Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 141: Have something to say

Li Cai saw the expressions of the people, and he was proud of it. The tone of the person who came over: "How, delicious? I was also surprised when I first ate."

Then he looked at a piece of duck stuffing in his mouth.

"Shoulder!" Li Cai is three feet high.

Colleagues are showing a look of disappointment. You are not spending the first time. Is it so exaggerated?

"This roast duck I ate for the first time." Li Cai quickly explained, added, "It's absolutely!"

Colleagues will be suspicious, and also pick up a piece of duck meat to taste, the crunchy duck skin, tender meat, this experience has never been seen before, everyone is ups and downs: "Hey, really delicious."

"Li Cai, you can find such a shop, you really have it!"

"It’s much better than the Tianbaozhai roast duck."

Tianbaozhai is an old name of Tianlongcheng. It is a roast duck business. It has a silver and three silver, which is in short supply and is famous for its blackness.

But in fact, Tianbaozhai's duck meat is particularly fat and rotten, and compared with the fresh duck meat of the exotic food bar, it is not a star or a half.

So the teeth gave this evaluation.

This makes Li Cai, who treats the guests to eat, feel that there is light on the surface: "How about it, is it more enjoyable than going to the big restaurant?"

The teeth people nodded, even if the snack bar did not show the grade, but the taste was superb, not abdomen Li Cai was stingy, the scene was cheerful.

Qin Fei cut the onion silk cucumber silk, adjusted the sweet noodle sauce, and baked the spring cake on the table: "My roast duck, there is a particular way to eat, do you want to try?"

Looking at these small pieces, the teeth people came to the interest: "Oh? How do you pay attention to the law?"

"I teach you." Qin Fei said while demonstrating, "First spread the spring cake, roll it into duck meat, green onion, etc., put on the sweet noodle sauce, put it in your mouth, and taste very good."

Qin Fei tasted a copy, and the meaning was still unfinished: "It may just be too fast, and I will give you a slow motion again."

Li Cai grabbed Qin Feiqi and cried: "The boss, you just rolled up half of the duck meat, and then there is no more teaching!"

"Is it?" Qin Fei said, "In fact, when you eat, put two pieces of meat."

Qin Fei quickly hid back to the kitchen, and the teeth looked faint, and suddenly reacted and rushed to spread the spring cake rolls.

So when you eat your mouth, the taste of the duck is greatly sublimated. The pleasure brought by the delicious food makes the young people fluttering, as if every pore in the body is cheering, and the fatigue of the day is dissipated.

Qin Fei was in the kitchen, and the duck meat on the duck rack was also cut down. He also took the white radish soup and put it on the table.

"Boss, I don't have any soup." Li Cai was surprised.

"The stewed with the duck bones is included in the cost of the roast duck. If you don't want it, I will withdraw it." Qin Fei's voice did not fall, and Li Cai took the soup pot over it: "Yes, of course!"

The soup stewed from the duck rack of roast duck is different from the duck cooked, not greasy, and has a unique baking flavor, which is rich in stretch.

After eating a soft rotten white radish, several young people did not hold back and screamed: "Hey!"

After eating a meal, everyone's belly is rounded, check out, five bowls of rice noodles, a roast duck, a pot of radish soup, a total of only 30 words, cheap to burst.

"Boss, I will come next time." The young people walked back and said, holding the wall.

"Well, bring more friends, give discounts." Qin Fei has to make 100,000 reputation and slowly accumulate.

It is said that these young people are eating hard and attracting two new diners. Qin Fei will return to the kitchen to continue working.

At this time, a pair of fathers and sons appeared on the street. If Qin Fei saw it, he recognized the young father and son in the morning.

The son passed by the door of the outside bar food shop, and the homeopathic fell down. He grabbed a table and died without screaming: "Auntie, I want to eat rice noodles!"

Young father and his face red resentful, snapped: "! I do not want the presence of so many neighbors beat you, give me back."

"Auntie said nothing, obviously said that my article today can be eaten by a teacher, you can eat another rice noodle." The child burst into tears.

The father's face became more and more dull. From the willow tree on the side of the road, the roots of the willows would be stunned. Qin Fei heard the movement and came out and saw this scene persuaded: "If you have something to say, don't do it." ”

"You don't stop me, I killed this little **** today!" The young father was fierce and angry.

Qin Fei may have reached the age of fatherly love, keeping the child behind him, and his temper has come up: "The child's article was praised by the teacher, and you can't do what you promised. How can you beat the child?"

Some pedestrians also pointed to the point, the young father looked blushing and gritted: "Where was he praised by the teacher?"

The child crossed his waist and stood upright: "Why didn't you, the teacher praised my article is rare in life, and I said that I am too talented, he can't teach me."

The young father groaned and angered: "The pig brain, sir, is that you can't hear it?!"

The two sides held each other's words, Qin Fei wondered: "That Mr. is a teacher, why do you want to say something?"

Others followed the inquiry, and the young father gnawed his teeth. After all, he said: "The gentleman of the college has arranged the title of the article and asked to write one of the most memorable things. This little rabbit scorpion, he wrote that he came home from school one day, passing by small. In the woods, I saw a man and a woman walked in..."

"Yang Yang sprinkles, more than a thousand words, I don't know so many words." The younger father said more and more gas, and went to smash the thicker strips. "You don't want to stop me. Today you have to kill this shame." s things!"

Qin Fei and the onlookers are very uncomfortable, but the current occasion is not suitable for laughing. Qin Fei still persuaded people: "What do children know, just a few words."

"Sit down and drink some tea to eliminate the gas." Qin Fei brewed a pot of tea for the adults.

Then another bowl of rice noodles for the children, the young father drank a few mouthfuls of tea, after knowing, how can this be consumed?

He quietly figured out the amount of money in his pocket, his brow was locked, only five pennies.

Qin Fei seems to have noticed this scene and said: "Not a good tea, free, rice noodles, I invite children to eat."

The young father is grateful, but he is a principled person. Although the days are poor, people must have ambition and can't be fair, and they say, "I have something to do, and I will pick up the children later."

I guess where to borrow money.

In fact, Qin Fei really did not deliberately set a set of people to consume, of course, he is a business, even if the heart is good, will not do a loss.

He saw no one, and quietly said to the child: "Children, that oh, can you read your big brother?"

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