Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 929 Deep Diving Capsule

Ke Lan still can't figure out what is hidden in the starry sky...

He had to admit that the bright and boundless sea of ​​stars was indeed fascinating, but if what he desired most in his consciousness was definitely not exploring the endless universe, but...


Ke Lan himself was a little stunned. He couldn't think of what he wanted most for a while.

that power? status? wealth? Beauty? A stable life and like-minded partners?

It seems... neither.

Ke Lan suddenly realized that his subconscious seemed to be driving him along the way... Whether he was seeking those secrets or constantly exploring dangerous ruins... But when he wanted to delve deeper into the When it is mysterious, that strange desire will evaporate quickly like water stains under the hot sun, leaving no trace.

Just like the "Sage Moment", there is only an empty brain left. That feeling of confusion can even make Ke Lan have a strong sense of unreality, as if he is half dreaming and half awake, all his thoughts are so... It's confusing and devoid of any logic.

But if he doesn't focus on this, this subconscious desire will drive him... to do things that are simply impossible to do with his true heart...

Ke Lan suddenly felt like a puppet on strings, as if someone was controlling him secretly.

This kind of manipulation is more like a subtle psychological suggestion. Even if Ke Lan has realized that something is wrong, it is difficult for him to break away from it.

He suddenly understood why the monster who called himself "Seraph" called himself a shell... There seemed to be another person sealed in his subconscious...

Although Ke Lan is an atheist and prefers to use words like "consciousness" and "idea" to describe that kind of thing rather than the word "soul", he now feels that in this place, the word "soul" Words cannot be replaced.

"It seems that there is another person's soul sealed in his subconscious."

Ke Lan really wanted to pull this person's "soul" out of his brain... But this thing is like the "inspiration" that the creator often talks about. When he doesn't think about it, it seems to follow him. The shadow behind a person is usually looming, but when you want to catch it, your brain will go blank in an instant, and the more you think about it, the more you can't understand it.

Ke Lan could only give up.

On the other hand, Thirty-Three's desires and fears are actually easy to understand... He envies Ke Lan very much, and the power and companions Ke Lan has... Thirty-Three once had these things. At that time, as the captain of the Velociraptor Squad, he once had a strength that he could be proud of among many elite units. The Velociraptor Squad's mission completion rate and member survival rate had firmly occupied the top spot among the special teams of the field corps for many years.

He also had subordinates and brothers who believed in him. He once believed that as long as the Velociraptor team got together, there was no mission that could not be completed - until the last mission, the entire Velociraptor team was almost After the group was destroyed, Thirty-three realized that his previous thoughts were just a beautiful dream.

While he longed for strength and truth, he also missed those comrades who had passed away... At this time, Ke Lan and the Hunting God Hunting Group appeared in front of him, and he naturally transferred this emotion to Ke Lan.

Facing Ke Lan's power, in addition to envy, there was also a trace of fear hidden deep in his heart that was difficult to remove. As a "power user", Thirty-three himself knew very well what Ke Lan possessed. The power was beyond the control of humans... Although Ke Lan was not an enemy, he had thought more than once about what would happen if he and Ke Lan were on opposite sides.

What he saw in the dome... was Ke Lan, just the "monster version" of Ke Lan abstracted by his inner emotions.

It was precisely because of this that he launched a desperate attack on Ke Lan - he knew very well that the person in front of him was Ke Lan who had walked here with him, but his distorted cognition was constantly conveying a message to Thirty-Three : Ke Lan must be killed, otherwise it will lead to an unimaginable ending.

Sansan San doesn't know what this unimaginable ending is... The subconscious never gives people a specific concept, but it can guide people emotionally, even if Sansan knows nothing about it, he They will also extremely resist the coming of that "end".

"It seems that as long as the mind is firm enough, the influence of the dome will be weakened to the greatest extent... No, no, no matter how firm the mind is, it is useless. The dome can fundamentally change people's cognition, and a firm mind will actually change it. It will become a side effect, just like Thirty-Three, his mind cannot be said to be unsteady, but after being affected by the dome, it turned into 'firmly wanting to kill me'..." Ke Lan secretly analyzed in his heart .

"Your idea is not wrong." Nieto said. Even in this state, it can still peek into Ke Lan's thinking. "Only the simplest people can not be affected by the dome."


"Literally, it means a person who is like a piece of blank paper, with no desire or fear in his heart... People who can achieve the true meaning of 'Gujing Wubo', who will not have any emotional fluctuations in everything... They When you look at the dome, you only see the dome as it is,” Nieto explained.

"For example... a newborn baby, or some mentally retarded person?"

"Absolutely...but even babies can be afraid of things, and people with intellectual disabilities can also have joys and sorrows...then they are not immune," Nieto said.

"So... there is only artificial intelligence. The reason why you will not be affected by the dome is because your emotions are simulated by the personality module, right?"


"Okay, thank you for your answer. I'm going down now. If I can come back, I'd like to talk to you again." After Ke Lan finished speaking, he walked towards the metal cylinder.

"Are you lying to me?!" Nieto's voice became sharp and harsh, "No, no, I have been monitoring your thoughts. Every word you just said is consistent with your inner thoughts... ...You have obviously given up on entering Genting, why? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Because I know you can spy on my thinking... As the saying goes, if you want to make others believe a lie, you must first deceive yourself." Ke Lan twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a somewhat unnatural expression. With a smile, "To be honest, it's a bit difficult to deceive yourself... but the effect seems to be okay."

Nieto: "...How do you conceal your true thoughts? Theoretically, this is impossible..."

"You just need to tell me how to open this passage, and I will tell you how I did it." Ke Lan said, "I promise I will not break my promise."

"Impossible." Nieto refused flatly. "I'm warning you one last time. Entering Cloud Top will cause unpredictable disasters... It's the same for you and the nest."

"Then you're of no use anymore. I think it's better to kill you... Although it may waste some time, I have plenty of time now."

"Wait a minute," Nieto felt Ke Lan's real murderous intention and knew that this sentence was more than just a verbal threat, "I...I can agree to your conditions. You can enter Genting, but you also have to agree. One thing for me."

"Let's talk about it. If it makes sense, we can consider it." Ke Lan nodded.

"After entering the cloud top, be sure not to try to modify history." Nieto said, "Especially those space debris that are still in time half a million years ago... Any interference you have with it may trigger butterflies. effect."

"Okay, I can promise you this. Those space debris that stayed in time half a million years ago are inherently dangerous. Of course I will try to avoid them if I can, but if I accidentally bump into them, then I will also There's no way... As for how I hide my true thoughts, it's very simple -" Ke Lan pointed at his head, "There is an area in my head that I can't pry into, and I don't think you can see it either. To get things there, I only need to 'store' a small part of my thoughts there, and then follow the guidance of my subconscious. Just like a robot with a preset action route, I don't need to think, I just need to accept what comes from my subconscious. Just follow the instructions. Okay, it's your turn to answer how to open this channel."

As soon as Ke Lan finished speaking, the metal cylinder in front of him cracked in half, revealing a "transparent capsule" hidden inside. This capsule was just the right size to accommodate an adult man. Ke Lan thought for a moment and He stretched out his hand.

The shell of the capsule is a layer of something that looks like silicone but feels like soap bubbles. Ke Lan's hand passed through the capsule shell without any hindrance and entered the inside of the capsule.

The inside of the capsule was filled with viscous liquid. Ke Lan absorbed a small amount of this liquid through the living armor and found that its composition was very close to LCL "Water of Life", which is a substance that can be used to maintain the respiration and nutritional supply of living organisms.

After confirming that there was no mechanism, Ke Lan stepped into the inside of the capsule. When his whole body was immersed in the liquid inside the capsule, the shell of the capsule quickly hardened and turned into a real silicone-like texture, wrapping Ke Lan in it.

"If you want to enter the cloud top, you must use the deep-diving capsule." Nieto said, "This is the last deep-diving capsule in the nest. I want to confirm it to you for the last time. You..."

Before Nieto finished speaking, Ke Lan interrupted: "I won't change my mind. Don't waste your breath. Don't think that wasting the last capsule will prevent me from entering the cloud top. The living armor can definitely do it." Simulate this capsule."

Nieto didn't speak anymore. The baffle at the bottom of the metal cylinder opened, and a deep passage appeared at Ke Lan's feet. The surface of the deep-diving capsule began to secrete a lubricant. The next second, the entire capsule quickly slid in. In the passage, it slid deeper.

The channel is almost vertical, but the wall of the channel does not look like rock, nor does it look like metal... Instead, it looks like some kind of elastic biological tissue, and even has a certain temperature... Sliding in such a channel, Ke Lan has a It feels like being swallowed into the body of a giant beast. This passage is the esophagus of the giant beast, and at the end of the esophagus...

"I hope it's not a digestive organ filled with strong acid." Ke Lan joked to himself.

The sliding process lasted for half an hour. At this sliding speed, the depth of the cloud top was estimated to be more than 30,000 meters, which is deeper than the distance from the top to the bottom of the thickest part of the Ark... If it were on the earth If so, this hive city may have dug through the earth's crust, broke through the "Moholovich Discontinuity", and reached the depth of the mantle.

Ke Lan finally knew why he had to use a deep-diving capsule to enter Genting... As the depth continues to increase, the pressure in the channel is also rising sharply... Although it has not reached the pressure of the deep sea, for humans, this This kind of pressure can be fatal.

Ke Lan could feel the passage begin to contract and squirm rhythmically, because the deep-diving capsule no longer slid down, and the passage could only push the entire capsule downward in this way - Ke Lan suddenly felt that his metaphor just now was wrong, This passage should not be compared to the esophagus of a giant beast, but to the excretory tract. This capsule is like Mr. Yoneda stuck in the rectum, constantly approaching the steel door under the peristalsis of the intestines.

With a crisp "pop", the deep-diving capsule was passed through the channel from the The "container" then flowed directly on the ground...

Ke Lan looked around. The place where he stood was an "island" with a diameter of no more than ten meters. There were many similar "islands" a few meters to tens of meters away from this "island".

There is no water between the islands, it is an abyss that cannot be seen to the bottom - it is more appropriate to say it is an island, it is better to say it is a "plum blossom pile".

"Disordered time and space?" Ke Lan murmured in his heart, "Does it mean these isolated islands? Each island... is a fragment of space that has been divided?"

"Hey, Nieto, can you hear my voice?" Ke Lan tried to call Nieto, but got no response.

This place is really far away from the upper city area... Moreover, whether it is because of the remnants of the power of the "gods" or the original rules of the hive, Nieto has no right to enter Genting...

Although Nieto has always wanted to kill Ke Lan, Ke Lan had to admit that during the trip to the nest city, Nieto still gave him a lot of help... Although all these help were obtained by coercion and inducement... …

Without Nieto, it meant that he lost all sources of information and once again entered the stage of "crossing the river by feeling for the stones".

[P.S. Thanks to the reading giraffe and Soap You for the 1,500 starting coins. 】

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