Alien paradise

Chapter 384 The person you missed

"My name is Elodie." The angel replied briefly, "Is your injury okay?"

"It's just some flesh wounds. They want to use this pain to make me give in. Unfortunately, compared to the wasted death of my family, this pain is nothing." Van Rick patted his chest, although this action made him frown slightly, "Speaking of which When I came back, this was the first time I heard the name Paradise Cult. When did you start paying attention to Acropolis?"

"As long as there is pain, the Lord of Paradise can sense it. But the name of our Lord has not been spread yet, so not many people pray to it, which also makes it difficult for the gods' response to arrive immediately."

"I'm sorry, I'm not blaming God for responding too late. After all, even I can't protect my family." Vanrick smiled bitterly, "I just want to know you better... After all, the battle is far from over. Balif is dead, but Governor Hyperman is still alive, and he will definitely not give up. I am afraid there will be a bloody storm in the Acropolis next. I heard that as long as I sign a contract with you, I can get the blessing of the gods... Excuse me, I Can you sign it?”

"What is your prayer?"

"I would like to ask the great Lord of Paradise to appear again and eliminate Hyperman and his lackeys. Only by eliminating all the company's top executives can we stop their crazy behavior."

"If his willpower is not enough, we are willing to dedicate all our willpower!" Enkui stepped forward and said.

"And us!" Others also echoed.

"What do you say?" Elodie asked.

"Of course I refuse." Chaoyang said without hesitation, "What kind of god shows up, but you are the one who really wants to do the work. And even if we gain a lot this time, we can't use all our willpower to deal with the company. The evil god is still there to this day. Hidden behind the scenes, that is our real enemy. And..."

He paused.

"And what?"

"I can't feel the power of his wish, not even a bit." Chaoyang said after staring at it for a moment, "Maybe this is not his real wish, or maybe he has no intention of praying to the gods at all - at least not until now."

"The Lord of Paradise hopes that you will overthrow the company's rule with your own hands, because the creators of paradise on earth will always be the local people. But don't worry, gods will not abandon their believers. I will guide you to continue to fight until The Phlogiston Company has completely collapsed." Elodie translated Chaoyang's thoughts to everyone.

"Is that so..." Enkui was lost for a moment and then cheered up, "But you are right, as long as we unite as one, we cannot lose to the company. What's more, Mr. Vanrick also has an ancestral treasure, which can also used against them."

"Treasure?" Elodie raised her eyebrows.

Looking at the looks cast by everyone, the old man nodded slowly and said, "It seems that I have taken you to heart. Anyway, I'll just tell you the truth. My family can be traced back to more than 600 years ago, when the Acropolis was not yet There is only one team of hunters who migrated here. These people were protected by the gods, and my ancestors were one of them. According to the records in the ancient books passed down from generation to generation, they carried a god-given thing called immortality. The heart, the ancestors relied on it to gain a foothold here and eventually built the Acropolis.”

"The heart of the hunter god?" Elodie whispered in her heart.

"At least it's basically consistent with the information provided by Duke Rosha. Ask him where his heart is now."

"Then has this treasure been passed on to you?" the angel asked.

"You don't seem too surprised... You are worthy of being the envoy of God." Van Rik couldn't help but be a little surprised. "Yes, this rumor that has been circulating in the Acropolis for a long time is not a pure fabrication. The locals have heard it more or less. I have said that we fishermen are the children of the hunter god, but few people associate it with my family. As for your question, unfortunately, I have not seen this relic with my own eyes, otherwise it would have been used to deal with phlogiston. company. But I know where it is.”

Enkui trembled all over and couldn't help but cover her mouth and said, "Is it possible... that what the company is poaching is..."

"You guessed it right, the things buried behind those metal walls are the treasures given to fishermen by the gods! Of course... the walls themselves are relics that existed long ago, and the ancestors just used them as a barrier to protect the secret treasures. . I don’t know how the Phlogiston Company got the news, but the thing they want to seize must also be an immortal heart!”

Everyone was talking about it for a while.

No one expected that the rumors they had heard for many years would turn out to be true.

"Are we also looking for the heart of the Hunting God in this world?" Elodie secretly pouted.

"It's better than no news at all. But isn't the Phlogiston Company looking for new energy sources...could this relic be made into a first-class energy-related wonder?"

At least in Barif's work diary, the company's goal here was clearly recorded. In other words, their intelligence was even more accurate than that of the locals, and they had even thought about how to dispose of the relics.

"Duke Rosia said that it is used to break through the defense of the Kingdom of God... This is great, the heart has three uses in total." The angel said half-jokingly.

"After all, it is a thing that has been passed down for hundreds of years. It is normal for some deviations to occur." Chaoyang said unconcernedly, "I just don't understand a little bit. Since it is something given to them by the gods, why don't they keep using it instead of using it? Hidden?"

As the saying goes, cheating is fun for a while, cheating is always fun... There is no reason for them to abandon it.

Elodie asked this question for Chaoyang.

"...To be honest, I don't know. But my ancestors must have their own reasons for choosing to do this. Similarly, since they left a document to inform future generations, it means that in times of crisis, latecomers also have the power to use it to drive away enemies. "

"Since your ancestors can put treasures in, they should also know how to pass through the wall..."

"Sorry, Your Majesty the Envoy of God, I don't know about this either." Vanrick said sadly, "The book does not mention key words such as door or secret passage. Perhaps hundreds of years ago, its entrance was still clear. It can be seen, but with repeated erosion by sea water, this channel has been completely buried.”

So in the end, we still have to find a way to get through the metal wall.

"In this case, I suggest that you don't return to your residence." Enkui said with a fist, "Those who escaped must have gone to the Governor's Mansion to report the news. In less than half a day, the company will definitely come back with revenge. Maybe in a rage, They will bombard the lower city with artillery, and they will definitely send troops to take back this beach! In turn, as long as we stay here, we can prevent the enemy from defeating us one by one!"

"What if the enemy sets up artillery and bombards this beach?"

"Then we will retreat into the cave. It is very deep and cannonballs cannot get in! Once they stop firing, we can immediately return to the defense. It can be said that this place can be attacked or defended... and there is still a lot of food in the camp. It’s not a problem to hold on for five or six days!”

"I don't think it's a good idea to stay here..." Elodie muttered in a low voice, "There is a lack of supplies and no escape route. If we are surrounded by the company's troops, it will be difficult to break out."

"That's for the regular army." Chaoyang knew that Angel's analysis was correct, but after all, these people were not soldiers. Once they were allowed to go back to their own streets, they would basically become scattered sand, and it would be almost impossible to get them together again. When the time comes when the company and the gangs join forces to clear out every street, they will surely be killed into rivers of blood. "If they stick together here, it will be easier for them to lure the enemy out. Then we can-"

"What's wrong?" The pause was so unnatural that Elodie suddenly became alert.

"'s nothing, maybe my eyesight is dazzled." Chaoyang shook his head and said with a little self-deprecation. Just now, he saw a familiar girl through the perspective of an angel.

If I admit it correctly, that is Fanshu's sister. She stood far away from the crowd, but her eyes were fixed on this place, as if she was firmly attracted by something.

But when he looked in that direction again, there was no one in his field of vision.

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