Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 186: Delicious in prison

The people inside listened, raised their hands to their heads, and came out to surrender, otherwise they would kill! ”

The Shenmu County Guard set the battle. The first row was the knife-handed man, the second row was the knight, with the pikemen and archers in between, and the highlands near the hotel were also occupied by the shooters.

The Sheriff Charles looked at the rear. He tied his hands with his bandages and hung them on his chest. It was like a fierce hood. People would look at them more.

"Let's laugh and dig your eyes!" Charles wanted to cut the soldier who dared to laugh at himself. As a result, he was hurt and hurt.

"Adults, what if they don't come out? Do you want to launch an assault." The screaming soldier came back and reported.

Charles looked gloomy and took a few steps. He really wanted to launch an assault. It is estimated that many soldiers will die. This is going to the Duke, and he has no good fruit to eat.

"Continue to shout!" Charles said that he had surrounded the hotel and broke the water. Even if he didn't come out today, he would always come out in a few days, and he was not in a hurry.

The soldier continued to speak to the front, and at this time, the door of the hotel opened, and all the archers pointed the arrow in that direction.

Qin Fei walked out alone, facing the elite power of Shenmu County, he was self-conscious.

"Hold your hand on your head, then kneel down, otherwise you can kill it!" The soldier scolded, but Qin Fei did not do it.

"I want to talk to your chief." Qin Fei said just like this.

"What are you going to talk to me?" Charles asked under the protection of several senior knights.

"People are hurt, I can accept the legal sanctions of your **** empire, but have nothing to do with the caravan, let them go." Qin Fei said.

Charles heard this, haha ​​laughed, but unfortunately his hands were hurt and could not hold his stomach. After a while, Charles snorted: "Do you have any chips to talk to me about conditions? Even if you are powerful, you can play alone. Have you passed the entire Shenmu County? Tell you, not only you, but your caravan, you have to finish!"

Qin Fei mouth has a smile, spread out the palm of his hand, burning a flame of flames.

Charles muttered: "Do you think that this will scare me? The jugglers in the city can do it!"

"That's what?" Qin Fei hit the flame with a palm, and the wind rose, forming a tornado. There was a vacant horse stable next to the hotel. It was extinguished in the blink of an eye. It was really nothing to do with the gray.

If the attacker was not a horse but a guard square, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Seeing this scene, the guards were scared to go backwards. Charles did not change his face: "I just thought about it carefully. You are right. It is your injury. You have nothing to do with the caravan. I will let them leave Shenmu County. But you have to accept legal sanctions!"

"Yes." It seems that the conditions have been discussed, Qin Fei will extend his hands.

Under the instigation of Charles, several soldiers trembled and slammed Qin Fei on the shackles. Although they knew that there was no use of eggs, they could calm their minds a little.

"According to the Bloodmoon Code, if you hurt others and damage other people's property, you should have been sentenced to three years in prison. If you have a self-reported plot, you can halve it at your discretion. For a total of one and a half years, you can have objections?" Charles asked again.

When the caravan left the blood-moon empire, Qin Fei would leave, and it would make no sense to judge more than one sentence. He said, "Yes."

Charles breathed a sigh of relief: "Some of you, hand him over to the Iron Tyre Warden."

In this way, Charles took the Tianlong people who were in the Shenmu County. They were regarded as heroes by the city people. On the way home, Charles was cheering for him. He smiled and smiled.

When I got home, I closed the door, and he was sweating and incoherent. "Damn, how the Tianlong people are so powerful, they almost smashed."

"Come, come get me a pair of pants."

From now on, the Charles family has added a family rule, and will never provoke the Tianlong people, especially those who seem to be unable to fight.


Bibern Prison, located on the cliffs of the southwestern mountains of Shenmu County, has only one suspension bridge connected to the outside world.

Qin Fei was sent here, and he saw the Iron Tail Warden, who is known as the sinful nemesis.

"Hello of the Warden, this Tianlong national is a bit special, it is best to hold it alone." The **** soldiers suggested to Tiertel.

"Okay, you go back and go back to Charles and I will know how to arrange it." Titel is an old man, impatient, not an oriental, and does not need special treatment.

"Come to, shut him to the 18th." Tiertel made a command.

The escorted soldiers stopped talking and thought, and when they had something to do, they were not their own responsibilities, and they left with relief.

Passing through the long corridor in the prison fort, the prisoners of various colors whistled through the iron bars. They were held for too long, so that Qin Fei felt hungry and thirsty.

"Hey chick, you are so white!"

"Let me touch, please let me touch!"

No wonder there is an old saying called washing your **** in jail.

In the end, Qin Fei was imprisoned on the 18th. There were four strong bloodmooners, and his look was not good. There was also a man who looked like an oriental face. His face was swollen and he was estimated to be bullied.

When the prison guards locked the door and left, the four **** moon people looked at Qin Fei with no good intentions, and immediately said to the short Oriental in the prison: "This is your companion, give translation to the translator and let him Come over, or we will kill him."

The short man looked helpless and was preparing to convey the meaning of Xueyue to Qin Fei. Qin Fei waved his hand and said in the language of Tianlongguo: "Without translation, I can understand. My name is Qin Fei. What is your name?" ”

The short man screamed and replied in Tianlong: "My name is Aji."

"How did you come in?" Qin Fei was curious.

"I am a businessman who came to the Blood Moon Empire to buy goods. I was told that I used a forged currency and I have to wait for six years." Aji looked bitter. "What about you?"

At this time, the four bloodmooners were impatient and urged: "What are you talking about? Is he willing to do it?"

Aji nodded, and immediately advised Qin Fei: "If you come in, you can bear it. When you are in the first place, here is the site of the bloodmoon people. It is best not to be against them."

Qin Fei thoughtfully went to the four bloodmooners.

A few **** people are very Immediately untied the waistband of the pants, the result is that Qin Fei is one person and one foot, and several bloodmooners can't stand up with their pants and roll around.

"I will be here for a while, you will follow me." After all, it is a compatriot, Qin Fei should take care of it.

Aji looked at all of this and realized that he had slammed his thighs, and suddenly burst into tears. When he rushed up, he punched and kicked the four bloodmooners who did not fight back.

After a bad smell, Aji came to Qin Fei and slammed three heads: "Qin Lao, from now on, I am your most loyal dog."

"Stand up, you are a person, not a dog." Qin Fei looks serious.

What did Aji understand, tears in his eyes, thank you again, and then stood up.

"To the boss, haven't you eaten yet?" Aji jumped in the ground and dropped a big chicken leg in his trouser legs. "I have been hiding for a long time and I have to wait for the boss to take the wind."

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