All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1238 Let's go to your sister's work! (Please subscribe! Ask for monthly pass!)

Under the night.

The valley seemed extremely quiet, as if the altar exuded some mysterious power, quieting all the creatures.

The watery moon blossoms shed and shone on the altar.

Above the surrounding columns, a white holy flame burned, illuminating the entire valley brightly.

In the middle of the altar, there is a huge stone tool, rectangular in shape, more than two meters high, hollowed out in the middle, I don't know what it is for.

As outsiders, Wang Teng and Feilia could not set foot on the altar when offering sacrifices.

They looked at all this, feeling very curious.

The altar is surrounded by five or six steps.

More than a dozen velvet spirit leaders from different tribes walked to the altar under the leadership of the great elder.

The great elder stood in front of the square stone tool, and the other leaders of the velvet spirit stood under the columns around the altar.

At the same time, the other powerful velvet spirits in the tribe also came to the valley. They knelt around the altar, holding their hands up to the sky, with a pious expression.

Above the fluffy faces, one could see an extremely sacred expression.

Even in that tribe, there are still many velvet spirits who cannot enter the valley, but they also worship in the direction of the altar.

And the altar is facing, it is actually the sacred mountain!

On the altar, the great elder and others are ready, and various sacrificial supplies are placed in front of the square stone tools.

They didn't use living creatures for their sacrifices, just various unknown spiritual flowers and grasses.

These spiritual flowers and grasses were sealed in white jade boxes, and the great elder personally opened them, radiating radiance, and the powerful light star Chen force radiated from above, and the surrounding area was immediately filled with a sweet fragrance.

"A Thousand Years Era!!!"

When Feilia saw the spiritual creature, her whole body was stunned.

"One plant, two plants, three plants...nine plants! My God, there are nine ten thousand year artifacts, and they are all very high-grade Guangming ten thousand year artifacts."

She was a little incoherent, her eyes stared round and she couldn't believe her eyes.

Fortunately, she hadn't looked down on these spiritual things like the Great Elder before, and now she felt like she was beaten, and her face was hot.

Wang Teng was also shocked.

This great elder has hidden so many good things.

If you don't make a move, you will be shocked as soon as you make a move.

No, when you leave, you must pick something good from him.

Wang Teng secretly made up his mind.

He looked at Feilia on the side, feeling a little funny, this little girl was obviously shocked in the film, and her mouth was wide open.

"What do you look at!" As if noticing Wang Teng's gaze, Feilia returned to her senses, her expression stern, and she gave him a vicious look.

"Little girl, how about this ten thousand years of life? Can it be returned to your eyes?" Wang Teng asked with a smile.

"..." Feilia's face was suddenly blue and white, angrily.


Knowing she was wrong, she gave a cold snort, turned her head and pretended not to hear

Suddenly, a strange sound came from the altar, with a sense of desolation.

Wang Teng quickly retracted his gaze and looked at the altar intently, only to see that it was the great elder who made this sound.

He raised his head, and his voice seemed to reverberate in his throat, low and desolate.

At the same time, the same syllables were uttered in the mouths of the dozen or so velvet spirit leaders around, converging with the voice of the great elder, and finally turned into a sound, which echoed in the silent night sky regardless of each other.

The great elder took out the nine ten thousand-year-old artifacts from the white jade box and threw them into the square stone tools in front of them one by one.


The square stone tool vibrated, and a white light burst out from the stone tool, and the surface of the stone tool suddenly lit up with strange lines. Those lines connected to the altar, making the altar also light up with complex and mysterious lines.

In a short while, the entire altar was completely covered by lines.

Even the cylindrical surface around it is covered by lines, spreading from the bottom to the flames, which is very strange.

The lines on the altar are connected into one piece, turning into an unknown strange pattern.

Wang Teng was attracted by the pattern, but he couldn't see anything.

When the ninth plant was thrown in, the entire altar was completely lit, and the singing of the velvet spirit headed by the great elder reached its highest point.

Something seemed to respond to them on the sacred mountain, and the thick fog dispersed a little.


There was a roar.

A piece of white holy light hangs like the Milky Way, falling from the holy mountain and throwing it on the altar.

The Great Elder and the others froze for a moment, and then they were ecstatic, and they made the sacrificial voice more excited, no longer so low, but appeared louder and clearer, penetrating the void.

The velvet spirits around the altar were also very excited, and some velvet spirits even shed tears. They were extremely religious, holding their hands high, and constantly worshipping, as if praying for something.

The white holy light shone on all the velvet spirits, making them seem to be bathed in white light, making them more holy.

Suddenly, the bodies of all the velvet spirits floated, and their bodies emitted white light, like they turned into balls of light.

They are like the wonderful spirit of life born from the spirit of Zhong Tiandi!

They are the most beloved children in this world!

Wang Teng and Feilia were shocked by the sudden change.

what happened?

Why suddenly these velvet spirits are all glowing? ?

Neither of them reacted, but an idea sprang up in their hearts.

It turns out that this is the Spirit of Light Velvet!

It will shine!

Nothing wrong!

Wang Teng came back to his senses, his eyes flickered, and he felt very surprised.

He opened the [Pupil of True Sight] and wanted to see the changes in it, but found nothing.

This made him frown.

Can't even [Pupils of True Sight] see anything?

What kind of existence is the velvet spirit?

Originally, Wang Teng had always thought that the velvet spirit had limited talents, so he was restricted to planetary stars, but now his thoughts were shaken.

The velvet spirit still has many unknown secrets.

Any form of life in the universe has its own characteristics and talents, which cannot be denied.

While thinking about it, one by one attribute bubbles actually fell out of the white light, and even the Spirit of Light was also dropping attribute bubbles.

Wang Teng's eyes flashed, he quickly rolled out his mental power and picked up all of them.

[Light Star Chen Force *200]

[Light Star Chen Force*180]

[Light Star Chen Force*350]


Each attribute bubble merged into Wang Teng's body, turning into a pure and incomparable light star Chen force, circling his limbs and a hundred skeletons, and merged into the sea of ​​nothingness, causing his light star Chen force to rapidly increase.

"A lot of light stars Chen Force!" Wang Teng was overjoyed.

This is simply a surprise!

He had never thought that he could get so many light stars Chen Force at this time.

Happiness comes so suddenly.

In an instant, Wang Teng felt that the realm of his light star Chen Force was constantly improving, breaking from the original constant star level two to the third, and then the fourth, the sixth floor, and stopped.

[Light Star Chen Force]: 1140060000 (sixth floor of constant star)

"Huh!" Wang Teng let out a long breath, and a bright white light flashed in his eyes.


Up to four levels at once!

This feeling is really indescribable, as if several layers of shackles were opened in an instant, and the whole body was relaxed.

Feilia was not far away. She glanced at Wang Teng, always feeling that this guy's expression was strange.

However, this change was in Wang Teng's body and was suppressed by Wang Teng, without revealing the slightest breath, so outsiders naturally couldn't see anything.

Feilia didn't even know that Wang Teng had already benefited greatly in just such a short time.

Wang Teng ignored Fei Liya and looked at the top of the holy mountain again.

What is the light that casts?

It actually contained such a strong light star Chen force, even after falling on the light velvet spirit, their light star Chen force appeared full and overflowing.

"It would be great if there were a few more rays of light!" Wang Teng thought to himself.

But the more he thought about it, the less he would come.


At this moment, a roar sounded from above the holy mountain, which seemed to be mixed with an angry roar.

The light was cut off instantly!

The dense fog enveloped the holy mountain again, as if everything just now was an illusion.

The velvet spirits returned to their original state and landed on the altar.

The faces of the Great Elder and the other velvet spirits were originally full of joy, but at this time they slowly converged, astonished.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?" For the first time, a flustered expression appeared on the face of the great elder, and it seemed that something extraordinary had happened.

The velvet spirit below was also panicked, in an uproar.

There was a big problem with the sacrifice!

Since the thick fog enveloped the holy mountain three hundred years ago, the holy mountain has never responded at the time of sacrifice.

This time the sacrifice, for unknown reasons, they actually got a response from the holy mountain.

All the velvet spirits were extremely excited, thinking that their piety moved the sacred mountain, and they got the sacred mountain's response again.

Even three hundred years ago, this was a very rare event, and not every sacrifice was answered.

Only when you are lucky, can you get a response from the holy mountain.

And every time the holy mountain responds, the velvet spirit will be blessed and get some benefits.

Now the holy mountain responded, but there was a problem at the last moment.

Sacred Mountain actually cut off the response on its own. This is a big change, and such a thing has never happened before.

How can the velvet spirit not be surprised!

"Did something happen?" Feilia couldn't help frowning when she saw this situation.

"There must be something wrong." Wang Teng said solemnly.

"I have a hunch about what happened to this holy mountain. There is definitely someone on it." Feilia said.

Wang Teng did not speak any more, his eyes flickered, thoughtful.

Suddenly, his eyes condensed, and he looked towards the place where the holy mountain was shrouded in dense fog.

"Someone has come down!" Fei Liya also noticed something, with a hint of excitement in her voice, eager to try.


There was a sound of breaking through the sky, and only a few white figures passed through the dense fog of the holy mountain, and rushed straight out, as if a few white lights were particularly conspicuous in the night sky.


They were extremely fast, and instantly surpassed the height of tens of thousands of meters of the holy mountain, and when they came to the front, the white light broke out, bombarding the great elder and others below.

The roar erupted, and the terrible attack fell directly on the altar, and the white light enveloped the entire altar.

Things happened so fast, the velvet spirits around didn't even know what was going on.

When they came back to their senses, there was nothing on the altar to see.

The Grand Elder, the leaders of the various tribes, were all overwhelmed by the attack caused by the white light.

"Great Elder!"

The next moment, the Light Velvet Spirits erupted in a panic, completely messed up.

In the sky, several white figures stood in the void, looking high above the scene below, with golden light shining in their eyes, cold and merciless.

The light on the altar slowly dissipated, finally revealing the situation below.

The velvet spirits around couldn't help being stunned.

The expected bloody scene did not appear. After the white light dissipated, the mask formed by the two forces emerged.

A mask is pure white, emitting a faint white light.

The other mask is colorful, and it also exudes a faint light, which is extremely gorgeous.

Under the mask, it was Wang Teng and Feilia.

They hovered above the altar, held them up with their hands, and the original force poured out from their bodies, forming these two masks.

It was just that they arrived in time to rescue the great elder and the leaders of the various tribes.

At this time, the great elder and the leaders of the various tribes were all protected in the force mask, and they were not injured at all.

In the white mask, Feilia glanced at the Force mask cast by Wang Teng next to her, with a clear look of surprise in her eyes.

This guy is indeed the Five Elements Force Warrior!

When she fought with Wang Teng before, she saw Wang Teng used the [Five Elements Boxing], and guessed that Wang Teng might have the Five Elements Body, but Wang Teng did not admit it at the time.

But now that Wang Teng used the light mask condensed by the Five Elements Force, it was equivalent to the fact that he had the body of the Five Elements.

Although she is very proud and does not want to admit how great the body of the five elements is, she has to admit that this kind of physique is very rare and can be regarded as a genius among geniuses.

But she still feels that Wang Teng is not her opponent, this is a kind of self-confidence, the self-confidence of being a bright genius.

Wang Teng didn't know what Feilia was thinking. If he knew, he would probably not help laughing.

The body of the five elements?

He doesn't have this thing.

But there are a lot of various physiques, none of them are weaker than the five elements.

Moreover, he himself possesses all kinds of force, even the dark force, so what's the matter of the mere five element force.

At this moment, he looked down at the Great Elder and others, and asked: "Great Elder, are you all okay?"

The Great Elder waited for the Spirit of Light Velvet to recover immediately, and couldn't help but be grateful.

If it weren't for Wang Teng and Feilia to show up in time to save them, I'm afraid they are really going to die here.

The attack just now was so terrifying, with their strength, they couldn't resist it at all.

"We're all right." The Great Elder also knew that it was not the time to thank him, and quickly shook his head.

"It's okay." Wang Teng nodded, looked at the figures in the sky, and asked: "Elder, aren't these the envoys you mentioned?"

Feilia looked surprised and looked at those figures.

They also have white hair on their bodies, but they have well-defined muscles, and their bodies are also very long, not as round as the velvet spirit.

If it were to be used as a metaphor, the velvet spirit is a fat man, and these figures are...muscular men!

When Feilia thought of this, her eyes suddenly became a little weird.

"Yes!" Looking at the figures, the elder nodded with complicated eyes.

"Your holy envoy is going to kill you!" Feilia couldn't help but be surprised when she heard the elder confirm that these figures are the holy envoys.

"Three hundred years ago, they became like this, and they have no feelings at all." Sadness appeared in the eyes of the elder, and said bitterly.

"No feelings?" Felia frowned.


At this moment, the envoys in the sky attacked again, and the original force attack fell on the original force masks of the two Wang Teng, causing the mask to vibrate violently.

"The strength of these envoys is not bad!" Wang Teng said lightly while looking at the sky.

"Hey, can you do it? If it doesn't work, let me solve it. Just protect the elders and them." Feilia's eyes showed a hint of warfare, and her two small fists were clenched, and there was a strong white light on them. The blinking made Wang Teng think of the [Bright Fist] she had previously used!

Wang Teng ignored her and said to the great elder and others: "Great elder, you should go to the side first, I will meet these envoys."

"Be careful." The great elder also knew that they could not help much. He reminded him, and walked aside with the dozen or so tribal leaders, away from the altar.

Without worry, Wang Teng waved his big hand, the force mask disappeared, and his figure rushed out to meet the so-called holy envoys in the sky.

"Let me see what you can do with the emissaries."

A faint voice spread.

"Asshole, actually shot in advance." Feilia refused to accept, screamed, she also rose into the sky, her fists burst out with a dazzling white light.

Bright fist! ! !

Boom boom boom...

The violent roar echoed in the void, and Guangming's fist imprints fiercely slammed on the few holy envoys.

There were eight emissaries in total, and the battle group was divided into two. Wang Teng and Feilia each contained the four emissaries, and a battle broke out.

Faced with Felia's bright fist, the four envoys did not dodge or dodge, stretched out their hands, bursting out rays of light.


The ray attack and the light fist imprints collided, and the force of the terrifying force swept away towards the surroundings.

The attacks of both sides turned out to be unable to help each other.

Feilia's face changed slightly, and she finally became a little dignified.

The four sage envoys are all cosmic-level peak strengths, she is indeed very strong, but facing the four cosmic-level peak martial artists, she still has to spend a lot of money.

She looked to the other side, and Wang Teng also collided with the other four emissaries.

The [Five Elements Boxing] used by Wang Teng before he played directly with the four holy envoys, and the two sides fought back and forth.

"Huh!" Fei Liya snorted, her intent to fight even worse, she definitely can't lose to Wang Teng, so she must resolve the four envoys in front of her as soon as possible.


Feilia exploded directly, her body turned light, and her speed reached the extreme, her fists condensed and blasted out.

On the other side, Wang Teng and the other four holy envoys also broke out in battle. He has gradually figured out the way these holy envoys are. Their light-type combat abilities are all erupted by using light, which happened to be restrained by him.

So he no longer hesitated, and opened the [Eye of the Candle Dragon].

Think of it as day and night as night!

Between the opening and closing of his eyes, his pupils turned into pitch black, and the light around him was completely absorbed.

In an instant, the area he was in was completely plunged into darkness, and the four holy envoys were also shrouded in darkness.

Below, the Great Elder and others were looking anxiously at the battlefield in the sky, and they were all shocked when they saw this scene.

"what happened?"

"Why has the light in that area of ​​Wang Teng disappeared?"

"It seems to be a combat technique, a combat technique that can restrain the abilities of the Light Element!!"



The elder had guessed something, his eyes widened, and his heart was horrified.

After hearing this speculation, the other light velvet spirits looked at each other, feeling unbelievable, they actually had this kind of combat skill!

Not to mention that the Great Elder and other Glossy Spirits were shocked into speechless, even Feilia was also attracted by the situation on Wang Teng's side, and her eyes were no longer able to control a thick color of shock.

"This guy... he didn't use this trick when he played against me last time!"

Feilia couldn't help but think of the last match. She was a little doubtful. If she faced this trick, what would be the result?


At this moment, a terrifying roar sounded, and several figures shot out from the dark area.

It is the four envoys!

They spit out golden blood from their mouths, and slammed them on the ground, raising large patches of dust.

When the dust dissipated, the four holy envoys were lying in the pit without knowing their life or death.

Felia's pupils shrank.

The battle is over!

The four cosmic pinnacle warriors were defeated so easily!

Felia's heart was shaken, and she was a little unbelievable.

She turned her head and looked, and saw that the black area had disappeared, and Wang Teng was standing in the air with a plain face, as if he had done a very simple thing.

Wang Teng noticed her gaze, looked at her, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Feilia gritted her teeth, her face showing a trace of dissatisfaction.

Boom boom boom...

Her offensive became more and more fierce, and the four emissaries kept retreating. Her speed was so fast that the four emissaries could not keep up.

Although the four holy envoys are not weak, their combat experience is very worrying. They are like puppets, very rigid and rigid, and cannot be her opponents.

After a while, they were shot down, following the footsteps of the four previous envoys.

"The strength of this little girl's film is really not weak." Wang Teng raised his eyebrows.

Feilia had a dark face and couldn't be happy at all, because it took her to kill the four envoys a lot longer than Wang Teng, and she was not comparable at all.

She was always arrogant, but she was actually compared to her peers.

This person of the same age had suffered a loss in her hands before and was looked down upon by her.

This gap makes her uncomfortable.

Then Wang Teng and Feilia both fell on the ground, Feilia kept her face dark, reluctant to say a word.

The great elder and other tribal leaders have not fully recovered from the shock. Wang Teng and Feilia are too strong, completely beyond his imagination. Are they really two young people?

"These holy envoys were only seriously injured. We didn't kill them. What do you plan to do with the Great Elder?" Wang Teng asked.

"Let's lock it up first." The Great Elder groaned for a while and said.

Then, without waiting for Wang Teng to speak, he said very gratefully: "I really appreciate you this time. If it weren't for you, we might really be ill-advised."

"You don't have to be polite, it's just a matter of effort." Wang Teng smiled.

"..." Feilia just wanted to be polite, when she heard Wang Teng's words, she couldn't say what she said.

Fuck your sister's hand!

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