Alien paradise

Chapter 386 “The Miracle Reappears”

"The company has taken action."

Cui Zhenen was lying at the window of Barif's bedroom, observing every move around the Governor's Mansion.

At this time, one hour and five minutes had passed since the riot at the execution ground. Although "Barif" was confirmed to be dead, in this tense atmosphere, no one had time to care about the ownership of the room. With the key Chaoyang gave her and a set of decent clothes, she easily sneaked into the inn.

Cui Zhenen saw that the wealthy area had entered a state of martial law. There were not only guards patrolling the streets, but also requiring all shops to suspend operations. More and more people armed with weapons gathered under the Governor's Mansion. It was conservatively estimated that there were more than a thousand people. When the sun moved to the dome, this army began to march toward the outside of the wealthy area.

It took more than an hour to prepare for the crackdown, which was considered a quick response for the company's private armed forces.

"Where are the weapons and equipment?" Chaoyang asked.

"Everyone is carrying a rifle...wait a minute, there are more than a dozen field guns behind..." Cui Zhenen said while monitoring, "The caliber doesn't look big, they are all under 100 millimeters. They also have a cavalry team, probably Two to three hundred people..."

With a complete set of infantry and artillery, as well as cavalry, this configuration is definitely more than enough to deal with the rioting locals. No wonder the Phlogiston Company dares to do whatever they want in the Acropolis.

Chaoyang cuts the perspective to Zhang Zhiyuan and conveys the news to him.

The latter immediately relayed it to Enkui, but added at the beginning that it was a revelation from the gods.

Enkui had no doubts about this at all, "I understand, then I'll leave this beach to you. Remember to send a flare if you need us."

Vanrick nodded, "Be careful."

After the two sides embraced each other, Enkui led more than 200 heavily armed street brothers and marched north along the coastline. According to the results of the rebels' internal deliberations, they gave themselves an official name: Acropolis Fishermen's Army. Rick Fish and Elodie serve as the main and deputy commanders, with four block teams and a special operations team under their jurisdiction. Among them, the Fishing Street unit led by En Kui assumes the task of peripheral support.

The other three neighborhood troops were deployed outside Xiacheng District. In addition to being responsible for evacuating family members, they also had to recruit as many like-minded people as possible within a limited time. When the company and gang troops invaded the downtown area, they had to retreat to the beach and begin to defend on the spot.

As for the special operations team, it is a group of excavation workers formed by Zhang Zhiyuan and Portland - they are the first to open fire on the gang supervisors, and they are also the group that best understands the cruelty of the company. In terms of combat experience, this team is undoubtedly the richest one, and everyone also has full trust in Zhang Zhiyuan, who successfully launched an armed insurrection.

"Lalotte, I actually don't know anything about teaching people how to fight. I'm afraid this battle will have to rely a lot on you and the envoy." Van Rick turned around and patted Zhang Zhiyuan on the shoulder, "Listen to the boys of Group Six. He said, "You are a brave and careful warrior. It is a pity that I have never heard of such an outstanding person like you. But I believe that after this battle, your reputation will spread throughout the whole country." city."

Zhang Zhiyuan nodded calmly and did not answer.

He is just a passer-by in this period of history. When the dust settles, everyone will probably forget his existence.

"But I also have things that I am good at." Van Rik smiled again, "When you are defending the beach, I will definitely lead everyone to build the cave into an indestructible fortress, and by the way, I will catch a few fish to make soup for you! Folks! Come with me!"

After saying that, he led the family members of the fishermen and soldiers towards the cave camp.

"It's time for us to get into position." Zhang Zhiyuan shouted to the workers' group, "Everyone pick up weapons and enter the trench!"

The texture of the beach is soft, and it is easy to dig dozens of comprehensive and staggered tactical trenches. They cannot withstand direct artillery fire, but they can effectively avoid flying shrapnel, and can also allow troops to shuttle back and forth between the lower city and the cave camp. and not exposed to enemy fire.

Seeing that the combat deployment was being carried out in an orderly manner, Chaoyang switched his perspective to Elodie.

She was taking Coco Moqi back to the beach at the moment, and the magic goddess who made up the demon looked a little pale, as if she still hadn't recovered from the shock just now.

"Are you okay?" Angel couldn't help but feel pity for her.

The last time she healed her demon was when she fainted, so Coco Moqi didn't know how the power of wish was transmitted. This time when she saw Chaoyang stretching out her bloody finger, she was completely stunned.

"...Why suck blood? This, this is too cult..." She murmured in a low voice, "Is this how you gain power too?"

"Uh... sort of." Elodie shrugged, at least for herself, "Contracts can also transfer the power of will, but blood is the most convenient to use. And... it tastes pretty good."

"That's why I feel even more evil! Magic and wish power should be pure and flawless!"

You are right, even if the devil's behavior is not evil, it looks extremely evil. Elodie was convinced that when she signed the contract with Chaoyang and sucked the blood, she was prepared to be doomed.

"You'll get used to this kind of thing two more times." Angel smiled, and for some reason, she felt faintly relieved, "By the way, are you strong enough now to cast the missing person magic?"

"Hmm... it can be cast about five to six times. It is much more expensive than the illusion trick." Coco Moqi nodded, "Besides, it is not called missing person magic. I call it miracle reappearance."

The two came to the original location of the execution ground. Elodie walked more than ten steps toward the sea, then put the little girl on her shoulder down, "It's here."

"Squat down." Kokomochi motioned the angel to squat, and pressed her finger on her forehead, "I'm going to cast a magic spell, pay attention, this is a scene that only you can see."

As soon as she finished speaking, Elodie suddenly felt dizzy!

The rack that was pushed down and burned was erected again, and many people retreated back to the beach and gathered into a large crowd again. The blood-stained flag was raised high, and the cheers of "Long live paradise" resounded in the air!

At this moment, a girl walked into her field of vision.

She suddenly realized that the so-called miracle reappearance was not looking for a fixed person, it reproduced the entire scene! Not only objects and environment, but also people's every move and voice were completely restored!

"Stop!" Elodie shouted.

Everyone was immediately fixed in place.

That's right, Chaoyang was not dazzled. The girl standing outside the crowd and looking far away was Fanshu's sister! She looked straight at the center of the crowd, her eyes full of gloom and worry. When the angel called for a stop, she had already reached into her arms, as if groping for something.

Elodie went around to her side and found a horn hanging inside her clothes.

The speculation was confirmed.

This girl is the Hidden Mist who destroyed the Acropolis.

"Can you see it?"

"Yes, it's very clear." Chaoyang said in a deep voice, "I don't know what she thinks specifically, but from this expression and action, she may summon the mist at any time."

Obviously, the victory of the execution ground did not bring her any peace of mind.

"What is she afraid of?"

"Wait..." Elodie returned to the girl's back, leaned down to her head level, and followed the Hidden Mist's perspective. The angel looked forward, "The person she is looking at... is me."

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