All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1043 The money that should be saved must be saved!

After all, the Orante Federation is a cosmic civilization.

The history of every cosmic civilization is at least tens of millions of years, and the profound background is definitely not what Wang Teng and others can imagine.

The Sacred Star Tower was established at the beginning of the Orante Federation, and its history is not much shorter than that of the Orante Federation.

Therefore, the background of the Sacred Star Tower is also very profound.

The previous treasure was just one of them, and then Wang Teng led everyone to a huge palace.

When he saw this palace, Sheng Luo wanted to fight Wang Teng desperately.

Because this is the Tibetan Kungfu Hall where the Sacred Star Tower collects exercises and combat skills, all the exercises and combat skills of the Sacred Star Tower are in it.

Wang Teng led everyone to stand outside the hall, and two cosmic martial artists flew out from inside.

These are two old men, a man and a woman.

The man is a warrior of the black scale family, with dense black scales on his face and short stature.

The woman is a fox warrior, but she has gray hair, without the fox charm, she looks just an ordinary old woman.

They are the guards of this Tibetan Kungfu Hall.

But now that the Sacred Star Tower is in trouble, they have to come forward.

"President!" When the two saw Sheng Luo's appearance, they immediately knew that he was imprisoned, and their expressions changed slightly.

"You... get away." Sheng Luo shook his head.

"This..." The two suddenly hesitated. If the person who spoke was not the dean of the Sacred Star Tower, they would have already scolded them back.

You must know that the Tibetan Gong Palace is the most important place of the Saint Star Tower. This is the foundation accumulated over countless years. If there is any mistake, the Saint Star Tower will really be over.

"I'll count three times. If you don't let go, go down and accompany Wallis." Wang Teng said lightly.

"Vice Dean Wallis, what did you do to him?" the two old men said in surprise.

"He is dead!" Wang Teng said indifferently.

"Dead!!!" The two old men looked at Sheng Luo incredulously: "Dean, is this true?"

"You are not his opponents, please let go." Sheng Luo did not answer, shook his head and sighed.

Even so, the two old men knew the answer.

Obviously, Deputy Dean Wallis died in front of the Dean, but he had nothing to do to show that this matter was really beyond their control.


The two cosmic martial artists who had guarded the Saint Star Tower for countless years sighed and retreated lonely.

Wang Teng smiled coldly and ignored them, and gave orders to Bertha, Hardy and others: "Empty it!"

Sheng Luo, the expressions of the two old men changed.

Although I had expected that there would be hardship here, I didn't expect Wang Teng to be so ruthless that he would vacate the Tibetan Kungfu Palace and clearly didn't want to leave them behind.

Wang Teng strode into the Tibetan Kungfu Hall. At a glance, he used to have a large number of exercises and combat skills below the constant star level, probably tens of thousands.

Regardless of the fact that the Orland Federation is very large, compared with tens of thousands of martial arts and combat skills, it seems that there are few, but in fact there are many.

The exercises and combat techniques here are carefully selected. The word "exquisite" is definitely the top class of exercises and combat skills in the Orland Federation. Ordinary warriors can get one at random, I'm afraid Will be excited.

As for the cosmic level exercises and combat skills, there are very few, and the domain master level has only a few doors, which are placed in the deepest part of the hall.

"Wang Teng, I found the catalog of the Tibetan Gong Palace." A round voice sounded in Wang Teng's mind.

"Oh, let me see." Wang Teng's eyes lit up, and he didn't bother to look at them one by one. With the catalog, it was much more convenient, and you could directly find useful exercises and combat skills.

"I'll pass it to your smart watch, you can go and watch it yourself." Round Roller Road.

When Wang Teng opened the smart watch, a light curtain emerged, equivalent to the size of a tablet, and rows of catalogues appeared before his eyes.

After watching for a while, he shook his head in disappointment.

There is no practice or combat technique that satisfies him!

But there is still one-third of them not finished.

At this moment, Bertha and others came over and saluted: "Master, the collection has been completed."

"Next stop." Wang Teng nodded, put away the smart watch, and walked out of the Tibetan Gong Palace.

The martial arts leaders and the heads of state were hesitant to speak, and their eyes were red when they looked at these exercises and tactics.

If Earth Star can obtain these techniques and combat skills, most of the martial artist's background problems can be solved, and it will surely take off.

It's a pity that this is Wang Teng's spoils, and they are not qualified to occupy it.

After a while, I came to another building. This is the virtual universe entrance of the Sacred Star Tower. There are many valuable virtual universe connection devices.

"Move away!"

Without saying a word, Wang Teng waved his hand and directly let people do it.

Each helmet of the virtual universe requires tens of thousands of universe coins, which is not cheap and can't be wasted.

The money that should be saved must be saved!

"Move away!"

"Move away!"

"Move all away!"

Next, Wang Teng would not let go of everything that was valuable in every place he went to. He moved almost everything that could be removed from the Sacred Star Tower, which could be called digging three feet in the ground without leaving an inch of tiles.

When Wang Teng led everyone to leave the Sacred Star Tower, Sheng Luo's face was like ashes, and his whole body was trembling. It was angry.


The Huohe spacecraft left the Sacred Star Tower directly, and flew towards the main city of Orante Star.

The people of the Saint Star Tower below looked up at the tail of the Huohe spacecraft, gritted their teeth with hatred, and their eyes were full of hatred.

"Damn it, the natives of the Stars must pay the price in the future!" The few remaining cosmic-level warriors of the Saint Star Tower furiously said.


Wang Teng didn't know that the people of the Sacred Star Tower were incompetent and furious.

The main city of Orante is located in the central area of ​​Orante. It is the orthodox, economic and cultural center of Orante Federation. Compared with the Sacred Star Tower, it is more prosperous and lively, and also richer.

But today, there is a panic here!

The three territories of the Orland Federation were captured, and foreign enemies invaded. Now that the Sacred Star Tower has been damaged, how can the main city be spared.

When Wang Teng and others left the Sacred Star Tower, the senior officials of the Orante Federation on the side of the main city had already received the news, and they were now quickly discussing countermeasures.

In a large hall, a group of warriors of different races expressed their opinions loudly, forming a mess.

"Everyone, everybody, be quiet!" Faced with such a chaotic scene, an old man of the three-eyed tribe frowned and shouted.

After hearing the words, everyone looked at him one after another.

This person is impressively the marshal of the space fleet belonging to the Orland Federation, and the person with the highest status in the Orland Federation today.

"Marshal Nehemiah, I think we should leave Orant as soon as the enemy is not coming, to avoid the limelight."

"Yeah, yeah, the opponent's strength is far superior to ours, and fearless resistance is unwise."

"It's better to leave quickly and retain the strength. After they leave, we can rebuild the Orante Federation."


These senior officials of the Orante Federation actually wanted to escape, but they said that they were high-sounding, as if they were thinking about the future of the Orante Federation.

Marshal Nehemiah blew his beard and stared, and his three eyes were widened to the extreme. How could he never imagine that these bastards were so polite and shameless.

"Enough!" A burst of shout came from his mouth suddenly.

The surrounding voices finally disappeared, and everyone was silent, staring at Nehemiah in a daze.

"The Orante Federation is in crisis, but you want to be deserters. What about your faces?"


"I think you are thinking very well. Now the three domain master level adults are still in the hands of each other. If there is no domain master level seat, what do you use to rebuild the Orland Federation?"

"I think you just want to run away, a bunch of cowards!"

A roar came from Marshal Nehemiah, echoing in everyone’s ears, making many people look ugly. When his sharp gaze swept over, everyone’s eyes flickered with guilty conscience, and they didn’t dare to look at him. .

"Humph!" Nehemiah snorted when he saw this, and continued: "Do you think you can really leave the Orland Federation?"

"This is the picture just returned from the universe. See for yourself what it is?"

The voice fell, and a satellite image from the universe appeared on the light curtain in front of everyone.

In the picture was a huge battleship like a pyramid, floating quietly in the void, with a cold metallic luster on the surface.

"Mechanical spaceship!!!" An exclamation suddenly sounded.

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