Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 699 Men’s Room

The headquarters of the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce is not far from the traffic jam, and it only takes ten minutes to reach it on foot... But the closer they get to the target, the slower the relative distance between the three of them and the target shrinks. After all, they were apparently here to participate in the ethnic costume exhibition. If they walked straight towards the headquarters of the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce, they would inevitably attract the attention of the spies planted around them by the remnants of the heretical sect.

When passing by the intersection where the traffic accident occurred, Ke Lan deliberately slowed down... This was a rear-end accident. From the description passed down by passers-by, we can know that the air compressor of a small hoverboard failed. , the weight of the entire car suddenly rested on the four tires embedded in the chassis... Generally speaking, even without an air cushion, an air-cushion car can still be driven as an ordinary car. At most, it will be slower and consume more energy. That's all, but I prefer to die. This hovercar is seriously overloaded, and there are four rubber speed bumps paved at that intersection.

The wheels of the hovercar were directly embedded in the depressions between the speed bumps, and the entire vehicle was stuck in place.

Following this hovercar was a dump truck driving out of the industrial park - the driver's seat of this kind of car is very high, and the two or three meters in front of the front of the car are completely in the driver's field of vision... ...The driver completely failed to notice that the hover vehicle in front had malfunctioned. By the time he realized something was wrong and stepped on the brakes, most of the hover vehicle had been crushed under the chassis of the dump truck.

Except for two official managers wearing dark blue uniforms and orange vests, most of the people responsible for handling the scene were a group of civilians wearing gray-green jackets. This group of people quickly formed a cordoned off area at the accident site. , when Ke Lan walked here, they happened to use hydraulic shear to open the deformed car body, and dragged the dead and injured out of the crushed hovercar.

But what puzzled Ke Lan was that this group of people did not even perform temporary rescue work, or even stop the bleeding of the injured, but stuffed the injured and the lifeless corpses into a black air-cushion vehicle. , and drove away from the scene in a hurry.

"What's going on?" Ke Lan couldn't help but frown, and asked in a low voice using the hidden throat microphone.

"The owner of the hovercar that caused the accident is the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce... Although the identities of the people in the car are temporarily unknown, they are inseparable from the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce. As for those wearing gray-green jackets, they are also employees of the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce. . Due to the shortage of manpower, the management department and the relatively powerful enterprises in the economic development zone have signed agreements to assist in management, and these enterprises will provide their own people to assist the official personnel in managing the traffic and public security in the surrounding areas." Aya quickly said replied in the communication channel.

"I see this group of people are so eager to carry away the dead and injured... Could it be that there are 'containers' of erosion seeds among these people?" Ke Lan muttered in a low voice.

"Is it possible...did you bring active ammunition?" Aya asked.

"Not much, but enough." After losing his living armor, Ke Lan no longer has the ability to tear apart the Seed of Corrosion with his hands. If he wants to completely kill a Seed of Corrosion, he must either use active ammunition, or he can only use those A melee weapon made from stalagmite fragments.

He brought a total of thirty rounds of concentrated version of active ammunition. One round was enough to "poison" a Corrosion Seed. In addition, there was also a deer hunting knife with stalagmite fragments melted into the blade, which was tied to Ke Lan's hand. On the inside of the forearm, you only need to push it gently outside the sleeve to remove the sheath.

"Be vigilant... From here on, the nearby properties are basically owned by the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce." Aya reminded.

"What about that national costume exhibition?" Ke Lan asked again.

"The organizer has no direct relationship with the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce... but the venue for the exhibition is provided by the Tower of Babel, so we must not take it lightly."


The three of them walked in a circle as if they were strolling, and then turned into a department store just one street away from the headquarters of the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce.

Like complete strangers, the three of them took three different elevators to reach the top floor. After walking around in the men's clothing store, Ke Lan and Akira Asano walked in tacitly. In the same men's room. Aya, who was silently following the two of them, twitched the corners of her eyes slightly, and walked over bravely.

However, before entering the men's restroom, she first asked someone from the Information Department of the Security Bureau to blackout the camera on the top floor of the mall for ten seconds, and then took out a sign from the sink saying "This restroom is under maintenance, please do not enter." on the door handle, and then quickly locked the toilet door.

However, just when Aya turned around, she happened to see a strange man in front of the urinal holding his pants with both hands and shaking his face a few times.

The man heard the sound of the door closing, turned his head, and met Aya's eyes.

He was stunned for a moment, then his eyes quickly swept up and down Aya's body, and finally landed on the locked toilet door... The next second, an inexplicable and strange look appeared on him. his face.

"Miss, this is the men's room, may I ask..."

Before he could finish his words, someone hit him hard on the back of his head, and his whole body fell softly.

Ke Lan grabbed his sides and gently laid him down on the ground.

"Are you too hasty? You didn't even make sure there was anyone in the toilet, so you just barged in..." Ke Lan complained.

"Why didn't you two tell me there was someone in the toilet?" Aya asked in turn.

"But we didn't tell you that there was no one in the toilet... By the way, what should we do with this person?" Ke Lan pointed at the fainted man.

If he were a member of a heretical sect, this guy's life would definitely be in danger... But Ke Lan was not so crazy as to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

As for the Security Bureau, although there have been rumors among the people that they are a group of cold-blooded executioners who would rather kill a thousand people by mistake than let one go, there is still a big discrepancy between the facts and the rumors.

It is true that the field agents of the Security Bureau do have a certain amount of "manslaughter quota", but they will be held accountable for using this privilege indiscriminately... There are cold-blooded killers like the rumors, but the number is very small, and such Agents are usually only sent to the wilderness to perform tasks... After all, there are no "innocents" in the exile settlement.

The vast majority of Security Bureau agents still belong to the good and lawful camp, and when performing tasks, they will try their best not to affect irrelevant people.

Especially Aya... In addition to being serious and responsible, her kindness is also well-known in the bureau.

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