All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1088 The third line of defense and mission requirements!

[Dark Poison Dust] With this skill, Wang Teng also saw the Dark Species of the Demon Moth Clan being used in battle.

But it doesn't seem to be too strong.

A gust of wind created by a warrior of the wind system is enough to blow away [Dark Poison Dust].

Useless skills have increased again.

Wang Teng shook his head, a little disappointed.

But when I think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be the case.

You know, not every warrior team can be equipped with a wind system warrior.

The wind element is originally the original force attribute of the special element, and the number is small.

And if there is no wind martial artist, it will be very troublesome, even if the [Dark Poison Dust] is blown away with the strength of the warrior, it can only guarantee that it will not be affected for a short time.

Because in the battle, the dark species of the Demon Moth Clan will continuously release [Dark Poison Dust], not the legendary Ichiro.

So if it's a one-on-one battle, it's not right. Even in a team battle, without a wind-type warrior, there will be no restraint effect. Then the [Dark Poison Dust] of the Demon Moth Clan is undoubtedly a very difficult skill.

In that case, [Dark Poison Dust] is still a very useful skill.

[Dark Toxic Dust]: 8003000 (skilled)

The attribute bubble just obtained has 1800 [Dark Poison Dust] attribute value, allowing Wang Teng to master the [Dark Poison Dust] skill directly from the entry level to the proficiency stage.

Wang Teng was delighted when he saw Hunting, and secretly followed the [Dark Poison Dust] method, with a pinch of his fingers, small particles of dust appeared between his fingers.

Well, the [Dark Poison Dust], which is displayed with the poison force generated by the [Demon Lotus Poison Body] and the Dark Force, seems a bit more powerful, I really want to find someone to try it.

He glanced vaguely at Peggy and the others.

Keke, they are all good subordinates who are conscientious, how can they have such dirty thoughts.

With a flick of Wang Teng's finger, some dust dissipated in the air.

In addition to the attribute bubbles of the Dark Seed, all the attribute bubbles dropped by Peggy and others were picked up by him.

However, most of them are Force attributes, and there is nothing worthy of special attention.

These attribute values ​​are not enough to change his realm.

Everyone swept the battlefield, especially for killing these dark species is a military merit, killing the demon king-level dark species is not low.

As for how to judge military merit, this involves the military's intelligent system.

When each military fighter is performing a task, he can perform real-time monitoring and statistics by connecting his smart watch to the military's intelligent system.

Not only that, this monitoring result will also be compared with the images monitored by smart satellites distributed across the battlefield before it will be recorded in the book for the final military performance statistics.

If there are any doubts, it is impossible to be admitted.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for some nobles to gain military merit by cheating.

Of course, if you don't want to be tracked by the military's intelligent system, just disconnect it from the intelligent system.

In this way, the corresponding military merits will naturally be ignored.

It depends on everyone's choice.

"The intelligence of the Dagan Empire military may also be an intelligent life, even stronger than me." Yuan Gungun said suddenly.

"Oh? How do you know?" Wang Teng asked.

"After all, with such powerful computing power, ordinary intelligent systems are absolutely impossible to do. Do you know how difficult it is to cover so many battlefield warriors? What's more, so many defensive stars cover at the same time, not just this two Defensive star on the nineteenth." Round rolling track.

Wang Teng nodded, and didn't ask any more, Chuokun knows this aspect better than him.

Peggy and others quickly cleaned the battlefield and put the corpse of the Dark Seed into the space equipment specially placed for the corpse.

Then they returned to the battleship and set off again toward the third front.

Sitting in the battleship, Peggy and others glanced at Wang Teng from time to time, and stopped talking.

The strength of this officer was really beyond their expectations.

Killing the five-headed Demon King Grade Dark Seed in one hit is not something that an ordinary constant star warrior can do.

I thought it was a straw bag, but I didn't expect people to hide it deeply and didn't bother to explain anything to them.

For a time, everyone was in a mixed mood, shocked, ashamed and so on.

However, if there is a powerful warrior as the chief, they are naturally happier, and at least the safety factor will increase a lot.

They knew very well that if it hadn't been for Wang Teng before, they would suffer casualties when facing the five king-level dark seeds.

There have been casualties before they actually landed on the frontline battlefield, and they would definitely be laughed at when they arrived on the frontline battlefield.

On the battlefield, although they all have the determination to die, who doesn't want to live.

After all, they didn't ask much, as long as they knew that Wang Teng was strong enough.

So during the next trip, they became respectful of Wang Teng, and their attitude was completely different.

That is a mentality to treat the strong.

In the universe, on the battlefield, the strong have always been respected.

After that, I didn't encounter too many troubles. At most, I met three or two kittens, and Ivan and the others were able to solve it easily.

About three hours later, the "Eagle VII" warship finally reached the third front line defensive base.

Not yet close, when seen from a distance, a metal fortress like a giant beast is crawling on the ground. With the metal fortress as the center, there is a defensive line that cannot see where the boundary is. It is as high as 30 meters. Made of metal, very thick.

The entire line of defense looked like a serpentine python on the ground, and it was extremely magnificent.

"Major Wang Teng, we have arrived at the third front line defensive base." Peggy stood up, looked outside from the screen, and said.

"Let's land." Wang Teng said.

"Okay, I'll get in touch with the defensive base first." Peggy stopped the warship in place, and then made contact with the defensive base.

The two sides confirmed their identities, and the warship continued to fly forward and finally fell in the metal fortress.

The battleship stopped on a tarmac in the metal fort, Wang Teng and Peggy and others stepped off the battleship one after another.

"Major, please show your identity."

A group of warriors in battle armor came over, and the leading warriors saluted Wang Teng and said in a deep voice.

Wang Teng didn't say much, and sent his own identity information.

After the opponent checked, the expression on his face finally relaxed a little, and after another salute to Wang Teng, he said: "Major Wang Teng, welcome to the third front line defense base."

Wang Teng nodded, and said, "I am here to meet the commander of the base, General Tuttle."

"Please come with me, General Tuttle has already ordered, you can go to see him as soon as you come." The warrior headed nodded.

Under the leadership of the warrior, Wang Teng entered the metal fortress and came to a room like a rest area.

A major officer had been waiting for a long time again, greeted him, and saluted:

"Major Wang Teng, please come with me. I am General Tuttle's adjutant."

Aiwen and others were arranged to wait in the rest area, while Wang Teng followed the general Tuttle's adjutant to General Tuttle's office.

General Tuttle is a three-eyed clan master-level warrior with long brown hair and a rank of major general. Unlike General Mokalun, this major general Tuttle does not seem so rigid and serious.

"Major Wang Teng, you are finally here." When General Tuttle saw Wang Teng, he stood up, walked out from behind the desk, and said with a smile.

"General Tuttle, Major Wang Teng is here to cooperate with your mission." Wang Teng saluted and said.

What makes him very helpless is that in this army, it is very troublesome to salute at every turn.

But everyone is like this, he has to follow good faith.

"Please sit down." Tuttle motioned to Wang Teng to sit on the sofa.

After the two sat across from each other, General Tuttle did not talk nonsense, and began to explain the specific content of the mission:

"We have received intelligence that a dark species army is stationed northwest of the third front line, without knowing its intentions."

"So I need your cooperation and go to investigate the matter clearly."

"I don't know how the opponent's strength allocation is?" Wang Teng asked.

"We only know that there are lower-level Demon Sovereign-level Dark Species, but there are no more than two. I don't know what race it is. Demon-level Dark Species have thirty to forty heads, and there are at least hundreds of them below Demon Sovereign level." General Tuttle Road.

"Are the two lower-level Demon Sovereign-level dark species?" Wang Teng groaned for a moment, and then thought that there were so many dark species at other levels, which felt a bit tricky.

The most important thing is that there is not much effective information in it.

This is a bit tricky.

"The number of the other party is indeed relatively large, but this time you are mainly investigating, and you don't need to face them head-on." General Tuttle said: "In addition, I will send professional intelligence personnel to assist you. Do you have any questions?"

"Understood, you send me the location, I will immediately lead the team to explore." Wang Teng said.

General Tuttle was surprised to see how happy he had promised.

You must know that he had contacted many teams before, but after hearing about the number and strength of the Dark Seed, they all retreated and thought they were incapable of the job.

He naturally forced someone to investigate, but unfortunately none of those teams came back.

So he finally had to request support from the main base, and let an elite team of warriors be sent over there to assist in this matter.

When General Tuttle saw that Wang Teng was just a constant star warrior, he actually hesitated in his heart, but since he was sent from the main base, there must be some uniqueness, and it won't just come to die.

And he also told the truth about the situation there. If this Major Wang Teng retreats, it will naturally show that he does not have this ability.

At most, let the general base send someone over.

"General Tuttle, if there is nothing wrong, then I will go down and prepare to set off." Wang Teng stood up and said.

"Okay, then I will send someone to contact you, and you can act directly." Seeing Wang Teng's vigorous vigor, General Tuttle nodded without saying more.

After sending Wang Teng away, he frowned, turned on the smart watch, and sent a contact application to the headquarters.

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