Alien paradise

Chapter 390 Shadow in the Flame

At five o'clock in the afternoon, as it was getting dark, the Phlogiston Company launched a second wave of attacks on the beach area.

This time they learned their lesson and set up field artillery deep in the street. While firing wildly towards the west, they also sent out many security teams and climbed to the top of the building to watch for attacks coming from the left and right. Even if the caliber of the artillery is not large, it is enough to be earth-shattering for a city that was founded in a remote fishing village. Every time a cannonball lands on the sand, it will set off a thick pillar of sand.

The deafening explosions continued continuously, and the clear vibrations could be felt even deep in the cave. The family members who had come to seek refuge were standing close together, their faces looking quite pale. It was obvious that this was the first time they had experienced such a huge battle.

"Are you sure you want us to go to the south of the city now?" Elodie raised an eyebrow and said, "If the outside can't withstand it, I won't be able to support Zhang Zhiyuan and the others immediately."

"The matters at Vanrick's house are more important. As for this side..." Chaoyang glanced through Zhang Zhiyuan's field of vision, "Don't worry, they can still withstand it for the time being."

Although the trenches on the beach could not withstand direct shelling, the workers did not hide in the trenches - these shallow tactical trenches served more as communication lines. When the shelling came, except for a few elite soldiers such as Zhang Zhiyuan, Observing the enemy situation on the edge of the city, others have returned to the back of the low cliff of the cave.

What's more, the probability of the shells landing just near the trenches is not high, and with the large number of vertical and horizontal corridors, this level of shelling may look lively, but it cannot really threaten the defending troops.

Once the company sends its main force to launch a ground attack, the workers can quickly return to the frontline positions through these tactical trenches.

In other words, as long as the security team does not attack, the company cannot truly seize the beach.

Judging from the color of the sky, they would probably wait until the sun completely went down before taking action.

"Okay, then I'll take her and set off," Elodie shrugged.

"Remember to walk from the sea," Chaoyang warned again, "Don't let the locals notice you."

Angel knew this very well.

She took Coco Moqi, who had finished delivering the sweet potatoes, out of the cave, carried him behind her back, then spread her wings and took off into the sky. Behind her was a beach that was being bombarded, and the sound of continuous explosions completely overwhelmed the sound of her flapping wings.

"It's so fast!" Coco Moqi sighed while hugging her neck.

"Can't you fly too?"

"That can only be considered floating at best." She held down her hair, as if she wanted to maintain a good image even while flying at high speed, but soon gave up the attempt, "Although Yu can also use the transformation technique to transform himself into a An owl, but that would not work any other magic."

"By the way, how many kinds of magic do you know?" Elodie asked curiously, "Where did you learn them from?"

"This is Yu's secret, and I won't tell you. But it's probably hundreds or more, and it's not acquired through learning." Coco Moqi said proudly, "Every magic represents the past wishes of mankind. ——Some people want to escape from the troubled world, so they have the art of transformation; some people want to protect their loved ones in the dark, so they have the art of invisibility. People create magic in their prayers, and I am the collection of these magics."

"Is that the big meteorite too?"

"Uh..." The goddess of magic paused for a moment, "Maybe some believers want to see shooting stars?"

Elodie silently rolled her eyes.

It only took a few minutes to get from the east beach to the southern end of the Acropolis. After a short walk, the two found the "burned house" mentioned by Chaoyang. In the middle of the street facing the sea, a large-scale house ruins stood out - it covered an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters, and several blackened support stone pillars stood tall, indicating that the house had at least 10 years of history before it was engulfed by fire. It's as high as three stories. It can definitely be called a mansion in Xiacheng District.

Even though almost a month has passed, the house has not been rebuilt. It just stands alone in the deserted yard, as if telling everyone about the misfortune that happened here.

"It should be right, that is Vanrick's mansion." Elodie said. After Vanrick Fisher suffered a shocking upheaval, he angrily devoted himself to the resistance cause. All his property was used to mobilize workers, and this house has remained abandoned to this day.

"Even if he succeeds in revenge in the end, his family will never come back." Coco Moqi sighed, "I have seen such a tragedy countless times."

"By the way...hasn't anyone ever prayed for the resurrection of the dead?"

"Yes, the magic of resurrection exists."

"Are you serious!?" Angel was stunned.

"How rude! Yu is the goddess of magic, and she doesn't need to lie to increase her worth!" The girl complained, "But this kind of miracle has a fatal problem. The people it resurrects are not 100% dead, just like... Impurities are mixed into the soul, which will gradually cause the subject to become another person..."

"Another person?" Elodie asked as she descended.

"Yes, to be precise, they are cultists. It is easy for such people to embark on the path of delusion and fanaticism... I guess that after the soul loses the protection of the body, it will be slightly affected by the evil god. The longer the time lapses, the more rational it will be. The faster it goes, so I later classified this technique as a forbidden technique and no believers are allowed to use it.”

After the two landed, the angel first checked the surroundings to make sure no one was watching, then came to Coco Moqi and squatted down, "Okay, you can perform the spell."

"Look carefully -" the latter tapped her forehead gently, "This is a miracle that only you can see!"

In an instant, the surrounding scenery began to reverse... from empty to crowded. Elodie saw some people laying white flowers in front of the yard, while others walked into the ruins and rummaged around, trying to find any valuables left behind. Not everyone respects the fisherman boss, especially after he was arrested. The gangsters also completely destroyed the surrounding yard, and the flower petals were trampled into the soil.

not enough……

Time continued to move forward rapidly, and sweat broke out on Coco Moqi's cheeks.

Someone was wailing in front of the ruins of the house, holding a body that had long since gone cold... it was Vanrick Fish. There were people around him constantly trying to dissuade him and comfort him, but Vanrick's eyes were gradually getting colder. After the tears dried up, flames ignited in his eyes, as dark as the falling night.

A little further forward...

Elodie saw the fire! Flames spurted out from the windows of the house, like fiery snakes! Van Ricker's wife fell at the door of the front yard, her blood staining the ground red.

We have to go a little further!

Coco Moqi's slender arms trembled, and the magic was reaching its limit.

"Save my child!" Someone suddenly shouted, "Please, you guys, anyone can do it!"

Elodie raised her head in surprise and found that the flames seemed to have become smaller. A window on the second floor was opened. Vanrick's wife leaned out, holding the child in her hands and screaming.

Was she asking for help from someone at that time?

The angel turned around and then opened his eyes in surprise! There are people around! And there are dozens at least! They were only one street away from the house. Some were staying at the window to visit, while others had half their heads peeking out from the shadows at the entrance of the street. They were whispering to each other, talking about each other, fearful, surprised, cowardly, and numb... They were indeed A raging fire was discovered, but no one crossed the road.

Because there were several gangsters standing on the street holding machetes and axes.

Elodie glanced across the street in confusion, and she even saw a familiar face among the bystanders, Sweet Potato.

"Please save the child, kindhearted person!" the woman begged again.

Elodie raised her head and was surprised to find that the other party was actually talking to her. The sadness and heartache in her eyes could not be greater, but she still did not give up hope of survival.

Even though she knew this was just an illusion, the angel still rushed into the mansion and went straight to the second floor - the moment she opened the door to the corresponding room, the woman rushed out of the room with the child in her arms and walked past her. Only then did she see that the flames had spread to the window, occupying her last foothold.


Elodie followed Vanrick's wife and encouraged her loudly, even though she knew she couldn't hear. At this time, the stairs, corridors and halls were already covered in fire. The woman held the child tightly and passed through fire nets one after another. She did not care about the burns on her feet and shoulders.

Finally, the door to the first floor appeared in front of us.

As if she had seen the light of day, she rushed forward with all her strength, the fire following behind her, but always one step slower than her.

Wrapped in billowing smoke, the woman stepped through the door.

Further ahead is the safe zone of the front yard!

At this moment, a black shadow shot out from the sea of ​​fire, piercing her left back like a cold arrow, and penetrated all the way through her chest.

Elodie lowered her head and watched in amazement as the strip that passed through her body quickly retracted and disappeared in the fire in the blink of an eye. This was not the first time she had seen such a scene. When she was in Glory Castle, similar things claimed the lives of many people.

They called it "the black strip."

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