Alien paradise

Chapter 73 Tide of Mist could such a god exist in the world?

There is a paradox in this idea itself.

Because there are never gods first and followers later - all gods are born as a result of thousands of prayers. When the faith of the supplicants reaches a certain level, the objects of their prayers will become entities. This is eternal. reason.

In other words, there must be thousands of ordinary people who are willing to sacrifice themselves to save others before a god can appear who leads this kind of belief.

However, one such noble person is considered rare, let alone thousands?

If there really were such a group of people, then the world would not be what it is today.

Resker closed his eyes and allowed his spirit to connect with the surrounding fog, using the fog to expand his range of perception.

He "saw" the strange four-wheeled vehicle going further and further away. Even without a spiritual lamp to guide it, its direction was pointed directly at the beach to the west, as if it was not afraid of the fog at all; he "saw" the men and horses of Gaotian Mining He had already fought with three rescuers. The latter's firearms were still sharp and beat their opponents to the ground; he "saw" that some slave workers couldn't bear it and began to move towards the Glory Castle, although some people were heading in the direction of the Glory Castle. It is destined that they will never get out of the foggy area.

He also "saw" another small group of people appearing in the northeast, that is, in the remote countryside further away from the city. They approached the place where the train overturned in twos and threes, moving very quickly, and they obviously had a very detailed understanding of the terrain in the foggy area.

However, behind them, a heavy-duty train also drove out of the mining site and rushed to the accident site. This time period was obviously not suitable for transporting ore.

In addition, there are some things that he can't see but can imagine, such as the city guards who were awakened by reports overnight, and other companies that have close ties with Gaotian Mining, which will definitely take action.

For a time, this previously inaccessible area seemed to have become the center of Glory Castle. All forces were alarmed by a sudden carjacking operation and threw themselves into the vortex.

But this is not good news for the weaker side.

Whether you want to escape back to Brilliant Castle or find other ways to survive, you will face more numerous and stronger opponents. If no one helps them, less than half of them will be able to achieve their goals in the end...

Thinking of this, Reske took off the horns pinned to his waist.

This move was not part of his plan.

But after seeing these "robbers", his inner thoughts changed slightly.

——This world may not be so hopeless yet.

"Woo————————Woo——————" Reske blew the horn that only he could hear.

clang--! clang--! clang--!

The thick and continuous bells broke the silence of Brilliant Castle late at night. For the newly relocated residents, it was the first time they heard such a bell ringing. After being awakened, they could only feel irritated and annoyed. After all, it disturbed their sleep.

For the old residents who have lived here for decades, fear is their only feeling.

Sandra was also stunned on the spot.

Just ten minutes ago, she received a report from her subordinates that a train derailed in the area east of the smelter, and Gaotian Mining Company had sent people to the foggy area for rescue. In line with the fact that rescue is also one of the responsibilities of the city guard, Sandra planned to send a night patrol team to check out the situation. Unexpectedly, as soon as the personnel were gathered, the city sounded the alarm.

As the commander of the city guard, although it was her first time to hear the bell ringing, she still knew the meaning of the bell. It was precisely because of this that she doubted her ears.

Ringing the bell means that the boundary of the fog has changed significantly!

"Sir, it's not good!" Suddenly a soldier ran towards her out of breath and said intermittently, "Misty, mist, mist..."

Sandra took two steps forward and held him down, "Take a deep breath and speak slowly!"

"Yes... Phew..." the other party took a deep breath and panicked, "Sir, the fog is approaching Glory Castle!"

Her heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Why the fog moves has always been a mystery, but it does change, just as the wind calms down and stirs up huge waves. Researchers divide the fog movements observed in the past into two types. One type is similar to the tide of the sea, but the rise and fall are irregular; the other type will continue to expand until it completely engulfs an area.

"Wake up all the city guard troops and ask them to stand by in the city. You go and notify the port terminal and prepare for a large-scale evacuation!" Sandela issued several orders in one breath, and then looked at her adjutant Woody, " You follow me to the watchtower to the west! Do you hear me?"

Woody was obviously panicked, and it took him a while to respond, "Yes, I'll prepare my horse right here!"

By the time the two men rode horses and rode all the way to the foot of the watchtower, there was already a large flow of people on the street - all residents who had fled back to the city for refuge from the suburbs.

Climbing to the top of the tower, Sandra saw a breathtaking scene. Originally, she couldn't see the wall of fog from this distance, but now, the foggy area seemed to be in front of her eyes - even in the middle of the night, these thick fogs looked extremely eye-catching because of the reflection of the moonlight. They were all gray and white, towering into the clouds, like a line of fog. The cliff of Tianyuan. Even a big city like Brilliant Castle looks small and fragile in front of the fog wall.

Now, the wall of fog has approached the wheat fields and farms outside the city.

Many figures ran wildly through the night, fearing that they would be swallowed up by the fog. There is no doubt that these people include farmers and herdsmen, as well as workers in smelters and machinery factories. Fortunately, Brilliant Castle only has city walls on the south and east sides. At least these people don't have to worry about being blocked outside the city gate and unable to move.

However, there are lucky ones and unfortunate ones.

Those who are further away from the Brilliant Castle are afraid that they will be horrified to find themselves in the fog the moment they wake up.

"Has the Pillar of Blue Glory Stone been inspected?" Sandela shouted at the watchtower guard.

There are four watchtowers in Brilliant Castle. On the top of each tower stands a giant blue stone. They are surrounded by reinforced concrete. From the outside, they look like a thick stone pillar. Only inside the watchtower are there stairs leading to the top of the tower. . These four blue stones are also the foundation for Brilliant Castle to gain a foothold in the New World.

Since the larger the size of the blue radiant stone, the better the fog-repelling effect, so protecting it from anyone's destruction is also one of the main responsibilities of the city guards.

"Checked, checked! The blue radiant stone in this tower is intact, no change compared to before!" The guard replied quickly, fearing that the commander would blame him.

The spirit lamp was not damaged, which also meant that there was basically nothing they could do except wait.

Sandela slowly leaned against the wall, and the scene of the Acropolis being swallowed appeared in her mind.

It was a small coastal town in the Old World. One day, it was suddenly covered by the erupting fog. Although General Fares Ben dispatched elite troops to rush for reinforcements, all everyone could do was watch it completely disappear into the fog. From that day on, the Acropolis seemed to disappear from the world.

And she is one of the witnesses.

Compared to the Acropolis, the Brilliant Castle is larger and has giant blue stone pillars as a barrier, but if the foggy area continues to expand, it will be a matter of time before it disappears completely - because once the surrounding sea area is covered by the fog, traffic will be cut off. It is impossible for the Brilliant Castle on the line to be maintained by its own resources, and sooner or later it will become a dead city.

"Sir, what should we do?" the adjutant couldn't help but ask.

"We can only wait," Shantara replied in a low voice. "If we wait until the tide moves, then the Brilliant Castle will naturally still exist. If not..." She paused for a moment, "Then we can only organize a mass migration of residents. .”

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