Alien paradise

Chapter 398 When God Arrives

"Just kill him, right?" Elodie raised the Wind-Slashing Sword and pointed it at Vanrick.

The angel was now full of willpower, and these two potted monsters posed no threat at all.

However, Chaoyang's attention was attracted by the heart in the other party's hand.

He saw that the almost completely black heart was covered with red snake-like patterns... and the red snake was the symbol of the god of cause and effect.

"Can you tell what is wrapped around the heart of the hunter god?"

This kind of question naturally needs to be asked to an expert.

Shiyin glanced at it a few times, "It's probably some kind of cause and effect mechanism. When the cause is satisfied, the effect will be triggered. As for what is triggered, I can't say for sure without studying it."

"Cause and effect... mechanism?" It was the first time Chaoyang heard this term.

"Well, you can think of it as a rule weapon. It calls upon the power of the order of cause and effect, and can have miraculous effects if used well."

"I see." Chaoyang already understood the answer to the previous question, "No, don't touch Vanrick yet."

And Vanrick didn't care about their whispers, "I'm a puppet? What a joke! I did everything of my own will, not controlled by anyone! On the contrary, the prophet pointed out the way for me. The people of the Acropolis are not worth saving at all - the company is the executioner, and they are not much better!"

The prophet...

Nine out of ten are referring to Li Qian Ola.

"Didn't those people fight alongside you?"

"And then watched my family die tragically across the street? I've seen the video recordings of the scene. The gang only sent a few people, and the whole street dared not speak out - not only that, they even watched the arson with a mentality of watching the excitement, just because the Yusi family is big and powerful!?" Vanrick roared loudly, completely losing his previous calmness. The only thing that remained unchanged was the black fire burning in his eyes. "But the prophet told me the secret of the heart... As long as I pray to it, the hunting god will respond to me. No matter what kind of target I want to find, it can point me in the direction! I will find the murderer myself, then peel off their skin bit by bit, and then slowly roast them over a low fire!"

No... maybe he has never changed. The flame of revenge has built up his everything. Since the death of his family, this has been his only goal. However, many fishermen did not expect that the objects of his revenge include both the company and those who stood by and watched.

All this is a trap carefully set by Li Qianang.

And the cleverness is that most of the inducements are facts.

"Hate starts from the heart... Cause and effect cannot be heard..." Elodie murmured, "So this is it..."

"What are you still in a daze! He did not get the power of the hunting god at all. This ritual will only bring the real evil god to come!" Yin Wu was anxious, "Help me!"

"Wait?" Elodie couldn't hold it back any longer. She could feel the heart beating more and more excitedly, and every thump seemed to come from her chest.

The power of evil gods is never a straightforward force. Their real fear lies in the completely incomprehensible rules.

"That's right, it's not time yet - because there is still a piece of the puzzle that hasn't been put together!"

That's the second sentence... What is pity for the world?

Is it referring to Paradise? It's very similar, but Chaoyang vaguely feels that it's not the case. What he can be sure of is that the mystery of fifteen years later does not know who will be the first to uncover the fog. If it refers to Paradise, then this puzzle lacks universality. In other words, even if he didn't come to the Acropolis, if another group of people were pulled into it, the puzzle should also have a common solution.

"Ah... It's coming." Vanrik suddenly groaned and pressed his heart against his chest. The next moment, the beating heart suddenly split into several blood vessels and pierced deeply into the body of the fisherman's boss! Everyone suddenly felt that the surroundings became much darker... Chaoyang glanced at his side with his peripheral vision and was surprised to find that the light from the glass jar was shifting towards Vanrik.

"Hey, hey, hey! This is not a joke!" Shiyin couldn't help shouting, "You don't really want to wait until he summons Wei Mi, do you? As long as the first god shows up, this world will be over, and even I can't stop it!"

"It's too late... This is the only way..."

The girl suddenly showed a resolute look, she loosened her hands that were wrestling with the black cloth, and then the cloth pierced her slender body. As blood spurted out, she took out the mist horn, turned the direction, pointed the sharp end at herself, and stabbed it hard in the abdomen!

"She wants to commit suicide?" Kokomochi was shocked, and then suddenly reacted, "No... No, this familiar feeling is-"

A large amount of white mist poured out of the horn, surrounding the girl. In this surging mist, the girl's figure grew rapidly, and in the blink of an eye she became a giant over two meters tall!

"...Senior?" Kokomochi murmured.

"Why are you here?" The Hidden Mist asked, his voice was completely different from the little girl's voice before, it sounded a little hoarse, empty and boundless, making people think of the vicissitudes of life, "Well, since you are here, you should be able to take these people away from the fog area... the more people you can live, the better."

"What do you mean?"

"The rift in the world has been torn open, and the evil god is about to invade this world... Ordinary fog can't stop that kind of power, only I can come in person. I'm glad to see you're still alive, little guy, but this should be the last time we meet, run away."

It actually called Kokomochi a little guy...

"Could it be..." Elodie has guessed the other party's identity.

The believers used their lives as a carrier to summon the God of Hidden Mist who protects the world!

"Now!" Chaoyang shouted in his heart, "Attack the God of Hidden Mist!"

"Huh?" Elodie's foot that had already stepped out suddenly stopped, and she almost fell down, "What did you say!?"

"Trust me! Attack it with all your strength, just distract it a little!"

The angel gritted her teeth and finally rushed towards the fog! The moment she spread her wings, she activated the speed of wind at the same time, and even the displacement of light seemed to stop. In this suddenly quiet space, she slashed nine swords at the huge figure in the white fog!

The storm cut into the mist like a sharp blade!

Elodie's attack seemed to have hurt a god.

It raised its hand suddenly and shot down the angel flying in the air, then shouted in shock and anger, "What are you doing!?"

Kokomochi was also dumbfounded.

In that split second, the heart completely penetrated Vanrick's body. His eyes shone with bright green light, and his hands and feet gathered like his body, like a human stake.

"Power... I feel infinite power... No one can... Wow... Ah... Ugh!"

He shouted halfway and his voice became an indistinct shout, and then everyone saw that a small obelisk grew out of his open mouth and expanded rapidly!

"Oh no-" The God of Hidden Mist drove the mist to Vanrick again, but it was too late. The top of the obelisk shone with green light, filling the entire warehouse in an instant. Under the impact of this light, Chaoyang once again experienced the scene he encountered outside the Acropolis Forest: whether it was fog or Elodie, everything seemed to be still.

"Unknown" has arrived.

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