Shocking facts made this group of people confused.

On their faces, there was only deep despair.

As if it had been discussed, everyone had such an expression after hearing the words "Year of God's Punishment".

Alicia, who was more daring in the crowd, was not much better. Because she was too shocked, she seemed to have lost all her strength at this time, and she almost fell down while shaking.

At this time, no one was in the mood to take care of her. She supported her body by herself, and after a long time, she looked at the sky and said, "No matter what, we can't escape a tragic fate..."

Li Fan has always sneered at the so-called theory of destiny. If everything is doomed, then why do we need to work hard.

Li Fan glanced at the group of human beings in front of him, and said seriously: "We decided to migrate to the sinful town just to resist the winter of the year of God's punishment."

"Impossible. There are no such things as shelter, warmth, and food in the sinful town. There is no sign of winter in the year of God's punishment. Maybe it will appear in the next moment. How can it be resisted?" Alicia looked very nervous. despair.

"If you don't do it, you will never be able to resist it. If you do it, you will have the possibility of success. Now we have to race against time to do what we can do, you..."

Li Fan wanted to tell Alicia and the others not to hinder him, but after all, these are his own race, so he said: "If you also want to fight, you can come and help us, and maybe everyone will survive by then." , if you don’t want to join us, don’t hinder us, otherwise we won’t be polite.”

After speaking, Li Fan greeted Anna and the others behind her.

Bai Qi Aoki then let the orcs move towards the valley.

This time no one stopped the orcs.

Alicia looked at the orcs advancing in an orderly manner in front of her, and at Li Fan who was walking side by side with the orcs.

She suddenly trotted to Li Fan's side, stared at Li Fan and asked, "Why are you... with the orcs?"

The estrangement between humans and orcs is more due to human greed. Blood madness potions and reckless slave traders are the biggest contradictions between the two races.

However, several wars between the human empire and the orc empire made human beings regard the brutality of orcs on the battlefield as common sense for orcs.

Ordinary people's impression of an orc is almost a "cruel and irrational enemy".

Similarly, the orcs' common knowledge about humans also comes from the enemies and slave traders on the battlefield. In the eyes of the orcs, humans are synonymous with cunning, greed and unscrupulous methods.

Misunderstandings between the two races have existed for a long time, and it is not surprising that Alicia would care that Li Fan has become companions with the orcs.

Faced with Alicia's question, Li Fan could have said a lot of truths to slowly convince her.

Too bad time is so precious now.

So Li Fan pointed to the orcs and then pointed to Alicia and said: "They are orcs alive, and you are human. If we die, we are all just a pile of meat waiting to rot. There is no difference between us." Don't think too much girl, just think about it now, do you plan to plant a flower with your own hands in the spring of next year, or do you want to raise a flower with your own corpse in the spring of next year?"

After speaking, Li Fan looked around, but couldn't find any flowers, so he pulled out a grass and stuck it in the girl's long brown hair, and then continued walking towards the valley.

Alicia looked at Li Fan's back, and after a long pause, she smiled and said firmly: "Since I want to plant, I want to plant a wheat field that is enough to feed people."

Then Alicia trotted towards Li Fan.

Seeing this, those people behind Alicia showed a look of confusion.

They also heard what Li Fan said, no one wants to live, especially slaves like them.

Just when most people were still hesitating, a woman with long silver-gray hair walked out of the crowd first.

The woman was wearing a long skirt and had lush long hair that could make countless people with hair loss jealous to the point of distorting her face. The exaggerated hair spread out and completely blocked her face, making it impossible to see her appearance clearly.

When this strange woman came out, none of the slaves around seemed to be familiar with her, they just looked at her coldly.

The strange woman didn't respond to this, and she followed Alicia without saying anything.

Once someone took the lead, some people followed immediately.

Most of the people left behind were those who had no idea. Seeing that they had no other choice, they followed suit one after another.


Anna and the others have no objection to Li Fan's decision, but they also made it clear that these humans must also work.

Those who have not paid do not deserve to be reaped at this time.

Li Fan also thought so, and he had already planned.

Although these humans are ordinary people, they also have something they can do.

Plant gray cement needs a huge amount of bark and leaves.

It would be a waste for orcs and dwarves to collect bark and leaves.

Li Fan immediately arranged for all humans to go outside the valley to collect bark and leaves.

While collecting, let them burn out the ash.

Li Fan then demonstrated the steps of making plant ash cement and asked them to follow suit.

As for the work of the orcs, it is to collect sand and gravel.

It's hard to find these two things in the forest full of trees, but a little further away, in the area near the salt mine, there is a stone field.

Bring back the crushed stones there, and smash the big ones to get sand-like gravels.

Soon after, the dwarves also arrived in the town of sin.

The dwarves did not start building the house right away, but discussed some details of building the house with Li Fan and the others.

Li Fan also gave his own advice at this time.

"According to what you said, in the winter of the Year of God's Punishment, besides the low temperature and cold wind, the biggest threat is the heavy snow, and the snow will pile up to several meters high, even tens of meters high, so the house's The construction site must be higher, preferably at a place like the top of a hillside, which is conducive to the discharge of snow accumulation."

"The house can't be built too high. The strength of plant gray cement is limited. It is best to build only one floor. The roof is mainly a triangular roof to prevent snow accumulation."

In fact, what Li Fan is talking about is a design similar to the bungalows in Northeast China.

When thinking of the Northeast, Li Fan remembered that there is another way to keep the insulation of the double-layer exterior wall in the Northeast.

"The outer wall of the house can be designed to be double-layered, and the middle is filled with soil. Such a double-layered outer wall can play a good role in thermal insulation..."

Under Li Fan's series of suggestions, the dwarves were stunned for a while. At a certain moment, these dwarves even doubted whether they were the master builders or Li Fan was the master builder. How could this guy know better than them? look.

With Li Fan's suggestion, the dwarves quickly selected a location, which was near the top of a hillside under the cliff.

The next moment, the construction plan officially started.

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