After ten minutes of walking with the wolf girl, Li Fan stopped in front of a hidden cave.

"go in"

The wolf girl held a bow and arrow and pointed to the entrance of the cave.

Li Fan succumbed to the lust of the wolf girl and had no choice but to walk into the dark cave.

The cave is not shallow. Li Fan walked more than ten meters in the dark to get to the end. Inside is a cave hall with a height of seven or eight meters.

A campfire burns in the middle of the cave, illuminating the surrounding scene.

There is almost nothing in the cave hall except stones, except for a bed made of animal skins by the campfire.

Lying on the bed was a wolf girl in her twenties. She also had long silver hair and a fluffy silver tail, and she looked very similar to the wolf girl behind Li Fan.

No need to guess, she is the older sister of the wolf girl.

But at this moment, the wolf woman was closing her eyes tightly and falling into a coma.

"Sister, are you okay, wake up..."

As soon as the wolf girl entered the cave, she squatted beside the animal skin bed, quietly holding the hand of the unconscious woman. At this time, she has long lost her vicious appearance, and is just a helpless girl who is worried about her relatives.

Obviously worrying doesn't save people.

Seeing that the wolf girl's elder sister had fallen into a coma, Li Fan didn't dare to delay, so he interrupted the wolf girl and said, "It's important to save people. Let me tell you what kind of injury she suffered first?"

In fact, Li Fan still has some confidence. Although he does not know medical skills, he has already opened the system mall. In the system mall, there are many books about medical skills. It is still possible to save the elder sister of the wolf girl by writing medical books.

The wolf girl seemed to have come to her senses, and she could only choose to trust Li Fan at this time, saying, "Sister, she was bitten by a poisonous snake."

"What? Trouble, where was she bitten?"

Li Fan frowned. In a world without antivenom, it is not easy to detoxify snakes.

The wolf girl pointed to her sister's calf.

Li Fan glanced along, and sure enough, he saw two small wounds on his calf near his ankles. The surrounding areas of the wounds had turned black, and it was obvious that he had been poisoned for a while.

"Step aside"

Li Fan didn't dare to hesitate for a moment. At this moment, saving people was the most important thing. He pushed the wolf girl away, then pulled out his belt, and lifted the girl's sister's animal skin skirt.

"What are you doing?" The wolf girl was furious when she saw this, her silver pupils instantly stood up, and the nails on her hands also shone coldly.

The orcs are a family with blood and vitality. Their whole body can be used as weapons, especially their teeth and nails, which are even as sharp as swords.

If an ordinary person is caught by a wolf girl, he will be crippled if he doesn't die.

At this time, Li Fan couldn't care about these things. If the wolf girl's sister hadn't been rescued, the wolf girl probably wouldn't let him go.

Saving people is a race against time, Li Fan immediately scolded the wolf girl.

"If you want to save your sister, shut up."

Then Li Fan didn't even look back lazily, and quickly tied the belt around the thigh of the girl's sister's poisoned leg.

Although the toxin has already diffused partly, this should minimize the spread of the toxin.

All that's left is to suck out the remaining toxins.

"Do you have a knife?"

Li Fan asked the wolf girl behind her.

At this time, the wolf girl had already seen that Li Fan did not intend to moleste her sister, coupled with Li Fan's serious face, she was a little timid for some reason, and hurriedly replied: "Yes".

While speaking, he took out a dagger from his waist and handed it to Li Fan.

Li Fan took the dagger and put it directly on the fire to roast for a while.

Li Fan still understands the common sense that high temperature can sterilize bacteria.

Holding a slightly smoking dagger, Li Fan lifted the girl's elder sister's calf that had been poisoned by the snake.

"what are you going to do?"

The wolf girl watched, and suddenly became nervous again.

"The wound in a snake bite is too small. If you want to suck out the remaining snake venom, you have to cut the wound."

While talking, Li Fan cut a cross-shaped cut in the girl's sister's wound with a dagger.

In an instant, black poisonous blood flowed out.

Without hesitation, Li Fan opened his mouth and sucked towards the wound.

This scene surprised the wolf girl. She could see the black poisonous blood clearly just now. Even she couldn't help hesitating for a moment, but the human in front of her didn't hesitate for a moment when facing the poisonous blood.

At this moment, the wolf girl couldn't help but have a slight change in the human being in front of her.

Maybe not all human beings are bad people!

Li Fan didn't know what was going on in the wolf girl's mind, and if he knew, he would definitely not explain the fact that inhaling snake venom would not poison him.

The essence of snake venom is protein, which loses most of its toxicity when heated, and loses its activity under the action of enzymes when swallowed.

Most of the snake venom can only be poisoned if it enters the blood.

So sucking out the venom with your mouth isn't too dangerous, assuming you don't have mouth sores, of course.

Li Fan was sure that he didn't have a mouth ulcer, so he could help the girl's sister suck out the poisonous blood without hesitation.

With mouthfuls of poisonous blood being sucked out.

After a while, the blood from the wound finally turned bright red.

Only then did Li Fan heave a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, the wolf girl hurriedly asked, "Is sister all right?"

Li Fan shook his head.

Even after reaching this point, the girl's older sister is still not out of danger, part of the snake venom has already spread, otherwise the girl's older sister would not have fallen into a coma.

The next step is to find a way to remove the remaining snake venom in the body.

Li Fan asked the wolf girl, "What snake's poison is in your sister?"

After hearing this, the wolf girl shook her head helplessly, and said, "My sister was bitten by a snake when she was out hunting. I was guarding the cave at the time, and when I heard the noise, I saw my sister fainted at the entrance of the cave. .”

Li Fan frowned again, he didn't know what kind of snake's venom, this kind of situation is difficult to treat even on the earth!

Li Fan thought about it, and continued to ask: "Then do you know where your sister usually hunts?"

The wolf girl nodded hurriedly.

"Take me to see."

Hearing that in places where poisonous snakes haunt, there must be an antidote within seven steps, Li Fan can only take a gamble now.


The two soon came to a dense forest. After some searching, with the help of the wolf girl's super sense of smell, the two finally found the blood stains left by the girl's sister after being bitten on a few weeds.

"It seems that this is the place, but which herbs can detoxify?"

Li Fan looked at all kinds of flowers and plants around him, and realized that he didn't recognize any of them.

Li Fan had no choice but to ask the wolf girl, but this guy also looked at a loss.

Seeing this, Li Fan could only see if there was anything the system could do.

In fact, there are antidote potions sold in the system mall, but a bottle of low-grade antidote potions also needs a full 10 bond points. Li Fan can’t afford it with only 1 point bond point. The only thing he can afford is various books. , and only one copy can be purchased.

Li Fan could only search in the system mall.

Fortunately, the system mall really has books on detoxification of snakes, and they are aimed at poisonous snakes in the Magic Continent.

However, for books on monster-level poisonous snakes, the required bond value needs 10 points. Li Fan can only use 1 bond point to buy the book for ordinary poisonous snakes. bitten.

As soon as Li Fan decided to buy it, the knowledge in the book flooded into his mind in an instant, and he quickly digested it.

This is undoubtedly good news, if not for this, he wanted to find the correct detoxification herb in a thick book, it would probably be enough for his young sister to get cold several times.

But now, Li Fan compared the knowledge in his brain, and finally succeeded in finding several herbal medicines around him that could treat snake venom.

With these herbs, the two returned to the cave.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the cave, a cold light suddenly fell on Li Fan's neck.

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