All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1028: Shaking and Cold! When will Wang's boys really stand up?

As the attribute bubbles melted into the body, Wang Teng felt relieved.

Various Force attributes flowed through his body, after flowing through the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, they merged into the stars of the major Forces.


Wang Teng's body vibrated, and his realm was broken at this moment!

With a crisp sound, Wang Teng's golden star force broke through from the first level of the constant star to the second level!

[Golden Star Force]: 1300020000 (2nd floor of constant star)



The movement in Wang Teng's body has not stopped, even more intense.

Twenty-seven force stars flew out of the sea of ​​nothingness in his body, spinning at high speed, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

It's a pity that this is inside him, no one can see it.

The twenty-seven stars sub-tables represent the force of the three stars in the wood system, earth system, and water system.

Each force is nine, representing the nine-layer cultivation base of the planetary star.

After this period of accumulation, these three forces have reached the peak of planetary stars.

In addition, Wang Teng had just bombarded the Orante Federation battleship, and many warriors had fallen, so many original force attribute bubbles were dropped.

Now it's just a matter of time before the start of the advancement.

boom! boom! boom!

The three elements of Force stars suddenly collided together, and three star vortexes were formed in an instant, in which crystals of different colors condensed.

There is emerald green color, full of vitality!

With the color of earthy yellow, thick and solid!

There is the color of azure, so soft and vast!


After a while, the vortex of stars condensed into three force ‘stars’, which roamed freely in the sea of ​​nothingness, exuding a strong vitality, flowing throughout Wang Teng’s body.


At this moment, his body undergoes three life transitions in succession, moving towards a more perfect state, skin, muscles, bones, blood... all have undergone transformation!

Wang Teng couldn't help closing his eyes, feeling the wonderful feeling of sending him to the sky.

Just one word, cool!

Three full transformations, this is a happiness that others will never realize.

In a short moment, Wang Teng's water system, wood system, and earth system have all been promoted to the first level of constant star!

[Wood System Star Force]: 150010000 (1st floor of constant star)

[Water System Star Force]: 220010000 (1st floor of constant star)

[Earth System Star Force]: 960010000 (1st floor of constant star)

Among them, the power of the earth system stars has increased the most, directly reaching the top of the constant star level, and it will soon be able to break through.

This is naturally because Sheng Luo, a domain master-level warrior, has contributed, and more than 10,000 points of the earth system star force came out at once.


In addition, the force of the fire system stars has also increased, but it has not reached the level of breakthrough. After all, the force of the fire system is already at the seventh level of the constant star. It requires a lot of force points to break through, and it is not that easy.

In addition, there is a special force attribute-the light star Chen force!

Among the universe-class warriors of the Orland Federation, the female warrior named Qinglun is the owner of the light force.

Therefore, Wang Teng also got a lot of light star Chen Force from her, as much as 6000 points.

The problem is that Wang Teng has not obtained the cultivation technique of the light system so far, so the light force has been stuck at the 13-star warlord level.

But now the opportunity is here, would a cosmic-level martial artist not have light practice exercises?

Goose ha ha ha...

Wang Teng glanced at the green-haired female warrior who was bulging forward and backward, looking imperial and cold, and let out an inexplicable laugh in his heart.

Qing Lun: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

She shuddered suddenly, and felt an inexplicable malice descend on her body, and she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

Next is the constant star spirit and constant star comprehension attributes. The constant star spirit totals 5,200 points, and the constant star comprehension points are 4,500 points, which is a big gain!

[Spirit]: 2150050000 (constant star)

[Perception]: 1720050000 (constant star)

Wang Teng looked at his spirit and understanding on the attribute panel, and he was very satisfied.

These two attributes have risen a lot recently!

He felt that his mental power had improved a lot, and he was almost able to contend with a cosmic rank 9 martial artist.

Sure enough, you can harvest more attribute bubbles from the strong man’s wool. Look at what kind of people’s wool he has recently gathered. It’s not the realm master level or the domain master level. There are also many cosmic level warriors. His attribute value is good. Isn't it going up?

Although it's a bit laborious, after all, I have offended so many powerful people and can't sleep well, but it's really good!

Wang Teng felt like he was running wild on the road to death!

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Wang Teng looked at the two biggest gains this time.

Black gold field!

Celestial Stars and Meteorite Fields!

One is from An Lan and the other is from Sheng Luo!

The most important thing is that these two are very powerful areas!

The black gold domain is a hybrid domain after the combination of mental power and the metal domain. In fact, it is the advanced version of the gold domain, which is much stronger than the ordinary domain.

If An Lan knew that Wang Teng had secretly learned his field, wouldn't he be happy to be by his side?

This is even the old book has to be wiped out!

As for the field of Celestial Stars and Stars, it was the field that Saint Luo used before, and it was also a very powerful field. It can be said that it is one of the best among the many field powers.

[Black Gold Domain]: 2001000 (first order)

[Stone Stars and Meteorite Domain]: 2501000 (first order)

After careful calculation, Wang Teng found that he already had five domains.

Wind Domain, Flame Domain, Gold Domain, Black Gold Domain, Celestial Stars and Meteorite Domain...

This is simply going against the sky!

Domain is the power that domain master-level powerhouses can comprehend. If an ordinary warrior is in a planetary star, a constant star can comprehend the power of a domain, then he can be regarded as a genius among geniuses.

As a result, Wang Teng directly comprehended five kinds!

Even Wang Teng himself felt that this comprehension was a little bit too much, but there was no way, these domain master-level powerhouses came to him by themselves, he was also very helpless!

"But I still think the Earth Explosive Star Domain sounds better." Wang Teng muttered to himself, touching his chin.


It is a pity that the system did not respond to him, whether it was a meteorite or a meteorite.

Give you a face, right?

Want to change your name?

After picking up the attributes, Wang Teng felt much better, and then returned to the spaceship with An Lan.

"Lock them up!" Wang Teng pointed at the martial artist of the Orant Federation and ordered.

"Yes!" Bertha nodded quickly in response.

The Orante Federation warriors were pale and humiliated. The force and spirit in their bodies were all imprisoned. They were detained and locked up, waiting to return to the Earth Star before disposing of them.

Wang Teng returned to the cabin and joined everyone in the Wang family.

"Parents, grandpa, are you all okay?" Wang Teng asked worriedly.

"We're all right, it's just your grandpa..." Wang Shengguo shook his head and said what had happened before.

After listening to Wang Teng, he was furious, but now that the people of the Orante Federation are in his hands, he is not afraid that they will run away, and sooner or later he will have to pay the price.

Then he looked at the complexion of Old Man Wang again, took out a healing pill for him to eat, and then performed a light healing technique.

Father Wang's complexion immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his condition was much better than before he was not injured.

The people of the king's family looked staggering, their faces were shocked

"Cousin Wang Teng, I was scared just now, and now my chest is tight, please come to me." cousin Fang Qianwen said.

Seeing the return of her handsome and powerful cousin, the little girl couldn't help but behaved.

"Okay, here's one for you." Wang Teng smiled, but also lost a light healing technique.

At the same time, several elders did not fall. They were probably scared in the face of this situation. Light therapy can not only heal various injuries, but also relieve the mood and help relax. Naturally, Wang Teng will not be stingy. Such a little light force.

"And me, and me, cousin Wang Teng, I was scared just now, please comfort me." Wang Haoran cried strangely.

"Fuck off, it's nothing for a dignified man to be a little frightened." Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

He just didn't use it for a few boys, but the boy leaned forward without a face and skin.

Boys have to be rough and can't get used to it.

Otherwise, you will definitely be soft when you encounter things in the future.

"Smelly kid!" Wang Shengjun slapped Wang Haoran's forehead, his face turned dark, and he felt that this kid was ashamed of him.

"..." Wang Haoran looked dumbfounded and wronged.

This difference is too obvious.

Shivering and cold!

When will Wang's boys really stand up?


Everyone in the Wang family couldn't help chuckles when they saw him like this, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot.


At this moment, Bertha came over with Hardy and whispered softly.

Wang Teng turned his head and looked at Hardy, his face suddenly cold.

If he hadn't returned in time this time, the consequences of the Wang family would be unimaginable.

"Master, please punish!" Hardi said without waiting for Wang Teng to speak, and bowed his head.

If he had just been bought back by Wang Teng, he might not have been so respectful to Wang Teng, but now that he saw Wang Teng's strength, he would not have been so relaxed.

This is a kind of pressure from the strong and the superior!

"Hmph, I asked you to come back. That's how you do for me?" Wang Teng snorted coldly.

Bertha was unbearable and wanted to say something, but found that she was not qualified to interrupt. She suddenly felt a little grateful that Wang Teng didn't send her over at the beginning, otherwise she might not be able to do better than Hardy.

Wang Teng frowned, turning anger into anger, and never thought of what to do with Hardy.

If he really let him kill Hardy, he was not willing.

The slaves of the Shadow Killer tribe are hard to come by. If they are trained, they will definitely be a good helper in the future.

"Wait." Grandpa Wang said suddenly.

"Grandpa?" Wang Teng turned his head, with a trace of surprise on his face, not knowing what he was going to say.

"I can't blame him for this matter. He has tried his best. I can't bear to watch the people of the earth and stars die because of our royal family. That's why I took everyone out of the spaceship to let the people of the Orland Federation have a chance to take advantage of it." Wang The old man explained.

"Grandpa, how can you take risks with your own body?" Wang Teng said helplessly.

"We can't be the sinners of Earth Star." The old man shook his head and said stubbornly.

Wang Teng was speechless, he could only sigh. He couldn't say anything about what he did. Not everyone can be so ruthless. If they are allowed to give up Earth Star for their own lives, I am afraid that they will live in guilt for the rest of their lives. Among.

Otherwise, it's a big deal.

Eighteen years later, he is still a good man.

"Fine, don't blame you for this, get up." Wang Teng is not an unreasonable person either. Knowing the cause and effect, he no longer angered Hardi, and then personally stepped forward to help him up.

Hardi was extremely surprised. He didn't expect that the members of the Wang family would speak for him, and Wang Teng let him go so easily.

If you change to someone else, I am afraid that you will rarely be willing to admit your own mistakes.

It's just a slave anyway, who would be so polite to a slave?

At this moment, Hardi suddenly discovered that at least he met the master Wang Teng, and it was not that bad.

"Thank you, Master!" Hardi bowed and said, "But the constant star warriors I brought back are dead!"

"They're all dead!" Wang Teng was taken aback, feeling a little distressed. The fifty constant-star rank 9 martial artists were not a small number, they were all dead.

"Those warriors are all to protect us." Old man Wang said regretfully.

Wang Teng's anger against the Orland Federation rose again, sighed, and said in a deep voice: "Bury them thick."

"Yes!" Hardy replied.

Then he stepped aside and stood with Bertha.

"Return to Earth Star." Wang Teng ordered.

Kuankuang immediately commanded this world master-class spacecraft to land to the location of the Earth Star East China Sea.


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