All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1237 Unknown changes in the sacred mountain, the sacred tree of light! (Please subscribe! As

Obviously neither Wang Teng nor the girl with short silver hair expected to meet each other here, and the scene was quite embarrassing for a while.

"It seems that you have known each other a long time ago." The elder looked at the two and smiled.

"It's more than acquaintance, we have also fought." Wang Teng said lightly.

"Hehe, just a guy who can't beat me." The silver short-haired girl smiled triumphantly.

Wang Teng shook his head without arguing, his face was calm and unmoved.

His expression is like an adult facing an unreasonable little girl, just letting her.

"What's your expression!" Sure enough, the girl with short silver hair was immediately angry.

"Great Elder, do you know her?" Wang Teng ignored her, turning his head to ask the Great Elder of Light Velvet Spirit.

The origin of this girl is unknown, why did she appear here, everything is full of doubts.

"Felia is the granddaughter of an old friend of mine. Every once in a while, if there is a suitable person in their clan, they will come to our planet to experience it." The elder explained.

"Felia!" Wang Teng muttered the other party's name in his heart, and asked, "This clan of them?"

"Then you have to ask Felia." The elder smiled.

"Why, do you want to find out where I came from?" Feilia put her hands on her chest, looking at Wang Teng contemptuously.

"You are only one meter and five meters, little girl, please put away your eyes that don't match your height." Wang Teng said.

A girl with short silver hair: [○・`Д´・○]

"Do you want to fight?" She glared at Wang Teng, Jiao Jiao.

"Come on, just finish the fight that wasn't finished last time." Wang Teng hooked his finger at her and said.

The two were about to fight.

"Okay! Okay! Now that you are all friends of my velvet spirit, how about giving me this old man a face and turning gangsters into jade?" The elder elder looked at the two juniors fighting like an elder and laughed. Said.

"Hmph, I will give the great elder face, and don't care about you." Feilia snorted and turned her head away.

Wang Teng can only give up, it is impossible to really fight here with the Spirit of Glossy Velvet.

To tell the truth, this silver short-haired girl has a lot of good things on her body, and he really wants to fight a good fight and get some wool from her.

But the situation doesn't allow it.

Then the elder took them and Rong Li into the wooden house.

The layout of this wooden house is even more exaggerated than Rongli's residence.

Piles of spirit grasses of various light elements are everywhere, and they grow naturally, not being picked and placed in the house.

The strong light force is floating around, making this house extraordinarily comfortable.

This is too much. Planting flowers and grass everywhere in the house makes it look like a small garden.

I have to admit that the velvet spirit is quite enjoyable.

Wang Teng looked around and couldn't help but look a little hot.

These bright flowers and grasses are all good things!

"Wang Teng, it seems that you like these things very much. When you leave, I will give you some." The elder said generously.

"How embarrassing it is." Wang Teng saw his expression being seen, and he was not embarrassed, and smiled: "But the great elder is so kind, so I just accepted it with a brazen face."

Grand Elder: "..."

Rong Li: "..."

Feilia: "..."

I have seen shameless people, I have never seen anyone so shameless.

"You are really cheeky." Feilia couldn't help but sigh, disdainful of Wang Teng.

In her house, there are so many light-type spirits of this grade.

This soil bun who didn't know where came out had no knowledge at first sight. He felt good when he saw everything, and wanted to take advantage of it.

"It's good to be thick-skinned, resist fighting." Wang Teng didn't care, but said with a smile on his face.

At first glance, this girl is spoiled and spoiled. If she is not in charge, she does not know that Chai Mi is expensive.

This kind of little girl just owes something to clean up!

The two were arguing here, and Rong Li and the Great Elder didn't bother them. Rong Li and the Great Elder described the situation that their tribe had encountered before.

The Grand Elder heard that it was Wang Teng who had rescued the Magra tribe, so he turned his head and glanced at him.

However, Wang Teng was still arguing with Feilia and didn't see it.

"Great Elder, I gave Wang Teng the slate for enlightenment. He said he might have found a solution to our cultivation problem." Rong Li whispered.

"Really?" The great elder suddenly came to his mind, a bright light flashed in his eyes, grabbing Rong Li's arm, and asked.

"That's what he said." Rong Li had long expected that the elder would be very excited when he heard the news, and couldn't help but laugh.

He felt that this was his own credit. If it weren't for him to show Wang Teng the slate, how could Wang Teng discover the problem with their cultivation?

"If we can solve our cultivation problem, you are our great hero." The elder patted Rongli's head and said.

"Elder, did you just say that this guy can solve your cultivation problems?" Feilia apparently heard the conversation between the Elder and Rong Li, pointing to Wang Teng, and couldn't help but ask.

The Great Elder did not answer, but looked at Wang Teng.

"I have to wait until I have seen all the slates." Wang Teng did not have a ticket. In fact, when he got the [Yuanguang Bible] inheritance, he was 100% sure to solve the problem of the cultivation of the Light Velvet Spirit, but He won't say it, [Yuanguang Bible] The less people know, the better.

Even the immortal-level powerhouse must carefully hide and tuck him when he obtains the god-level technique, not to mention that he is a constant star warrior.

Speaking out, it is estimated that there will be constant troubles in the future.

"Impossible, even my grandfather can't solve the problem, why can you solve it?" Feilia said in dissatisfaction.

"Who is your grandfather!" Wang Teng said in a huff: "If he can't solve things, others can't solve them. It's a joke."

"According to that, a woman can give birth to a child, but can your grandfather also give birth?"

"You're presumptuous!" Feilia was anxious and snorted coldly: "How dare to say that to my grandfather, huh, if I say my grandfather's name, I will scare you to death."

"Then you mean, tell me quickly and scare me to death. I didn't stop you." Wang Teng said as if it didn't matter.

"..." Feilia's pissed chest was about to explode.

This bastard was mad at every word, how hateful that face looked, she wished to kill the bastard in front of her with a knife.

"Don't be angry, it won't be good if you blow up your chest, it's already small." Wang Teng looked at Feilia's undulating chest and said.

"I..." Feilia breathed fire in her eyes.

"You guys, really little kids." The elder elder couldn't laugh or cry.

"Elder, you don't believe him, maybe he is just to look at your slate." Feilia took a few deep breaths, calmed herself down, and IQ came back, and said to the elder.

"Wang Teng is a friend of our velvet spirit. Even if he can't solve our cultivation problem, it's okay to show him the slates." The elder said: "These slates, we have kept them for too long, something we can get. You have all got it, you can't get it, and you can't ask for it. You are all martial artists of the light type, and it will be helpful to you to show it to you."

Wang Teng glanced at the elder in surprise.

It can only be said that it is worthy of a long-lived creature. There is a spilt in these words, and the stone slab is not hidden as a treasure.

It's just that if they knew that what was hidden in the stone slab was a god-level exercise, how would they feel if they didn't know?

Wang Teng guessed that this may be a problem with the Spirit of Glowing, and they could not comprehend the [Yuanguang Bible]!

Otherwise, for so many years, if you could comprehend it, it would have been realized long ago.

"After the leaders of the various tribes have brought their slates, you can go to enlightenment together." The elder said.

Feilia originally thought that this was a privilege that only she could enjoy, but she did not expect to add a Wang Teng in the middle, which made her very upset, and she wanted to stop talking, but seeing the look of the elder, she could only keep her mouth shut. Word.

After all, the slate is not hers, it is something of the velvet spirit.

Although she could also grab it, the friendship between their race and the Velvet Spirit was completely broken.

Her grandfather would never spare her.

She was puzzled at the beginning, and asked her grandfather, with their strength, it is obviously easy to take the slate as one's own, why not do it?

Her grandfather told her meaningfully:

"Felia, everything in the world has its own destiny. If you want to go further, you must see all these destinies clearly, and you can't keep it by force."

Feilia felt that the old man was too buddha.

But who makes the old man a strong one.

Whoever has a big fist makes sense and is fine.

Wang Teng didn't know that Feilia had so many complicated thoughts in her heart, and he was relieved when he learned that he could comprehend other slates.

Then he asked again: "Elder, I heard that several invading human warriors were captured by the holy mountain's envoy. I don't know the origin of the holy mountain and the holy envoy?"

Feilia was also very curious, and she glanced at Wang Teng, her gaze fell on the elder.

The elder was silent for a moment, and stood up and said, "Let me come out and have a look."

Wang Teng and Feilia glanced at each other, the latter snorted and turned away, as if looking at him more often would be disgusting.

Wang Teng didn't care, smiled, got up and walked out of the house with the elder.

Under the leadership of the Great Elder, they walked to an angle where they could see the mountain in front of them.

"Look, this is our holy mountain, the holy land of our velvet spirit." The great elder pointed to the big mountain in front of him.

As it spoke, it fell into silence for a while, seeming to recall something.

"Is there something peculiar about this holy mountain?" Wang Teng asked.

"There is a bright spiritual tree growing on the holy mountain. It is a totem that we have enshrined for generations. We call it the bright holy tree. It will bear a fruit every hundred years. As long as the fruit is swallowed, you can have transcendence. The power of the planetary star..." The Great Elder said, paused, and finally said: "You can get a long life."

"The sacred tree of light!" Wang Teng's heart moved: "Could it be the tree of light that the clam said?"

He was a little surprised that the fruits of the sacred tree of light could give people powerful strength and a long life.

This effect is very similar to the legendary "Tree of Light"!

The water of light condensed by the tree of light can not only heal injuries and diseases, but also increase life span.

Isn't it really a "tree of light"?

"What, can get a long life!" Feilia was taken aback.

This is not an effect that ordinary spiritual things can possess. No matter what it is, anything that can increase life expectancy is extremely rare in the universe.

There is actually a spiritual tree that can gain a long life! !

"Child, it may not be a good thing to have a long life?" The elder smiled.

"If you can get a longer life, you can have more time to pursue the road of martial arts. What's wrong." Feilia didn't understand what he meant.

"If I hadn't guessed, what are the drawbacks of the fruits of this sacred tree of light?" Wang Teng said lightly.

The elder gave Wang Teng a surprised look.

Wang Teng and Felia are about the same age, Felia is still like a young man, but although Wang Teng occasionally looks like a young man, in his actions and words, there is a maturity that is not commensurate with his age. feel.

Feilia also looked at Wang Teng, her eyes moved slightly.

"You are right. Although the fruits of this sacred tree of light can prolong lifespan, it will overspend the talents of living beings. Even if it has a strength that exceeds the planetary star, it is nothing more than an external force, but you will never be able to cultivate to it. Above the planet stars." The Great Elder said.

"This..." Feilia's face suddenly changed. She would rather not have such a life extension method.

After all, for her, talent is the most important thing.

If she doesn't have talent, it's tantamount to breaking the road of martial arts, it is better to let her die.

"This condensed fruit of the sacred tree of light, how I look at it, looks like a poison." Wang Teng thought thoughtfully.

"You are right to say that." The Great Elder smiled bitterly.

Isn't this a kind of poison that can overdraw talents?

"Elder, I have gotten a few "seeds", look at what this is?" Wang Teng took out the "seeds" and handed them to the elder.

When Feilia saw this kind of child, her face turned black.

She saw that Wang Teng used this kind of child to attract star beasts. She thought it was a good thing, so she grabbed it. It turned out that it was a "seed". There was nothing peculiar at all. Apart from being able to attract star beasts, she didn't find anything. effect.

"This is..." The elder frowned, very surprised: "How can this be somewhat similar to the fruit produced by the Sacred Tree of Light, but the breath seems to be much weaker."

"Sure enough." Wang Teng secretly said in his heart.

"Where did you get this kind of seed?" the elder asked solemnly.

"From the bodies of some star beasts, after they use this "seed", they can burst out of strength above the king level." Wang Teng said.

"This effect is very similar to the condensed fruit of the sacred tree of light." The great elder said.

"Yes!" Wang Teng nodded, pondered, and asked: "After you eat the condensed fruit of the tree of light, have you seen anything peculiar?"

"Strange things." The great elder glanced at Wang Teng with a strange look, and shook his head: "It's not true."

"Hey, do you know what?" Feilia couldn't listen anymore and asked loudly.

She felt like a fool and didn't know anything, but Wang Teng seemed to know everything, which made her very unhappy.

"What's your business?" Wang Teng glanced at her.

"You!" Feilia could only stare, angrily unable to speak.

"Don't be angry, it's not worth it to be angry." Wang Teng said: "After all, we don't know each other."

"..." Feilia.

"By the way, next time I don't interrupt, I don't understand any politeness." Wang Teng continued.

"..." Feilia.

on purpose!

This bastard must have been deliberate, he was revenge on her last time for grabbing his seeds.

"Elder, I'm very curious, what is the existence of the envoy?" Wang Teng ignored Fei Liya, turned his head and asked.

"You don't know. Three hundred years ago, the holy mountain had not been shrouded in dense fog." The elder said a thoughtless sentence.

Wang Teng frowned.

So what else has changed in this?

"At that time, we will select some tribesmen to enter the holy mountain and serve under the sacred tree of light. These tribesmen are the holy envoys." The elder said.

"How did this fog appear?" Wang Teng couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." The elder shook his head and said: "No one knows how the fog appeared. We sent someone to investigate, but they never came back. When they reappear, they have become emissaries."

"But the current emissary is different from the previous emissary."

"It's different?" Wang Teng was slightly taken aback: "What's the difference?"

"They have become stronger, they don't seem to have emotions, and even their appearance has changed." The elder said.

"There must be a problem on that mountain. Asking so many why, just call it up." Feilia clenched her fist and said eagerly.

Wang Teng glanced at her.

"What are your eyes?" Feilia frowned.

Wang Teng shook his head, and asked the great elder: "How strong are those envoys?"

"Probably has the strength of the cosmos level peak, and there is more than one holy envoy." said the elder.

Feilia's face froze.

There is more than one cosmic peak strength!

If she wants to leave, the other party will definitely not be able to keep her, but she can't beat the existence of so many cosmic peaks.

She felt a little embarrassed when she thought of vowing to fight.

It seems to be bragging!

"Why don't you go up and try?" Wang Teng Nuoyu said.

"Go, go, go, who is afraid of who." Feilia's eyes flashed, a little vacant, but she still said stiffly.

"Very well, it's up to you." Wang Teng gave her a thumbs up.

Feilia rode a tiger with difficulty.

"No, no, it's too dangerous to go." The elder shook his head repeatedly and disagreed.

Feilia was overjoyed, the elder is awesome, stop me quickly, I don't want to go anymore.

"Elder, please don't stop her, this little girl has such a big tone, and she must be very strong, you let her go." Wang Teng said.

"..." Feilia's face became stiff again.

Wang Teng, I don’t share the same spirit with you!

"Hmph, you think everyone is as timid as you." She suppressed the anger in her heart and snorted coldly.

"Yes, yes, I am the most courageous, you are the most courageous, go quickly." Wang Teng nodded without caring.

"Wang Teng, don't arouse her anymore, and Feilia, too. Don't be impulsive. If something goes wrong, I can't explain to your grandfather." The elder couldn't laugh or cry.

Felia refused to accept it.

How the elder elder treated Wang Teng and her attitude were totally different, and he treated her as a child.

Wang Teng smiled, and no longer irritated Feilia, even if she was teasing her, avenge her previous revenge.

He looked at the top of the mountain covered in dense fog, his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking.

Feilia noticed Wang Teng's expression, and her heart moved involuntarily.

This guy must want to sneak up the mountain!

There was a thought in her heart, and she couldn't stop it anymore.

Wang Teng and others returned to the house of the great elder, waiting for the leaders of other tribes to come with slates.

Soon dusk came.

One after another, the velvet spirits of other tribes came and gathered in the house of the great elder, using their language to tell what the great elder said.

Rong Li also mingled among them, and after a few words, the discussion began intensely.

"Eh, they don't seem to be willing to give you a comprehension of the slate." Feilia smiled happily.

"I can't comprehend, and you can't comprehend," Wang Teng said without opening his eyes.

"I'm different from you, my grandfather has an agreement with them." Feilia said triumphantly.

"Then you can't comprehend anything. I guess there are many people from your clan, but I guess there are no people who really inherited it." Wang Teng said.

Feilia was speechless when Wang Teng talked about the pain, and she sulked by herself.

"Others can't, I definitely can." After a while, she couldn't help but said: "As for you, I definitely didn't expect it."

He also took a look at Wang Teng, very disdainful.

Wang Teng laughed.

"..." Feilia felt she had hit the cotton with a punch, very depressed.

(╬ ̄ bowl ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)

I'm so mad at me!

In the end, the elder said something serious, and the other dozen or so velvet spirits fell silent.

"Wang Teng, come here." The elder beckoned to Wang Teng.

"What's the matter? Great Elder." Wang Teng raised his eyebrows, and it seemed that the result had already come out.

"Wang Teng, we are going to have a sacrifice tonight. When the sacrifice is over, you and Fei Liya can see the complete slate together." The elder said.

"Sacrifice!" Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment.

"Yes, when all the stone slabs are gathered together, we must perform sacrifices." The elder said.

"There is still such a custom." Wang Teng nodded. Although he was surprised, he didn't say much. This is the custom of the Light Velvet Spirit. He would naturally show his full respect when he enters the country as he does.

"Is it the ritual of the Spirit of Light Velvet? I heard my grandfather mention it, and I wanted to see it a long time ago." Feilia leaned over and said with interest.

Night is coming.

The velvet spirits got busy, preparing various sacrificial supplies, and then Wang Teng, led by the great elder, walked towards a valley behind the tribe.

In the valley, a huge ancient altar appeared in front of Wang Teng.

The thick stone pillars were distributed around the altar, and the velvet spirits ignited flames on them, instantly illuminating the surroundings.

The flame was white, with a sense of holiness.

Wang Teng looked at the flames curiously, not as good as his bright holy flame, which seemed to be just a flame ignited with a special bright spiritual object.

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