Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 891 The Nightmare of Thirty-Three

The dispute between father and son soon began to turn into a quarrel. The mother's efforts to persuade him were of no avail. The father began to roar, while the boy resisted crying and retorted... As an audience member, Ke Lan could only sit on the opposite side of the table. , nothing can be done.

He doesn't even have an "entity" in this illusion.

There was no such thing as "family" in Ke Lan's memory, and he didn't quite know how to deal with the relationship between father and son in an ordinary family. But looking at the matter, he felt that the views of both father and son were correct.

It's just that one is a complete realist, while the other is an idealist with a hint of naivety.

"In your opinion, neither of them is wrong, so who is wrong?" Nieto's joking voice came to Ke Lan's ears, "Is it the world that is wrong?"

"No, there is no right or wrong in the world itself." Nieto then asked and answered himself, "What is wrong is the stupid and lazy species of human beings."

"Keep talking, I'm listening." Ke Lan responded in a nonchalant tone. Across the table, the quarrel between father and son continued to escalate. The father angrily threw his chopsticks on the table, and one of them One stick bounced up high and fell to the ground, while the other stuck diagonally into the fish soup on the table, and the milky-white soup splashed all over the three of them.

"The people above are only interested in pursuing personal gain and fighting for power. To them, ordinary people are just livestock raised in captivity, a kind of 'resource' that can be digitized. As long as they can be fed, there will be no more Problem. And the people below are content with the status quo, numb and dull. Even if they have some free time while trying to survive, they just want to use vulgar and low-level entertainment to numb their nerves... Do you think, such a race , is there any future?"

Nieto continued: "Do you know why there are so many dictators in human history? It's not because those dictators are so powerful and can use a few to control the majority... It's just because the majority... are stupid, Lazy, unwilling to think or take responsibility, the people prefer to have a 'leader' to help them do everything well, and they just need to live step by step like domestic animals."

The boy stood up from his seat, yelled at his father a few words, and then ran back to the room. The flow of time suddenly began to speed up, and in the blink of an eye, the boy had turned into a young man in his late thirties.

The boy started to start a business in partnership with his friends... He was not a "second generation", and his assets and connections were very few. All he had was passion and hard work... In order to save money, he didn't even have two yuan. I can't bear to take the public transportation, so I ride a shared bicycle every day to and from my work and residence, which is a full 20 kilometers away. Sometimes I even sleep in the company. Daily food and clothing are all at the minimum standard...

But just when the boy was desperately trying to reduce his living costs and invest the only funds he had in starting a business, his friend took the entrepreneurial funds borrowed from the bank and ran to a city called Lisboa to gamble. He even kept several beautiful young girls... Things were soon revealed. The boy's friend was imprisoned after enjoying a life of luxury for half a year, but the company they founded also went bankrupt.

Half of those loans were borrowed in the boy's name, but the money could no longer be recovered. Even though the boy had done nothing wrong, he was still saddled with an unbearable debt.

"No, he still did something wrong." Nieto explained like a narrator, "He shouldn't trust his friends... Friends are just an invention invented by human beings to cover up the relationship between individuals. Words... In human society, the cheapest thing is friends. Many people think that connections are a very important resource, but this kind of thing... is essentially just a platform for transactions. You Without valuable chips in hand, no matter how many 'friends' you have, it is useless. People use each other, suspect each other, hate each other... deception, plunder, war, killing... in a handful of human beings Over thousands of years of history, a lot of time and resources have been wasted in meaningless internal friction. I even think that if a group of bees ruled the earth, maybe they would do better than humans... At least, bees would not They will kill each other because of their own selfish desires.”

"You have said so much just to tell me that the world is not worth it, so that I can quickly fall into the arms of that god...right?" Ke Lan said in a tone without any emotion.

Nieto did not continue speaking, apparently acquiescing.

"If I don't agree, are you going to keep me trapped in this illusion?" Ke Lan asked again.

"I'm not trying to force you, I just want you to make the right choice."

"Then save your energy... don't bother me anymore." After Ke Lan said that, he stopped paying attention to Nieto and focused on the illusion itself.

There must be a way to break the illusion, whether it is a physical means or a mental level... As long as you can find the flaw, you may be able to follow the clues and discover the hidden "back door"... From a conceptual point of view, this is true It is very similar to the hacker Ke Lan once worked as, except that the hacker is faced with a bunch of computer programs composed of 1s and 0s, while Ke Lan is faced with a realistic illusion reconstructed from his own memory fragments. .

Compared to Ke Lan's fantasy, the scene thirty-three encountered could be described as a nightmare.

His consciousness fell into a fugue at first, and when he regained consciousness again, he suddenly found himself lying on a simple folding bed. The wind leaking in from the outside scratched the edge of the tent's gap, making a sharp whine... Thirty-three, a carp jumped up from the folding bed, first stretched out his hand and groped around on his body for a while.

All the black flying blades have disappeared, and his clothes have been replaced by an old training uniform from the Field Corps. A Zero-1 rifle with a lot of tactical kits installed is leaning next to the folding bed. , the gun is in a loaded state and can be fired at any time as long as the safety is turned on.

Thirty-three felt his scalp numb. He hurriedly pulled out the magazine and pushed out a "special armor-piercing bullet" with the front end painted pure black.

The cost of this special armor-piercing bullet is as much as that of an original Type 01 rifle. The reason is that the warhead of this bullet is forged from Nino alloy with a purity of up to 30%. It is the best type of armor-piercing bullet that can be distributed to the field corps.

Thirty-three didn’t know why there was such an expensive bullet in his magazine, but he just remembered that it was in the magazine... It was as if this memory had been edited and inserted into his brain... It just made it so What made him feel a chill down his spine was that he couldn't sense the Nino alloy in the warhead.

He held this special armor-piercing bullet in the palm of his hand and tried to levitate the bullet, but no matter how hard he tried, the bullet would not move at all.

The familiar feeling disappeared completely, as if everything that had happened was a dream.

He was not transferred away, his troops were not wiped out, he was not transferred to become a relic hunter, and he did not encounter any of the strange things that happened later... Everything was just a long nightmare.

Thirty-three rubbed his temples vigorously, took the military kettle on the table, unscrewed the cap, and took a sip.

There is a hint of sourness in the water. This is a medicinal powder used to purify drinking water in field operations. This medicinal powder is difficult to filter and greatly affects the taste of the water. However, between being unpalatable and polluted, as long as one has a normal mind, People will choose the former.

Thirty-three was sitting on the edge of the bed. He only felt that his memory was in chaos. He seemed to be unable to distinguish the boundary between reality and illusion... He was somewhat confused as to which of the blurry images in his memory were real. , which are Huangliang Yimeng...

He took another sip of water, and the cold liquid slid down his throat, making him shudder involuntarily... At this moment, a shrill siren suddenly sounded outside the tent!

Thirty-three's muscle memory allowed him to grab the rifle in his hand in an instant, but just when he was about to rush out of the tent, he caught a glimpse of a military multi-functional protective suit hanging nearby from the corner of his eye.

Although he could no longer remember where he was, these protective clothing had obvious traces of daily wear - this was not a spare piece of equipment, but something he took off and hung there before lying down to rest.

He raised his wrist and glanced at the dial - this kind of field combat smart watch integrates multiple functions. In addition to telling time, it can also be used as a simple Geiger counter and air toxic substance detector. Although the accuracy is not very high, it is enough for field legionnaires who often need to fight in the wilderness.

The radiation level in the tent is not low. Although it is not enough to cause obvious discomfort, if you live in such an environment for a long time and do not inject Qingfu Ning regularly, you will inevitably suffer from chronic radiation sickness - even in the tent. The environment is like this, you can imagine what it is like outside.

Thirty-three, three, five, and two times, I put on the protective clothing and fastened the breathing mask... At this time, shouts and chaotic gunshots could be heard outside the tent.

Where are you?

With this thought in mind, Thirty-three tore open the tent door glued with magic buckles, bent down and got out.

The camp is located on a wasteland, and the lead-gray clouds above the head are smeared with dim moonlight - on Alpha Star, no stars can be seen at night, not even Alpha Star's only two satellites, "Double Moon". see. All that could be seen was a wisp of light seeping through the thick clouds.

The gunshots and shouts came from the outside of the camp. Thirty-three wanted to find someone nearby to ask, but found that several tents nearby had their lights off. It was not clear whether the people inside had gone out or He was so soundly asleep that he was not awakened by the sound of gunfire.

Thirty-three did not rush to support the battlefield ahead, but quickly walked to the tent closest to him, tore open the tent door, and at the same time turned on the tactical flashlight inserted on the rail of the handguard.

This tent was several times larger than the one Sanshisan woke up in. In the center of the tent were several tables put together and covered with white cloth. The table was filled with shelves for placing test tubes and flasks, but these shelves had been overturned at this time. Broken glass residue and chemical preparations could be seen everywhere on the table and on the ground. Some corrosive liquids even Several large irregular holes were burned into the white tablecloth.

As the light beam of the tactical flashlight moved to the ground, Thirty-three saw the second person besides himself after he woke up - it was a person wearing a full set of white protective clothing, lying face down on the ground... He His body seemed to be very thin and could not hold up the large protective clothing at all... Thirty-three always felt that when this white protective clothing was worn on this person, it was like being put on a skeleton frame.

"Hello? Are you okay?" Thirty-three did not approach rashly. He shined a flashlight around the person and asked the person without finding the third person.

I asked three times in a row, raising my voice gradually, but there was still no response from the other party.


With such doubts in mind, Thirty-three stepped forward slowly, pulled out the bayonet hanging from his waist, and put the bayonet on the muzzle of the gun.

He stood half a meter away from the man in white and turned the other man's body over with his bayonet.

The weight on the gun butt is very light... This person is obviously at least about 1.8 meters tall, but his weight seems to be less than ten kilograms...

The head of the man in white is also wearing the same respirator mask as Thirty-Three, but there are a lot of problems on the edge of the respirator mask - the flesh and blood on this man's face has disappeared, and what is wrapped under the hood of the protective suit is A pale skull with two black eye sockets stared directly at Thirty-Three, which made Thirty-Three feel a hair in his heart.

Just when Thirty-three was about to bend down to inspect the body, the body suddenly trembled. He jumped back like a reflex and picked up the gun in his hand.

The fake corpse did not appear, and the corpse that had turned into a skeleton did not get up... but the breathing mask on the skeleton's face was pushed away, and then countless rats came out of the skeleton's eye sockets and nose holes. And it came out of the mouth!

These mice were naked, without any hair, their skin was pale, and the purple blood vessels under the skin were clearly visible. They seemed to be newborn mice... Their eyes exuded a faint red light in the dark, even if there was no light source. Can see clearly.

Thirty-three suddenly realized where he was!

Deep in the Prismatic Basin! That very famous heavy radiation area on Alpha Star!

He is performing a escort mission, and the target of the mission is a research team from the institute... and their research topic is mice that have mutated due to radiation!

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