After Charlie left, a middle-aged strong man came out from the room next to Howard.

The strong man glanced at the gloomy Howard, and then said, "Master, did you just let Charlie go like this? I'm afraid he won't be able to find the leaker, and he will definitely find a scapegoat in the end, and he will hand it over to you after he is killed."

Howard pressed his hands on the corners of his eyes, and said with a headache: "I can't kill him for the time being. This time, the test Uncle has given me is to earn 1,000 gold coins within a month or so before the arrival of winter. If so, Uncle Caton will agree to let me take care of the Chamber of Commerce in Winter City. The requirements are not high, so Uncle Caton does not allow me to bring too many family members, otherwise, why would I need these useless slave merchants. "

As he said that, Howard was a little distraught, "I had already captured thirty elves, but I didn't expect Charlie to screw up. Almost all the elves escaped, leaving only one dying dark elf. I need to use him and take care of the slave family behind him, so I have to skin him today."

Speaking of Howard's handsome face, which was originally somewhat handsome, became extremely ferocious, "No matter what, this test must not fail. After this sneak attack, the elves must have prepared themselves. They want to sneak attack on their gathering place again and succeed." The rate is too low, even the gathering places of the orcs and dwarves have received wind, and the vigilance has been strengthened. Now the biggest hope is those "weak" orcs and "sinner" dwarves. Kai, I have the most trust in my hands now It is only you, and then you must help me find information about those 'weak' orcs and 'sinner' dwarves."

The middle-aged strong man named Kai nodded and walked out of the room.

Only Howard with a gloomy face was left in the room. He revealed his gradually scarlet eyes and murmured.

"No one can stop me from completing this test, even if it is done by any means."


Inside Caton Manor, Charlie did not leave the manor immediately.

Although there is a high probability that he will, as Kay said, randomly find someone as a leaker, kill him and hand it over to Howard.

But acting also needs to perform a full set, at least for pretending, he has to do his best to pretend.

So he planned to take the captured dark elf away, and torture him to see if he knew the leaker.

It would be the best if he could find the leaker based on this. Even if he couldn't find the leaker, he would kill the dark elf and the unlucky guy together, and he would have an explanation in front of Howard.

Walking into the underground prison of Cotton Manor, it is divided into three floors. The first two floors are all those who offended Howard.

The third floor held slaves.

Charlie walked directly towards the third floor. The further down he went, the darker and more humid the surroundings were, and there was an unspeakable smell, a mixture of mold, feces, and rotting flesh.

Mold is natural, feces and carrion are slaves, and this is the treatment and fate of most slaves.

Stepping on the muddy ground, relying on the light of the oil lamp, Charlie managed to see a dark-skinned woman with white hair in the corner of a cell.

This is the dark elf. The wheat-colored skin and white hair are the hallmarks of the dark elf.

Charlie heard from his subordinates that although this dark elf came to save other elves, he was finally abandoned at a critical moment because the leader of the rescued elves was a light elf.

Charlie doesn't know how irreconcilable the contradiction between light and dark is, but he also sneered at the fact that he gave up on the spot to save his own kind.

Those elves seem to be extremely holy, but after all, they are no different from human beings, even him, a slave trader!

Thinking about it, Charlie looked into the prison with the oil lamp in hand, and finally saw the appearance of the dark elf clearly.

"Tsk tsk..."

Even though Charlie was a slave trader who had seen countless miserable situations of slaves, he couldn't help sighing when he saw the dark elf's appearance.

Ever since this dark elf was caught, he had been tortured day and night.

Her left eye was blinded, and the tendon in her right hand was broken.

Whips, knife wounds, irons... all kinds of scars covered her whole body.

This kind of injury even surpassed the injury suffered by the wood elf back then.

"How did you survive!"

Charlie also couldn't help admiring the miracle of life. Dark elves are not a race with extraordinarily strong vitality. Suffering such injuries is already enough for the opponent to die several times, but the opponent is still alive.

Charlie could still hear the faint breathing.

"No wonder Howard is willing to hand over the Dark Elf to me for interrogation."

At this moment, Charlie realized that a dark elf who was tortured like this would not be able to survive at all, so Howard didn't care about this dark elf.

"But such a dark elf can't continue to torture him?"

Charlie was annoyed for a while, but after thinking about it, he let the men behind him take away the dark elf.

His subordinates walked into the cell, and grabbed the dark elf's collar and lifted it up. The dark elf didn't even wake up from the coma after suffering such a big commotion.

"It's just an excuse anyway, it doesn't matter if you die."

Speaking of which, Charlie also lazily paid attention to the life and death of the dark elf, and let his subordinates carry the dark elf out of the dungeon.

After leaving Caton Manor, Charlie led his men and dark elves to a small manor west of Sin Town.

He rented this small manor recently to house the rest of his slaves. He should have lived here too, but after the wood elf was rescued last time, he was always worried that one day the wood elf would die. The companion will come back for revenge, so he has been staying in the hotel.

With his men and dark elves, Charlie entered the manor, and then walked underground from a corner of the manor.

This manor also has a dungeon. In Sin Town, it seems that the manor has a dungeon. In fact, Charlie rented the manor for this reason.

After bringing the dark elf into the dungeon, Charlie directly asked his men to lock the dark elf in the innermost cage.

Then Charlie glanced at the cages around him.

Dozens of slaves are being held in these cages.

The vast majority are human slaves, with a few dwarves and orcs.

Just like what Charlie said to Li Fan before, he has a batch of high-quality slaves in his hands. Of course, these slaves are not intended to be sold in the sinful town.

"At first, I thought Howard's invitation was an opportunity, and I planned to fight hard, so I exchanged all my family property for these slaves, but now that Howard's business has not been completed, I dare not leave at all, and I will not leave this ghost place, these slaves can’t be sold, and I’m about to go bankrupt.”

Charlie let out a groan in the dungeon.

In Charlie's plan, he should have helped Howard catch the elves at this time, and he had already brought the elves and these slaves to a big city like Winter City to sell them, and then he made a lot of money and sold them in one fell swoop. Establish a position within the family.

However, the Wood Elf was rescued, destroying everything that had been planned. At this time, Charlie was cornered.

There was only his murmur in the dungeon.

"No, I have to sell these slaves, no matter who they are, as long as they can buy my slaves, I will sell them to him..."

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