Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 923 Extra Chapter:

"Chemical experimental equipment?" After hearing this word, the boss paused the game and raised his head, "Are you a pharmacist?"

In the black market, "pharmacist" is a great profession... The "pharmacist" here does not refer to the kind of person who knows how to prepare various medicines, but a "slang" that represents an illegal profession.

In layman's terms, people who can be called "pharmacists" in the black market... nine out of ten are actually "drug makers."

People with this skill are quite popular...but on the contrary, such people often mean "trouble".

The boss looked at the door warily, then waved to Ishikawa Teru and said, "Let's talk later."

The boss led Ishikawa Teru to the back room, took out a suitcase made of engineering plastic that was placed on the top of the cabinet, and carefully pushed it in front of Ishikawa Teru.

"This is a set of standard equipment that can support all experiments of Class B or below... Of course, if you don't care about standards so much, you want to use this set of equipment to prepare some...'that thing'...that's totally fine. No problem." The boss lowered his voice and said to Ishikawa Teru.

Ishikawa Teru reached out and wiped off the thick layer of dust on the suitcase, revealing a trademark - it is an instrument produced by "Precision Industry". In addition to manufacturing weapons, this company also has expertise in high-precision glassware. The only disadvantage of dabbling is that the products are priced too high, making it difficult for ordinary people to afford their products.

"How much?" Ishikawa Teru asked.

"Twelve thousand credits, or something I think is equivalent." The boss replied decisively.

"I don't have that much money..." Ishikawa Teru frowned, "Can you find me a cheaper set of equipment?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I don't ask you to pay it all in one go." The boss waved his hands repeatedly, "You can pay a deposit first, and then use the medicine produced by this set of equipment to exchange for the remaining difference. After the difference is paid off, it It’s yours.”

Ishikawa Teru was stunned for a moment. He quickly understood what his boss meant. This guy wanted him to help him concoct illegal drugs for profit... Although Ishikawa Teru was not very disgusted with this kind of legal gray area, But the problem is that he is not a real pharmacist.

"Boss, you may have misunderstood, I am not the kind of pharmacist you think..."

This time, it was the boss's turn to be stunned: "You... you don't know how to make that kind of thing? That's weird. You don't know how to make medicine. What do you want this set of things for?"

"Do something... uh, something more important." Ishikawa Teru said vaguely. In the black market, everyone has their own secrets. If the boss wants to get to the bottom of it, then he is ignorant.

"Are you really not a pharmacist?" The boss's expression suddenly turned cold. "You want this thing... and it's not for making medicine?"

"No." Ishikawa Teru shook his head.

"Then how much can you pay?" The boss gave Ishikawa Teru an annoyed look and brought the box back to the top of the cabinet.

"I don't have any money with me," Ishikawa Teru said, "I'll take something in exchange."

"Oh? What can you bring out? Don't tell me it's just that set of tattered clothes... The value of this thing is far less than a set of experimental equipment." The boss looked Ishikawa Teru up and down.

Ishikawa Hui groped around on himself, then pulled a ring from his finger, put it on the table, and asked, "How much is this diamond ring worth?"

This is the engagement ring between Ishikawa Teru and his girlfriend, but for Ishikawa Teru now, this diamond ring is not as important as a glass beaker.

"It's not worth anything." The boss shrugged with disdain, "Only the fools of the old era and those stupid women in the upper class who pursue a sense of ritual would regard the simple substance of carbon as a gem with a continuous value... In this day and age, how can A diamond is not a mass-produced product coming off an industrial assembly line? As for the cut, that kind of added value is not worth a penny to me... If you have a diamond industrial drill bit, maybe you can exchange it for something... ...Diamond ring, huh, only the silver ring at the bottom can be sold for some money based on its weight. As for the 'glass shard' on top, it's too hard to feed a dog."

Ishikawa Teru thought for a while, took out his information terminal and placed it on the table: "How much is the latest terminal worth?"

"Hmm... this thing is of some value. Is there any personal information in it? Is your identity clean? Is there any criminal record?" The boss picked up the information terminal and looked at it for a few times before asking.

In this era, there are two types of information terminal sales. One is to sell only the machine, which is equivalent to selling mobile phones in the old era; the other is to sell the identity information in the terminal together. This kind of transaction is just like selling mobile phones in the old era. Just like people selling ID cards, people will only resort to this strategy when they are desperate.

"I took away the chip, and there is only the machine." Ishikawa Teru emphasized again, "This is the top model of Snapdragon Technology, and it comes with an anti-tracking function."

"I know, I know...but the problem is, you know electronic products...every time they are idle for a year, the price will drop a lot. It's hard to sell a top-end machine like yours Let me tell you, when I accept terminals, I usually only accept the ones with identity information. I really don’t have much interest in a business like a whiteboard computer that will most likely ruin the business.”

"But..." the boss changed the topic, "I have a set of incomplete equipment. If you don't mind it, you can..."

Thirty minutes later, Ishikawa Teru walked out of the acquisition house.

He changed his outfit. The original crisp imitation cashmere windbreaker was replaced by a workwear cotton jacket with a lot of mildew and stains. The wide-brim hat was replaced by a gray woolen hat, and the pants were replaced by a gray woolen hat. It turned into a pair of thick washed denim jeans, with only the leather boots on my feet. The boss couldn't find the right size, so I didn't change them.

But the way he looks now, he has blended in perfectly into the crowd. Just looking at his clothes, he looks like an aboriginal from the slums.

He held the bag of cold bread in his right hand and a cyan plastic box in his left hand. He looked around on the street for a while, and then walked towards a hotel with a crooked sign that almost fell to the ground.

There were still a few coins in Ishikawa Teru's pocket - that was the "money" given to him by the boss of the buying house after he sold all the things he could sell. People without information terminals cannot use credit points. For security reasons, Ark officials have never transplanted the face-swiping payment technology that has been very mature in the old era to credit points. Without the information terminal, even if there are hundreds of millions in the account You can't get the points from the plan either (miniature information terminals implanted in the body didn't become popular until after the 370th year of the New Era).

These coins are "restricted currencies" that can only be used in this black market. They are issued by the power behind the black market. They are a "financial alliance" composed of four large consortiums, which are strong enough to carry out transactions for this restricted currency. Endorsement... Unfortunately, apart from formal bonds and shares, Ark officials never endorse any currency privately issued by these consortiums.

Ishikawa Teru opened a room with two fifty credit coins. As soon as the hotel attendant who led the way left, he immediately locked the door and then quickly checked the privacy of the room to make sure there were no cameras or After checking the monitor, he placed the bread bag and box on the table.

Ishikawa Teru did not rush to open the box, but took out the pen and paper he carried with him from his pocket, put it on the bedside table, and then climbed onto the bed without taking off his shoes.

That familiar feeling had hit him a few minutes ago, which was why he was so anxious to find a hotel.

Ishikawa Teru adjusted his breathing, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he fell directly into a dream.

The scenes in the dream were extremely familiar to him... He had had similar dreams more than once. Whenever that familiar feeling of heart palpitations appeared, he knew that he was going to have a similar dream again.

Ishikawa Teru's consciousness did not fall into a state of confusion like ordinary people dreaming, but became more and more awake. In the dream, he was in an extremely spacious laboratory, and the table was filled with countless experimental equipment—— He knew some of them, but he had never even seen more of the experimental equipment, let alone naming them.

Beside the table is a three-meter-high freezer with a transparent door. The freezer is neatly filled with glass tubes containing reagents. Some of the glass tubes are also soaked with things that appear to be biological tissues.

There are many people busy in the laboratory. Some of these people are conducting experiments, and some are walking back and forth between the experimental tables... But when Ishikawa Teru saw these people, they were all blurry and gray. He couldn't see their faces clearly, couldn't see their clothes clearly, and couldn't even tell how many arms they had.

Ishikawa Teru has had this dream many times, and he knows very well that these vague figures will not have any intersection with him... They can't see the existence of Ishikawa Teru at all, and Ishikawa Teru will not have any reaction when he tries to communicate with them. , once again, Ishikawa Teru even planned to have "physical contact" with one of the figures, but his hand went directly through the figure's body... These figures seemed to be really just shadows.

Of course, in dreams, this kind of thing can only be said to be completely normal and nothing to be surprised about.

In the dream, Ishikawa Teru seemed to be a passerby, a bystander...but it didn't seem to be completely like this. The experimental table in front of him seemed to be prepared for him. No one had ever occupied this experimental table. Under normal circumstances, no one will touch the things on the experimental bench.

There is another point that can make Ishikawa Teru convinced that this experimental table is his "exclusive" - ​​he cannot pick up or touch things on other experimental tables, only the things on this "exclusive" experimental table belong to him Those who can interfere, other experimental platforms are just like those figures, he can see but cannot touch.

The first few times he entered this dreamland, Ishikawa Teru would still look around like a curious child, but now, he seemed to be familiar with it, and he directly picked up a notebook on the table and started reading.

The notes were written in a language he had never heard of, but the amazing thing was that Ishikawa Teru in the dream could completely understand the text, but when he woke up from the dream, he wanted to paraphrase the text. When he came out, he couldn't write anything down... Only the contents of the notes remained in his mind.

"Sure turns out that this is how it was can still be like this..."

While reading, Ishikawa Teru sighed repeatedly - every time he entered the dreamland, there would be more content in the notes, and the extra content could just solve the difficulties he encountered in the "experiment".

Ishikawa Teru eagerly read the extra content in the notes several times, and then practiced it on the experimental table - he skillfully cut open the abdominal cavity of a white mouse, took out the internal organs, and then removed another He fished out the biological tissue soaked in a glass jar, stuffed it into the vacant positions, and then connected the nerves and blood vessels... His movements were clever and precise, and his ten fingers could operate several scalpels, scissors, and scissors at the same time. Tweezers does not look like a professor of linguistics at all, but more like a senior surgeon who has been immersed in clinical practice for decades.

The white mouse, whose body had gradually become cold, suddenly moved, and then its limbs began to move slowly - the tissues that Ishikawa Teru had "filled" in it seemed to have given the dead white mouse a new life, giving it a new life. The corpse moved miraculously.

"It's really long as 'seeds' can be cultivated...human beings can live forever...this theory can be applied to humans...those materials...there are completely substitutes for those materials on the Ark..."

Ishikawa Teru looked at the mouse crawling around on the table with some excitement, and said incoherently - at this moment, the dream suddenly woke up.

He jumped up from the bed with a sudden jerk, grabbed the pen and paper that had been prepared by the bedside, and started recording quickly.

But what Ishikawa Teru didn't notice was that in the corner of the room, there was an extra person sitting quietly in the shadows watching him.

The friction sound of the pen tip and the paper suddenly stopped. Ishikawa Teru suddenly turned his head and met the sinister gaze. He stuffed the paper into his mouth, turned over and jumped to the other side of the bed. On one side, he stared at the other person warily and asked, "Who are you? What are you going to do?"

The other party took a deep look at Ishikawa Teru, and then said: "I am... the same type of person as you."

"What do you mean by the same kind of people?" Ishikawa Teru frowned. He had already secretly decided in his heart that if the other party made the slightest move, he would immediately swallow the paper ball in his mouth.

"I will also have those dreams you often have...those dreams gave me knowledge that does not belong to human beings, and asked me to use this knowledge to change human beings." The other party said slowly.

[P.S. This side story should be over in one or two chapters, and it will return to the main content soon. It just so happens that my body has almost recovered. Although the antigen has not turned negative, the symptoms have basically disappeared, leaving only fatigue and fatigue easily... I heard that it will take at least a month to recover...

Oh, and one more thing, even if you don’t do strenuous exercise and are just playing games, as soon as your heart rate increases, you will immediately feel out of breath... I don’t know if this is normal or not. Do you have this symptom? 】

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