, and the return is as high as 416 points. It can be said that the increase is gratifying.

As long as there are no major obstacles in the future, as the reputation of the paradise gradually spreads, more and more people will pray to the Lord of the paradise. This is undoubtedly a virtuous cycle. It can be said that he established himself several times faster than when he was in Glory Castle. This is the benefit of rich experience.

The only regret is that after two days of busy work, he has not found a true believer like Dane and Judy who can continuously provide willing power.

When Zhou Zhi had almost eaten, Chaoyang signed a supplementary player contract with him. In this way, he had an extra pair of eyes.

"I won't die now!" Zhou Zhi's courage suddenly increased several times.

"Theoretically, this is true, but even if you have a suitable body, converting your soul will consume my...paradise's computing power, so I don't recommend that you die easily until there is an emergency. Otherwise, the process of resurrection will be quite long, or even You will be in deep sleep for a long time.”

"I understand, to the official of the paradise, that evil god..."

"It's a super boss. This is a sudden and extraordinary mission. Experience it well."

"Okay, I'll try my best to complete it. But what is the next task? Can you give me a hint?"

"This..." Chaoyang was already a little overwhelmed.

"Ahem, there is no doubt that the ultimate goal is to defeat the evil god's conspiracy, which is similar to the battle we had at Glory Castle." Elodie decisively took over the topic and added " "Persuasion" magic, "But the evil god hasn't appeared yet, we have to solve the problem of fog first. It is currently inferred that the reason why the fog appears is probably related to the phlogiston company that settled in the area."

"Understood." Zhou Zhi nodded repeatedly as he stuffed the dessert into his mouth, "If we can't protect the Acropolis, the mission will be a failure, right?"

"This kid is very smart." Elodie praised.

"It's just for playing games. If he and Coco Moqi stay together, there will definitely be a lot of talk -" Chaoyang was suddenly stunned.

"What's wrong?"

"Wait a minute, do you still remember where the goddess of magic was when the green light appeared?" He patted his thigh.

Coco Moqi was flying towards him at that time. The distance was not too far, maybe only about ten meters?

"It seems to be below us." Elodie looked at the floor.

This building only has three floors, no more than fifteen meters in total. However, as an inn that provides multiple services, it has a bar, wine cellar and warehouse on the basement floor.

Chaoyang suddenly stood up and said, "Go and try something?"

Naturally, Elodie would not object - she was very aware of Coco Moqi's abilities. If they could get the support of a queen at this time, their strength would be much stronger.

Leaving Zhou Zhi to guard the room, the two immediately set off and followed the stairs to the tavern on the ground floor.

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