Alien paradise

Chapter 395 The Final Chase

By this time, the sun had completely set, leaving only a lavender embers in the sky; there were still gunshots in the city, but they were much sparser than an hour ago. Regardless of whether the final winner is the Phlogiston Company or the Fishermen's Army, this war is gradually coming to an end.

It only took Elodie about two minutes to cross the entire beach, and then stopped above a small pier.

Because further ahead is the endless sea.

"Are you sure you're not looking in the wrong direction?" Chaoyang was slightly surprised.

"How is that possible? The smell extends all the way to the sea." Mianyin answered decisively.

"Go down and ask."

Chaoyang patted Elodie on the shoulder, and the latter led him closer to the ground, and finally found a corner where no one was paying attention to land. This area was less affected by the suppressive war. Probably the company also needed the dock to transport supplies, so there was no no-go zone here. There were still a few porters and sailors busy on the trestle, seemingly indifferent to the fighting that broke out on the beach.

Chaoyang stepped forward and asked, handing over two copper plates. The other party also confirmed that a cargo ship had just left the dock not long ago, and its destination was the New World.

"Are we going to catch up?" the angel asked. "In twenty minutes, this ship won't be able to get far."

Chaoyang looked at the dark sea for a moment, then shook his head, "No, I may have thought wrong. He is not the protagonist on the stage. Or rather, he used to be...but not anymore."

He immediately asked the angel to take him to find Li Qiong Aura, because this person was deeply involved in the cult and was inseparable from the tragedy of the Vanrick family. Venting his anger was not the main reason. If he could be killed or controlled, the disaster in the Acropolis would most likely not happen.

But Li Qiang ran away.

Although the sailor didn't know the final destination of the ship, Chaoyang knew that he would go to Brilliant Castle next and become the earl of that pioneering city. Let's not talk about whether we can win the opponent reliably if we catch up now. Even if Elodie wins, it won't have much impact on the situation in the Acropolis.

Because he must have set the stage before leaving.

This person clearly knew that even if he was not in the Acropolis, the drama had already begun and no one could stop his plan.

"Then who is the protagonist?"

"The protagonist is not one person, nor does it refer to certain people..." Chaoyang's fingers shook slightly, "There is even more than one stage set up for this... I understand, this is the meaning of double shadow!"

"Uh...can you explain a little more?"

"It's too late, we'll talk about it on the way!" Chaoyang took Elodie's hand, "Let's go back to the beach cave first, we must hurry!"

The angel nodded and pulled him into the air again.

"Do you think there is really something wrong with Vanrick Fisher?"

"Yes! Do you still remember the obelisk standing above the Acropolis? Our guess was right at first. It was not a creation of the God of Cause and Effect, but its appearance was caused by Li Qiong Aura!"

Now they know that the majestic and neat cone is the symbol of "Unmysterious".

"But isn't Li Qiong a fanatical believer in the God of Cause and Effect?" the angel asked against the roaring sea wind.

"Yes, this is a misunderstanding!" Chaoyang felt clear in his mind. All the mysteries in the past were tied together by this clue. "No one stipulates that he can only summon the God of Cause and Effect. In fact, his ultimate goal is Let another evil god descend on the Acropolis!"

Elodie was still confused, "Shiyin... is he right?"

Li Yin raised his head and said, "You guys speak first, and I will give my opinion last."

"It's useless to ask it, it doesn't know anything about the situation at all!" Chaoyang said loudly, "Do you remember that when the God of Karma appeared in Glory Castle, the envoy named Vance White did some things What?"

The first is the remains of a god as the foundation stone.

When he was in the Brilliant Castle, he was the body of Meyer, the goddess of benevolence under the Ashhill Mine.

What is in the acropolis is the heart of the Hunting God kept by the Yusi family.

Second, a living sacrifice is required.

The massive deaths of Triton miners and city guardsmen were sacrifices for the coming of the evil god.

Many people are now dead in caves and on beaches... whether they are gangsters or corporate lackeys, no matter how filthy their souls are, it is all the same as sacrifices.

Following this train of thought, Elodie subconsciously asked, "What else?"

"Finally, there are the corresponding rituals and summoners. It is not surprising that Li Qiong knows the summoning ritual of the God of Karma, but what if he also knows how to summon Weimi? To be more precise, will it be his master who will seduce Weimi? Taught him the method?"

"This is impossible!" Miyin protested sharply, "Human beings cannot understand the will of the gods, let alone have a conversation! The so-called cult believers are just a bunch of lunatics who speculate on the true intentions of the gods without permission!"

"But Li Qiong is no longer in the Acropolis, so you suspect that Vanric Fish is the final summoner..." Elodie thought thoughtfully, "But I don't understand that he tried so hard to attract the unidentified person. What's the purpose? Wait..."

The angel suddenly took a breath and murmured in a low voice, "...No way!"

"Yes, all of this is the other party's preparation for the drastic changes fifteen years later." Chaoyang clenched his fists, "Li Qiang wants to completely trap the God of Hidden Mist here through the arrival of the evil god! In this way, , when he lets the God of Cause and Effect come into the world, there will no longer be a God who can save mankind.”

This is how history plays out.

The Acropolis was swallowed up by fog in a very short period of time, and hundreds of thousands of people died in the city. People blamed all the causes of the disaster on the evil god. Under the instruction of the king, General Fares Ben launched a large-scale suppression operation against the cult believers. .

Everyone was unaware that they had lost the last layer of protection; that is, from that moment on, the Hidden Mist user found that his connection with the gods was getting weaker and weaker, until finally he could no longer perceive the revelations of the gods.

Although they can still summon the fog to cover up their sins and depravity, this is just continuing to mend a piece of rag and cannot change the direction of fate. The moment the red snake of the God of Cause and Effect completely dispels the fog, the entire world will be exposed to the Ancient God.

——If he had not been at the center of that whirlpool, Li Qiong might have succeeded.

"We're here!" Elodie reminded.

At this time, not even a trace of fire could be seen on the beach, and the bombardment stopped completely. I don't know whether the fishermen's army blocked the company's attack, or whether the company occupied the beach. But now they no longer cared about this matter and plunged directly into the dark cave from mid-air.

After twists and turns, the two of them picked up the sound and found a branch of the road where Vanrik Fish was imprisoned.


"Is there anyone inside!?"

Chaoyang shouted twice, but there was no other sound except empty echoes.

"I'll take the lead." Elodie held the wind-cutting sword in hand and walked into the fork first. The darkness could not block the insight of Lingxi Vision. The two of them saw Zhou Zhi lying motionless on the ground within a few steps. Chaoyang stepped forward to help him up and found that he was not breathing and there was a penetrating wound on his back as thin as a wrist.

This injury is typical of a puncture wound inflicted by a potted monster.

"It seems you are right." Elodie looked solemn, "He was killed by a sneak attack - when the attacker shot from behind, he didn't notice at all."

"This is really troublesome. Some of the refugees have been implanted with seeds." Chaoyang immediately understood what was going on. Vanrik Fish was not alone. Who knows, there were hundreds of people at the bottom who had sneaked in. How many potential mutants have been found, "Go directly to the bottom floor, I'm worried that Van Rick has found a way into the wall!"

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