Alien paradise

Chapter 447: Cure

"How could this happen..." Elodie said in disbelief.

The three people were all emitting the light of vitality, but from their appearance, they didn't look like normal people.

Then she saw Chaoyang looking at her in surprise.

What happened?

The angel subconsciously wanted to turn her head to look behind her, but found that her body could not be controlled as freely as usual. She looked down belatedly and saw that there were threads between her legs, as if the skin was blending and penetrating each other. There was even some epidermal mucus flowing out from the top of the shoes and began to moisten the ground!

Not good...

She stretched out her hand, and the wind-cutting sword had already condensed in her palm. Then she aimed at her feet and was about to swing the sword to cut it!

"Don't do it!" Chaoyang shouted directly with his consciousness. He stepped forward, grabbed Elodie, and opened the portal between the two worlds at the same time!

The next second, the angel and the ten-centimeter floor around her feet were teleported away together. When Elodie reacted, she was already in a strange room.

But Chaoyang did not leave.

He felt that his willpower was rapidly fading, and his hands and feet became sluggish. Perhaps the Kingdom of God, which only covered the surface, hindered the spread of this woodiness, but the influence of the mutation was still advancing. In less than ten seconds, he had already felt a sticky touch under his pants, as if the skin began to melt.

Chaoyang raised his head and saw that the three people had opened their tightly closed eyes at some point and were looking at him with horror. In their eyes, Chaoyang seemed to see his reflection after he turned into a praying man-shaped pillar.

For a moment, he suddenly realized that this extraordinary ability was not brought by the God of All Machines.

Being able to erode humans and affect the Kingdom of God is equivalent to changing the basic rules of an area. The initiators of this phenomenon are usually the gods.

After learning this, he relaxed a little.

Chaoyang's mind turned, and a bundle of high explosives appeared in his hand immediately-after he officially ascended to the God, the speed of his creation was no longer comparable, and simple objects could be summoned immediately without almost any prior preparation.

Staring at the three people, he smiled coldly and pressed the detonation button, "Don't worry, I will come back."

A ball of brilliant flames immediately engulfed him and blew the room to pieces!

The moment his body disappeared, Chaoyang's consciousness returned to Qianlin Castle. He was sweating profusely, as if he had just been fished out of the water. This was not due to nervousness, but the fact that he had consumed almost 200,000 willpower in one trip. The excessive loss of willpower also brought him a huge physical burden.

One hundred thousand is a body with the Kingdom of God.

About ten thousand is to teleport Elodie and the floor under her feet.

The rest is all the consumption caused by the confrontation with the Kingdom of God.

Just then, Chaoyang heard Elodie's anxious call, "Hey, talk, are you okay!"

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. You know, as long as there are enough clones, I can't have any problems. What about you?"

"I..." The other side hesitated unexpectedly, "It should be nothing."

Chaoyang's heart sank, "Wait a minute, I'll be there soon."

After his body recovered a little, he opened the passage between the two worlds again and returned to his residence. Elodie did not sit on the sofa waiting for him as he thought, but still lay on her side in the living room, with a few feathers scattered on the ground.

The moment she saw Chaoyang, she showed a somewhat embarrassed smile, "I wanted to stand up... Is this your home? It's simpler than I thought."

"Okay, let me see your legs." Chaoyang interrupted. He leaned down beside her and carefully examined the angel's legs... The calves that could be held in one hand before were now connected together, like a piece of dead wood fossil. Even the floor was completely integrated with her soles, and there was no gap at all.

"I can't feel them anymore..." Elodie whispered, "Fortunately, the numbness didn't spread upwards. If I had to amputate my legs, I wouldn't be considered a disabled person... After all, I can fly."

Chaoyang was silent. He couldn't imagine the lively and enthusiastic angel girl sitting in a wheelchair most of the time.

"Let me try." Pick up the sound suddenly interrupted.

Chaoyang raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Where did you go just now? The abnormal situation in the royal city should be related to the first god, why didn't you warn me in advance?"

"Didn't I warn you!" Shiyin immediately raised his voice and "roared", "I have said long ago that the later gods who abandoned the container are easily affected by the first gods, and thus become the "wounds" of the first gods' power radiating the world. You have to take over this mess. What's more, when you were in the royal city, your kingdom of God was completely suppressed, which made it impossible for me to maintain normal thinking... You can understand that it is very difficult to supply all the willpower to the kingdom of God, and there is no spare power for me to use. In short, all this is your problem!"

"Okay, okay..." Chaoyang knew that he was in the wrong, and hurriedly coaxed, "It's all my fault. See if you can cure her first."

Shiyin hummed, then crawled out from his shoulder, landed on Elodie, and wrapped her legs like transparent mucus. As the red light bloomed, countless tiny snake shadows slipped out of Shiyin's body and began to gnaw on the wooden shell on the angel's legs!

Elodie was also shocked by this scene!

She was surprised to see that the parts where the snakes had wandered had turned white as skin should be, and her numb feet gradually regained consciousness.

Chaoyang gasped for air, and sweat broke out on his forehead again, because he could feel that his willpower was rapidly decreasing. Obviously, this move consumed a lot of energy.

About thirty minutes later, Elodie's legs finally returned to their normal state, and the "sticky" wooden floor also fell off and shattered into debris.

"Wow... thank you!" The girl happily lifted up the pickup, held it in her arms and rubbed it vigorously, "You are so amazing!"

"Hmph...hehe...of course..." Mianyin looked at Chaoyang with provocative eyes, "I am a god above gods, and I cannot be lumped in with someone else."

If it were in the past, Chaoyang would have punched him with his fist, but this time for the sake of saving Elodie, he generously forgave Mianyin, "What kind of ability is this? I've never seen you use it before. ”

"Haven't you seen it? It's just that you can't recognize it when you see it. Whether it is to unify life or reverse cause and effect, it is essentially the same ability. "Time" that humans can understand is also the god of cause and effect. authority. "Shiyinwu said proudly, "To put it simply, I reversed part of the time on Miss Elodie's leg and returned it to its unalienated state. "

"Wait...just go back to before?"

"Yes, as time goes by, this alienation syndrome will still appear." Mianyin said matter-of-factly, "The cause and effect has already been formed. I can only speed up or delay its arrival, that's all."

Chaoyang was puzzled, "But Weimi managed to change the future."

"Yes, Weimi can rewrite the rules in the maze. When it glimpses a glimpse of the great power of the God of Cause and Effect, it has the ability to rewrite its own destiny." Mianyin shook his head and said, "Stop it, I know You want to say that you also hold a part of the unmysterious authority, can you achieve the same effect, right? This is obviously not feasible. First of all, your cognitive ability is not at the same level as that of the ancestors, and secondly, you cannot Analyze what kind of power the 'curse' attached to Miss Elodie belongs to. If you haven't seen or touched something, then you can't make rules for it. "

It paused for a moment before saying, "But... there is no real way to cure her. There is a source of causality. As long as you cut off the source of alienation, even if the time is up, the 'curse' will disappear because of the paradox." "

Chaoyang understood now.

The only way to cure Elodie is to completely eliminate the God of All Machines who was corrupted by the Ancestor God.

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