"You mean, you're going back to Sin Town?"

Anna asked in shock.

Li Fan nodded.

After thinking about it, he found that although the sinful town had become a dragon's den because of Howard's existence, he seemed to have to return to the sinful town again

Of course, he can also choose not to go back, and he can live in the sinful forest with sisters Dina and Anna.

But in this way, as long as Howard is alive, he can no longer enter human gathering places, so the next time he wants to trade salt, he will have no excuse to explain his salt that appeared out of thin air.

And Dina and Anna are orcs after all, and he is human.

If one day Dina and Anna want to return to the orc clan to find out the truth about the betrayal of the silver wolf clan, what should Li Fan do at that time.

Follow Dina and Anna back to the orcs?

I'm afraid he will be torn to pieces by countless orcs who hate humans.

Therefore, despite the fact that Li Fan can move freely in the Sin Forest, wandering between humans and orcs, he still can't get away from the Sin Town, a gathering place for humans.

Dina at the side didn't think so much, when she heard that Li Fan was going back to die, she quickly persuaded: "You killed Babu just now, if you go back now, won't you be arrested by that bad guy named Howard right away? "

Li Fan shook his head and said: "No, Howard will not send someone to catch me. After all, once he catches me, it may alarm the orcs who have contact with me. In order to achieve the purpose of catching the orcs, he naturally cannot I shot."

Anna was a little puzzled, "Bubba was killed by you, doesn't that mean you have been alarmed? At this moment, why is that Howard still afraid of alarming you?"

Li Fan revealed a trace of treachery, pointed to Babu's body on the ground, and said, "Who said I killed this man?"

Facing the puzzled eyes of Dina and Anna, Li Fan explained, "When I was interrogating Babu, I deliberately didn't injure his bones with a dagger. Now I just need to trouble Anna to bring his body to some place. What will happen to the inner area where level 3 monsters often appear?"

Anna thought for a moment, and suddenly understood, "The blood on the corpse will soon attract monsters, and the monsters will immediately eat up Babu's body, leaving only the remains. In this way, as long as you give a little guidance, Howard They will eventually be 'lucky' to find the wreckage, and then tell it is the wreckage of Babu according to the clothes. At this time, Howard will find that there are no wounds caused by any weapons on the wreckage of Babu, only the bite marks of monsters, so he can There is only one judgment given, the unlucky Babu was accidentally entangled by a monster while following you, and finally died in the mouth of the monster. In addition, Howard will also find that Bob died at level 2 or 3 In the inner area infested by monsters, one would instinctively think that the orcs are hiding in the inner area."

"Yes" Li Fan nodded, for this plan, he even had to give up the spoils on Babu.

"Not only that, according to the results of Barbu's interrogation, there were only five level 1 fighting qi apprentices, two level 2 fighters, and one level 3 fighting master Kai beside that Howard. One of the level 2 fighters was Babu. Bu is dead, and Howard's remaining men are really strong in Sin Town, but it's not enough to explore the inner area full of level 2 and 3 monster activities, so Howard can't alarm me, he can only follow I, rely on me to 'lead the way' to find the orcs in the vast inner area, so my safety will be guaranteed."

Anna was stunned after hearing this. The plan was connected one after another, as if Li Fan had calculated everything after she found out that she was being followed.

From using the difference in blowing rhythm of the bone flute to warn their sisters, and then using themselves as a bait to lure the stalker Babu, cooperate with their sisters to catch Babu without triggering a battle.

The results of the interrogation were successfully obtained without harming Babu's bones, and then the monsters were used to disguise Babu's death, and at the same time, suspicions were cast to mislead Howard, making Howard think that the orcs were hiding in the inner area, so that Howard did not dare to attack himself easily .

Then next, the initiative is in the hands of Li Fan. Li Fan can use this opportunity to lure Howard to continue to follow him, and then design an ambush to eliminate Howard and his gang in one fell swoop.

Dina on the side obviously didn't want to understand, her white eyes widened, revealing her innocent face.

But Anna has already understood Li Fan's series of plans. At this time, Anna even feels a little scary. The man in front of her seems to be more amazing than she thought. The sentence that human beings are very cunning should be applied to this man is the most suitable .

At this moment, Anna secretly swore that even if she separated from Li Fan in the future, she would never become an enemy of him.


The plan has been arranged, and the next step is to implement it.

Li Fan carried Babu's body on his back and went to the inner area of ​​the sin forest with Dina and Anna.

On the way to the inner area, the chance of monsters appearing increased greatly as expected.

Within half an hour, they encountered three monsters. Fortunately, the tallest one was only a level 2 monster.

In front of Dina and Anna who have practiced the boutique-level qi and blood skills, although they are also at level 2, Dina and Anna's boutique-level qi and blood skills can fully increase their attributes by 30 times, which is three times higher than the ordinary level. times.

The general level 2 Warcraft is not the enemy of the two sisters at all.

A few hours later, the three came to the inner area of ​​the evil forest.

Li Fan threw Babu's body towards an open space at will, and then rolled himself back and forth in the surrounding grass a few times, so that some weeds and flowers that were only found in the inner area would stick to his body .

In the end, all it takes is for Li Fan to walk all the way back to Sin Town from here.

Afterwards, Howard, who discovers that Babu disappeared, will follow the footprints left by Li Fan and the clues on his body to find the remains of Babu and step into Li Fan's trap.

After thinking about it several times and confirming that there was no problem with the plan, Li Fan took Dina and Anna back.

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