Bai Qi sighed as he said this, he didn't say this to hurt everyone's self-confidence, but just to let everyone understand the horror of the Year of God's Retribution.

Even a city with tall walls and well-built buildings could not withstand the cold winter of the Year of God's Retribution, nor could the cliffs of Sin Town alone.

Seeing this, Li Fan suddenly said: "The cliffs around the sinful town alone may not be able to stop the cold winter, but as long as we build warm houses in the sinful town, won't we have a chance to survive the cold winter?"

Dozina shook her head at this moment, and said: "It's not that easy. Even for the dwarves, it takes several dwarves to build a house for about 3 days, and the cold winter will come at any time, and it's too late." Build houses for hundreds of people."

Whether it is wood or stone, it takes a lot of time to process it before it can be used to build a house, so the three days Dozina said is based on the fact that the dwarves have the talent for construction.

Li Fan smiled confidently.

"It may not be impossible. As long as we have cement and build collective dormitories like Datongpu instead of single-family houses, we can build houses enough for hundreds of people to live in in a short period of time."


"The collective dormitory?"

Facing the new words in Li Fan's mouth, the other seven people were all at a loss. It was the first time they had heard these words.

Li Fan immediately explained the meanings of these two words.

"There is such a good thing as cement. As long as we have this kind of good thing, we dwarves can guarantee to build a house enough for everyone to live in within ten days."

Gu Li slapped his chest with confidence.

The only question is how to make the cement.

Li Fan immediately redeemed the book about cement from the system.

Absorbing the knowledge transmitted to his brain by the system, he frowned slightly.

The best cement is undoubtedly modern cement and Roman cement, especially Roman cement, which is better than modern cement in some respects.

It is a miracle that the port built with Roman cement was still as solid as new after being beaten by wind and waves for two thousand years before Li Fan crossed.

Whether you choose modern cement, or Roman cement can make the strongest house.

However, there is a condition for making modern cement and Roman cement, that is, the presence of volcanic ash is required.

There is a volcano in the evil forest, and it is still an active volcano, but it is located in the inner area of ​​the evil forest.

Not only did it take time to find the volcano, but how to transport the volcanic ash out of the inner area full of level 2 and 3 monsters was also a problem. These problems required a lot of time to solve.

What Li Fan and the others lack the most is time.

Fortunately, Li Fan remembered at this time that he had seen that plant ash could be used to make plant ash cement.

After Li Fan searched several times in the books of the system mall, he finally got the method of making cement with plant ash.

The cement produced by this method is naturally inferior to modern cement and Roman cement, but Li Fan only needs these ash cement houses to survive this winter. As for how many years such a house can last, it is out of his consideration .

With the idea of ​​obtaining the cement, the group started to act on the spot.

Every minute and every second these days is precious.

Howard said that when the Year of God's Retribution appears, people in the gathering place of the four major clans will evacuate. Li Fan plans to move to the sinful town as soon as the human race evacuates.

So Li Fan asked Ying to go to Sin Town to investigate, and as soon as the people in Sin Town left, he asked Ying to report back immediately.

On the other side, the dwarves began to try to make plant ash cement.

To make plant ash cement, plant ash is naturally indispensable.

It's too easy to want plant ash. There are not many other things in the evil forest, but there are many trees.

The fallen bark and leaves are collected, and what remains after burning out is plant ash.

Put the plant ash into a bucket filled with water, stir well to dissolve the potash in the plant ash into the water, then pour out the dissolved potash, and the remaining mortar is the main material for making cement.

In fact, the mortar at this time can be regarded as cement, but this kind of cement cannot stand the rain, and it will dissolve when it rains.

Therefore, secondary calcination is required.

Li Fan scooped up the settled mortar. At this time, the mortar was still a little burnt, but it was not serious.

Knead these mortars into balls, and then put them in the fire to burn until the mortar balls glow orange-yellow, and then take them out and set them aside to cool.

After the mortar balls have cooled, put them in water again to ripen.

During the curing process, an exothermic reaction occurs, and the calcium oxide in the mortar ball meets water to form calcium hydroxide.

To the people on Earth, it was just an ordinary chemical reaction, but to Dina and the others, it was undoubtedly an extremely miraculous scene, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Under the amazed eyes of everyone, the reaction ended, and Li Fan knew that the plant ash cement was finished.

Li Fan then found sand and gravel and mixed them with plant ash cement.

Knead the mixture into a brick shape, and after about 5 hours, the cement bricks will initially set.

At this time, the hardness of cement bricks is not inferior to that of wood, and as time goes by, its firmness will continue to increase until it reaches the maximum hardness after ten or twenty days.

During this period, the dwarves can build all the houses first, and finally wait for the cement to solidify by itself.

Looking at the plain cement brick, after simply testing the hardness of the cement, both dwarves and orcs were extremely satisfied.

With the existence of the magic cement, they have no problem building enough houses for hundreds of people before winter arrives.

And at noon the next day, Ying finally came back.

The humans in the evil town finally evacuated today.

Immediately, Bai Qi and Aoki gathered all the orcs, after telling all the orcs the information about the Year of God's Punishment.

Unexpectedly, there was a commotion among the orcs, but with the presence of the "highly respected" White Flag and Aoki, the commotion of the orcs quickly subsided.

Perhaps it is precisely because most of them are 'weak' orcs, these orcs do not have the violent temper of ordinary orcs, nor do they have contempt for dwarves.

Hearing that he was about to live with the dwarves, he quickly accepted it.

Under the arrangement of Bai Qi and Qing Mu, the orc immediately packed up his things and set off in the direction of Sinful Town.

At this time, Dozina and Guli returned to the dwarves' residence.

A little different from the 'weak' orcs, these 'sinner' dwarves are not so easy to talk to.

As soon as they heard that they were going to live with other races, a few people got angry on the spot.

Seeing this, Gu Li knew it was time to speak with his fists.

After a heavy beating, these dwarves were finally willing to listen to them.

Dozina then spent a lot of time doing some thought work for these dwarves.

The dwarves are not unreasonable, they know that survival in the Year of God's Retribution is the most important thing.

In the end, it was finally compromised under the persuasion of Duozina and Guli.

Not long after, nearly a hundred dwarves also packed their luggage, large and small, and headed towards Sin Town.

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