Li Fan stared blankly at the sisters Dina and Anna.

After a long time, he let out a sharp breath.

He remembered that Anna was a level 2 orc warrior, and there was no suspense at all against the level 1 unicorn, which meant he was saved, right?

The next moment, Li Fan's body relaxed, and the exhaustion accumulated before surged at the same time, and he collapsed on the ground in an instant, unable to even move a finger.

Anna and Dina noticed Li Fan's appearance, and after taking a few glances to find that Li Fan was just exhausted, they turned their attention to the one-horned wolf again.

A clever fighter would not underestimate an opponent just because of his weakness.

Anna stared closely at the unicorn wolf, and the unicorn wolf growled threateningly upon seeing this.

At this moment, Anna and the one-horned wolf are just like the one-horned wolf and Li Fan just now.

It's just that the stronger side is not the one-horned wolf, but Anna.

Anna didn't waste any extra nonsense, she stepped out with one step, and her figure disappeared on the tree trunk in an instant.

This is not teleportation, but the speed is so fast that Li Fan can't see clearly.

Also invisible is the one-horned wolf,

It is impossible for this level 1 monster to keep up with the speed of the level 2 orc warrior Anna.

It was in a state of anxiety the moment Anna disappeared.

The beast's natural intuition was frantically warning it, but all this was meaningless.

When Anna appeared again, she was already standing beside the one-eyed wolf.

The next moment, Anna pulled out a dagger in her hand, and stabbed the one-horned wolf between the eyebrows.

Although the one-eyed wolf saw Anna's movements clearly, it only had time to raise its foot.

There was a "poof".

The dagger in Anna's hand had already pierced into its brain.

The blood red in the one-eyed wolf's eyes quickly faded, and along with it, its vitality.

This level 1 monster that chased Li Fan like a dog in a homeless family fell down just like that.

"Power, want power"

Witnessing this scene, Li Fan felt so thirsty for power for the first time.

He wants to be strong, to be very strong, to be strong enough to control his own destiny.


"We have the hope of the Silver Wolf clan on us. No matter how small the chance of that human clan's betrayal is, we can't let us take risks."

Three days ago, after Li Fan left the cave, Anna solemnly said this to Dina.

Dina opened her mouth, hesitated for a moment, and said, "But Li Fan saved you, and he was even willing to guarantee it with his life."

Anna looked at Dina and sighed, "But have you forgotten? It was because Father believed in that human being that he lost that battle and the Silver Wolf Clan became sinners. Otherwise, why would we run away?" to here."

Dina was slightly taken aback after hearing this, then lowered her head and stopped talking.


The one-horned wolf finally died, and the crisis was resolved.

At this moment, Li Fan was exhausted and just wanted to find a place to sleep with his head covered.

However, this is the wilderness, and he can only force himself to get up.

Looking up at Anna in front of her eyes, she was lifting the unicorn wolf's body on her shoulders, then greeted Dina on the tree, and walked towards the north.

Dina nimbly jumped off the nearly ten-meter-high tree trunk, and when she passed by Li Fan, she looked at the tired Li Fan with worried eyes, but trotted after Anna without talking to Li Fan.

what does it mean? ignore him?

Seeing this, Li Fan wished he could turn around and leave.

He Li Fan also has backbone.

However, if he wants to be strong, he may not live long. With his current physical condition, an ordinary beast at random can kill him.

Li Fan had no choice but to raise his heels and follow the pair of sisters in front of him.

To Li Fan's surprise, within five minutes of walking, the familiar cave entrance appeared in front of him.

Li Fan recalled the journey, only to realize that he was really lost just now, it can be said that he missed it, otherwise he would have arrived at the entrance of the cave early, and he would not have walked for an extra 30 minutes, let alone bumped into a lonely person. horned wolf.

If he hadn't cleverly delayed the one-horned wolf and ran to the vicinity of the cave, he might not have met sisters Dina and Anna.

At that time, he probably could only wait to become wolf dung.


At the entrance of the cave, Anna and Dina walked directly into the cave without greeting Li Fan.

Li Fan hesitated for a moment, and followed in.

There was nothing in the cave as before, but the bonfire was lit again, and the animal skin bed was laid again beside the bonfire.

This scene seems to indicate that the pair of sisters have returned to this cave long ago.

Seeing Li Fan enter the cave, the two sisters remained silent.

At this moment, Anna was skillfully packing up the body of the one-horned wolf with a dagger.

The unicorn was cut off by her, and the wolf skin was completely peeled off. Finally, the magic core was dug out, and all the most valuable things of a unicorn wolf were accepted by Anna.

At this time, Anna dug out the internal organs of the unicorn wolf, and then put the whole wolf on the bonfire and roasted it.

Dina helped Anna take the internal organs of the unicorn wolf outside the cave for disposal.

When Dina came back, there was still no one talking in the cave, only the sound of tree branches bursting as they burned, and the sound of wolf meat squeaking and oiling.

This kind of silence made Li Fan extremely uncomfortable. For some reason, he always had the illusion that the wrongdoer was caught and he was suffering the other party's silent accusation.

But it was sisters Dina and Anna who left without a word! The complaint should also be made by him, Li Fan.

Seeing that the sister opposite had no intention of speaking, Li Fan had no choice but to break the calm first.

"I thought you were gone?"

I thought the other party would not respond, but Anna replied naturally.

"It was originally gone, but it came back later."

Well, it's good to be able to communicate.

Hearing Anna's answer, Li Fan immediately relaxed, and said casually, "What? Can't bear me?"

Anna glanced at Li Fan, and said with disdain: "I've heard that human beings are slippery, and it's true."

As she spoke, Anna paused for a moment before continuing: "Dina and I want to survive in this forest and do certain things, and we need your help, but..."


"But humans, can I trust you?"

While speaking, Anna looked at Li Fan again, her silver-white pupils fixed on Li Fan.

Faced with Anna's aggressive gaze, Li Fan didn't seem to care at all. He sat in front of the campfire, picked up a branch and fiddled with the burning charcoal in the campfire.

While continuing to fiddle with the fire, he began to think extremely fast in his mind.

"Anna said that she needs my help. The only thing I can help is salt. Probably Anna mistakenly thought that I could get a lot of salt. This is a good thing. As long as I am willing to give up the bond value, I can indeed get some salt. And with salt, I can use Anna's relationship to achieve the purpose of contacting more alien races."

"And Anna's question just now is undoubtedly a test, and she gave me a chance to persuade her. If I want to get more bond points, I can't miss this opportunity."

Thinking of this, Li Fan gradually had an idea in his mind.

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