Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 939 Maginot’s counterattack plan

"Everyone." Admiral Maginot glanced at the group of uneasy-looking staff officers below and said, "The matter has come to this, and I have no need to hide it from you. Be mentally prepared. We... no, It should be said that the entire human race is facing an...unprecedented...big trouble this time."

Admiral Maginot's index finger tapped lightly on the confirmation document on the screen, and the images captured by the drone were immediately projected onto the big screen... When they saw the first photo, their Her face suddenly turned pale, and a younger female staff officer couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, and then immediately covered her mouth with her hands.

But the extremely shocked expression was revealed from her round eyes.

"General... this, is this an ark? Those... those things that look like the remains of battleships... I seem to have seen the flagship of the garrison fleet... and the first patrol fleet..." A man The staff officer said in a trembling voice, "This...isn't this a composite photo? Is this some kind of exercise mission?"

"I hope this is really an exercise, but unfortunately, the photos taken by the drone look like this." Maginot shook his head solemnly.

"The Ark fell? The garrison fleet and the first cruise fleet also... that, that is the strongest combat power of mankind! How is this possible?!" Another young staff officer lost his voice.

"Don't rush to conclusions yet, the situation on the other side of the Ark is still unknown." Admiral Maginot said. Although he was panicking now, as the top military officer of Mukah Fortress, he must remain calm. . "Whether the interior of the Ark has been invaded, how many survivors there are, and whether the United Council is safe or not is still unknown. Don't forget the insurance measures on the Ark. Even if the outer area is breached, each block can still be surrounded. We have to hold on for a long time under such circumstances, let alone the core area that is heavily protected by troops."

"But, even the garrison fleet and the first cruise fleet..." The young staff officer wanted to say something more, but a hand was pressed on his shoulder to signal him to shut up.

The person holding his shoulders was Colonel Levi. The adjutant who was promoted by Lieutenant General Maginot when the heretical sects attacked Fortress Mukakh last time. After the war, he was promoted by half a rank and became Maginot. The chief staff officer of his staff.

"The garrison fleet and the first cruise fleet must have caused heavy damage to the enemy." Levi said, "Don't think about those things, we just need to do what we should do."

"Levi, if you have anything to say, just say it." Admiral Maginot said. Among this group of staff officers, the one he trusted and relied on the most was Levi. In the last battle, Levi had already It proved that he was a rare commanding talent, and this performance also made Admiral Maginot feel that he had not misjudged the person.

What I fear most now is to mess up my position... No matter how bad the situation is, we must not panic. Once the morale of the army is shaken, not to mention supporting Ark, even Mukah Fortress will be in danger.

"Mukah Fortress only has one disabled mixed armored division. Although the superiors gave us a reserve of two thousand people after the last battle, these two thousand people are new recruits and have little combat effectiveness. According to recent reports, According to one statistics, there are only about 5,000 troops in the base that can actually fight. Fortunately, the heretical sect has been destroyed now. If it is just to deal with the attack of indigenous creatures, a reserve force of 2,000 people and a veteran garrison of 1,000 people will be enough. If more Including the mercenaries and relic hunters who are temporarily staying in the fortress, the mobile force we can bring out is about 4,500 people."

Levi paused and continued: "Four thousand and five hundred people can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket in the face of such an incident... The number of monsters hatching in these tumor-like growths alone has exceeded 100,000... The combat power The disparity is too great. If we attack head-on, we won't even be able to penetrate the inside of the Ark."

"Indeed... even if all Mukah's troops are gathered to fight back to the Ark, they will only be delivering food to those monsters." Magino nodded in agreement.

"I think we can't rush now. The next plan is divided into two steps and will be implemented at the same time - the first step is to select elite soldiers, mercenaries and relic hunters to form a reconnaissance team to find out the situation on the Ark. If you can sneak into the Ark That's the best; if you can't get in, then at least you need to figure out what's going on with the fleshy carpet and the monsters hatched on the carpet, so as to lay a good intelligence foundation for the subsequent counterattack. As for the second step to be implemented at the same time , send a liaison force to contact other military bases in the wilderness, and gather all the troops scattered outside the Ark. Only by gathering all the strength and attacking one point can we break through and join up with the remaining troops in the Ark, and then Then launch a full-scale counterattack to remove all the fungi attached to the surface of the Ark."

Levi didn't say what would happen if there were no survivors in the Ark, but in fact this situation didn't need to be considered at all - if the Ark had been completely destroyed, it would be difficult to be independent in the wilderness with only the resources of Mukah Fortress. How long to hold on.

This is a last-ditch battle, and they have no retreat.

Nest City, Yunding.

"As for your own secret, I'm sorry, but I don't know about the Fool's plan. If you want to unlock those sealed memories, you may have to return to the Ark and return to the undead crew." The master said to Ke Lan.

"Okay... what's going on with Ze Luo? Can you tell me? Her power is also to manipulate time and space... Is she also a product of the god-making plan?" Ke Lan asked.

Due to the influence of the residual power of the being in the hive, Ze Luo's consciousness has not awakened yet, which makes Ke Lan a little worried.

"Yes." The master of the nest city gave an affirmative answer. "Zelo, like the prophet of the heretical sect, is the product of a failed god-making plan. The only difference between the two is that Zeluo was created during the Alpha Civilization period. The product of the failure of God’s plan, and the prophets of the heretical sect are the product of the failure of the God-making plan during the Ark civilization.”

"Then what happened to the 776 Special Forces Team back then? Why were they teleported to that isolated island? And in the remains of the blown-up engine wreckage, that Alpha Man...well, it should be A night watchman, right? What is the 'symbiont' it mentioned?" Ke Lan poured out a lot of questions like beans. These doubts had troubled him for too long, and this time he finally had one Naturally, he would not let go of the opportunity to get an answer.

"These questions, traced back to their origin, are all involved in the god-making plan." The master of the nest city replied, "Zeluo is a failed product, but from another perspective, she is successful. She is a 'Indispensable' tools and technical verification bodies. It was through Ze Luo's ability that Alpha Civilization successfully led the Ark to this time and space. There were tens of thousands of 'tool people' like Ze Luo at the beginning, but they were absolutely Most of them were drained of their strength and died after completing their tasks. She was one of the only survivors, but she also fell into a long sleep until she was awakened by the heretical sect using the power of pure energy crystals."

"Tool teleportation device?"

"Absolutely, but their combined power is enough to create a wormhole that can let the Ark pass through. Compared with those small transmission devices, the energy required is not at the same level. And those space faults on Alpha Planet and The transmission channels are either relics left over from the experiments that year, or they are replicas developed later based on their abilities as technological prototypes. As for another question, 'symbiont', you already know the meaning of this term. , is an artificial human created by embedding the Alpha human gene into the gene fragments of the Ark people, but this operation will also transfer the imprint of that existence to the symbiote... The symbiote is only created to inherit the technology of the Alpha civilization. and inheritance are a stop-gap measure, not the main line of the god-making plan. You can also regard them as 'tool people'... wait until the god-making plan gets on track, or the Ark civilization completely inherits the Alpha civilization After their legacy, these 'tool men' will be abandoned."

"It's really... cruel." Ke Lan felt that his complaints were a bit weak. The survival of any civilization or race is cruel. After all, this is a world of survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle.

"From the perspective of human civilization, this is not cruel, but it is somewhat inhumane. You know, whether in your old era or your new era, humans have done much more cruel things than this. And those things are meaningless." The hive master said without mercy.

"It's impossible to refute, you're right." Ke Lan shrugged, "What about Thirty-Three, can you make him return to normal? He was dragged into the illusion by Nieto. If this continues, even if I can control him If you live, he will become a corpse sooner or later."

"I can't save him. That illusion was not created by Nieto. It just borrowed his remaining power in the hive." The hive master said.

"Then there's no way at all?" Ke Lan felt a little uncomfortable. Of course he didn't want to watch a companion turn into that kind of monster. As long as there was a way, even if the chance was very low, it was worth a try.

"He can only rely on his own will. If his will can struggle out of the illusion, then he can return to normal. If not, he will sink in the illusion forever until he becomes a corpse and offers himself to that existence. My own flesh and blood and soul.”

"...What about the others? Yagunaktor should be being hunted by the Undead Crew now. Although with Yagunaktor's strength, there is no need to worry about the warships built by human civilization, but between me and Yagunaktor When Gunak Tor's connection is disconnected, the undead crew seems to have the means to seize control of the battleship. What if they send people to risk their lives to launch a surprise attack on the battleship? As a civilization that built this battleship, You should have some emergency measures, right?"

"You don't have to worry about Yagunaktor's condition. I controlled Nieto, used the remaining divine power in the nest, and responded to the spent nuclear beacon to forcefully guide Yagunaktor into the realm of the underwater city. , and hid it in a folded space... It's just that your companions seem a little uneasy."

"What's the matter?" Ke Lan suddenly became nervous when he heard the master of the nest mention the hounds and others.

"Originally, as long as they stay safely inside Yagunaktor, nothing will happen. When you leave the nest, you can take them and the battleship directly back to the Ark... But they want to I came to rescue you and left Yagunaktor in a deep-diving vehicle.”

"They are in the underwater city now?!"

"I initially wanted to use some Alpha civilization creations that could be controlled by me to expel them, or at least restrict their movements, but what I didn't expect was that some of your other companions who were trapped in the gray mist forest accidentally triggered I got the teleportation device and was teleported to the sea area over there, and met these people who were trapped by me, and took them into the undersea city."

"Are they safe now?"

"It's safe for the time being... but they have been tempted by the core mastermind of the underwater city and have entered the hive." The master of the hive said, "You know, although I can control Nieto, Nieto's source code has been The previous controller of the hive city rewrote it. If anyone is found to have broken into the hive city, Nieto will do everything possible to plant the seeds of erosion in them...just like it did to Hruni and the others."

"We must prevent them from entering the upper city! You are the master of the hive, you should have something to do, right?"

"It's difficult, because the control module of the hive city was invaded by the core mastermind of the underwater city. I have slowed them down as much as possible, but the core mastermind has been letting them go. Many mechanisms that can block them simply directly Got turned off by it.”

"How did the core mastermind of the Undersea City invade the hive city?"

"That was originally the manager of Hive City No. 451, a super biological computer, codenamed Christine. The Alpha Civilization dug it out of the abandoned hive city, transformed it and placed it as the core mastermind. into the control center of the underwater city... But over the long years, Christine's AI, like Nieto, was eroded by the residual power of that existence... Fortunately, its source code has not been modified, and it cannot It directly harms humans, so it can only deceive your companions, let them enter the nest, and use Nieto's hands to complete the sacrifice."

"Is it still too late to stop them?" Ke Lan asked. He was not in a hurry now. After all, time stood still in this space. As long as he did not leave here, the outside world would not change.

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