All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 1259 So many geniuses, how many attribute bubbles should it be! (Seeking subscription for mo

Wang Teng ignored how the people outside talked about it. After he entered the giant battleship fortress of the military headquarters, someone came out to greet him.

It is the Major Maxwell!

"Colonel Wang Teng, it's been a long time!" Major Maxwell said respectfully after paying a military salute to Wang Teng.

It can be seen that he was even more excited to see Wang Teng.

"Major Maxwell, it's nice to see you." Wang Teng replied with a salute, and said, "Your battle has made it a bit big!"

"Hahaha, because you are Major Wang Teng, you are qualified to let everyone treat you like this, not to mention the order issued by Shangfeng himself." Maxwell smiled and led the way: "Please follow me."

Wang Teng nodded to follow.

The two of them shuttled in this giant fortress. Wang Teng looked around curiously and found that it was almost like a military base, heavily guarded, and there were many military warriors distributed in various positions.

Fortunately, Maxwell led the way, no one stopped along the way, otherwise it would take a lot of time to verify the identity.

Wang Teng didn't know. In fact, most of these warriors knew him. Whenever they saw him on the road, they would stop to salute.

So even if Maxwell is not leading the way, as long as the name is reported, it is estimated that it will be unimpeded.


The two finally came to the control center of the fort, and Maxwell first stopped in front of a metal gate.

He tapped twice on the metal wall, and a light curtain emerged, verifying the identities of the two, and the door slowly opened.

"Colonel Wang Teng, please come in, General Fu Xinglan is already waiting for you inside." Maxwell said.

"General Fu Xinglan!" Wang Teng's heart moved slightly, but he didn't expect that General Fu Xinglan was here.

He nodded at Maxwell and stepped behind the metal gate.

Inside is a huge control room, many figures are busy, and in front of a light curtain, a familiar figure is standing.

This person is indeed the immortal existence who previously awarded Wang Teng the Medal of Pillar Kingdom on the 29th Defensive Star-General Fu Xinglan!

"General Fu Xinglan!" Wang Teng saluted the opponent's back.

"You are here!" General Fu Xinglan turned around, looked at him up and down, and said in a little surprise: "How long have you not seen this, you are a lot stronger."

Wang Teng's heart was tight, this General Fu Xinglan deserves to be an immortal powerhouse, his eyes are like torches, and he can see that his strength has improved again.

But there was no extra expression on his face, he just said modestly: "It's just a fluke!"

"There is no fluke in the road of martial arts!" Fu Xinglan shook his head and praised: "Your talent is indeed very good."

"The general is overwhelmed." Wang Teng said.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that even Fu Xinglan would praise you." A laugh suddenly came from the side.

Wang Teng couldn't help but startled, he turned his head and looked around, but he didn't find two figures standing not far from Fu Xinglan.

These two figures seemed to be non-existent, blending into the surrounding things. If it weren't for one of them to speak, I'm afraid Wang Teng would not have discovered them.

"Two immortal-level powerhouses!" His pupils shrank, and his heart trembled, somewhat inconceivable.


There are still two immortal ranks here!

With the addition of General Fu Xinglan, there are three immortal ranks!

It seems that the empire really pays great attention to this genius battle for hegemony, and even the military headquarters dispatched three immortal powerhouses.

Even if this is only on the bright side, there may be strong people lurking in the dark.

Wang Teng took a deep breath, and he had a new understanding of the immortal powerhouse in his heart.

This level of powerhouse is too terrifying, if you want to hide, with his methods, you can't find their existence at all.

Unless the other party takes the initiative to show up.

"This is General Habakak!" General Fu Xinglan introduced.

General Habakkak was an old man with long golden fluffy hair like a lion. He had a beard, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he looked rough and crazy. It was this general who had just spoken.

"General Habakak!" Wang Teng glanced at him without a trace, the words "Golden Retriever Lion King" popped up in his heart for no apparent reason, and then bowed respectfully.

"Okay, no need to be polite." General Habakak waved his hand and looked at Wang Teng and said, "You guy is very good. You have performed well in the battle for genius hegemony. This will give our military a boost!"

"Do your best," Wang Teng said solemnly.

"This is General Tang Wuwei!" General Fu Xinglan introduced another Immortal powerhouse who did not speak.

This immortal powerhouse looked cold, without any superfluous expressions on his face, his eyes were indifferent, and he looked like a stranger would not enter.

"This General Tang Wuwei is a cold-faced man!" Wang Teng muttered in his heart, also saluting.

"Yeah." General Tang Wuwei nodded.

"Ha, this is rare. In the past, when others greeted you, you didn't even nod your head." General Habakak laughed.

General Fu Xinglan also gave him a surprised look.

Wang Teng was a little puzzled, could it be that he had been treated specially?

There were several young figures nearby. They looked at the three immortal powerhouses so "kind and amiable" to Wang Teng, they couldn't help looking at each other, and they were shocked.

"They are military geniuses who are participating in the battle for genius hegemony with you." At this time, General Fu Xinglan pointed to the young figures on the side and said, "You know each other yourself."

Wang Teng turned his head and looked. He had already noticed that there were several young figures next to him. They were all peaks of constant stars. The aura was quite not weak, and the whole body exuded a capable and iron-blooded temperament, which was not an ordinary constant. Star warriors are comparable.

And he found that after he came in, these young warriors kept their eyes on him, with a sense of inquiry.

"Colonel Wang Teng, I've been admiring a great name for a long time." A sturdy young man walked up to salute and said: "My name is Song Yicheng, the rank of major, from the defense star No. 35."

"My name is Hong Jinghou, the rank of major, and I come from Defensive Star No. 38!" Another young warrior with a rosy figure introduced himself.

"My name is Lu Jing, the rank of major, from Defensive Star No. 63." said an ordinary woman with a ponytail and slightly dark skin.


A total of six warriors stepped forward to introduce themselves, and the other three were named Manan, Ateli, and Fang Tianrui. They came from different defensive stars, all of which were constant star peaks, and were all with the rank of major.

Wang Teng is the only military soldier with the rank of colonel!

This is not surprising, if he hadn't made great achievements, he would not have won the rank of colonel at such an age.

The rank of the Dagan Empire is not so easy to promote.

These genius warriors are very young, and they are already very outstanding to reach the rank of major.

Of course, the warriors participating in the battle for genius hegemony are naturally more than these six people, but they are the strongest, so they are summoned.

"Well, now that everyone is here, you should go to the waiting area for the competition immediately. The battle for hegemony is about to begin." General Fu Xinglan waved his hand.

When Wang Teng heard these words, he was a little embarrassed. It turned out that he was the last to come.

But he didn't talk any more nonsense, and bowed out with the six talented martial artists.

General Fu Xinglan and the three of them looked at their leaving figures, and said, "I hope that our military can be a blockbuster this time!"

"Song Yicheng, they are expected to be in the top 100." General Habakak said, paused, and shook his head: "As for Wang Teng, I can't see through."

"It's not just you, I can't see him thoroughly, I can only feel that his aura is much stronger than before. It seems that there should be some secret method in his body to cover the realm." General Fu Xinglan said.

"Maybe he can really compete with the emperor?!" General Habakak said astonishingly, he even thought that Wang Teng could compete with the emperor.

"Unexpectedly, when you saw him, you had such high hopes for him." General Fu Xinglan said in surprise.

"I think people are always very accurate, hahaha." General Habakak laughed.

"Once in a hundred times." General Tang Wuwei said coldly.

"..." General Habakkak's voice stopped abruptly, and said with some irritation: "Fart, at most once in fifty times."

General Fu Xinglan: "..."

Wang Teng everyone walked out of the main control room, and the metal door behind him slowly closed.

"Wang Teng, those two immortal existences are super bosses in the military." An excited voice sounded in Wang Teng's mind.

When it was inside just now, it didn't dare to speak, after all, they were three immortal powerhouses.

At this moment, Wang Teng walked out of the main control room, and it couldn't help but want to share the information it found below with Wang Teng.

"Do you know them?" Wang Teng asked in surprise in his mind.

"Of course I know that their reputations are not small. They are all powerful people in the Megatron Starry Sky. You can find out if you check it out." Yuan Gungun said regretfully, "but it's all their deeds before the world master level, and after the immortal level, No way to find out."

After speaking, it passed relevant information about the two generals to Wang Teng's mind.

Wang Teng glanced around briefly, shocked in his heart, and sure enough, any existence that can reach the immortal level is not a simple figure.

"Colonel Wang Teng, several majors, please follow me." Maxwell's voice pulled Wang Teng back to reality.

He waited outside the door for a long time, and immediately led Wang Teng and others to leave the giant fortress and appeared in the starry sky outside.

"I'm here, I wish you all a good ranking." Maxwell saluted them, said.

"Thank you!" Wang Teng replied.

Several people from Song Yicheng also responded.

After that, they stopped talking nonsense, turned into rays of light in the starry sky, and flew towards the waiting area for the competition.

Wang Teng knew at this time that the three major rings were actually the waiting area for the competition.

For this genius to fight for hegemony, it is really an exaggeration to make three rounds of land as the waiting area for the competition.

However, it is also understandable that too many people come here to compete, at least hundreds of billions. Without such three huge pieces of land, how could it be able to carry so many people.

As for the spectators, there are more.

There are eighteen huge satellites outside the battle star, each of which is bigger than the earth star. There will be...the watching area!

In fact, if the battle stars were not huge enough and there were enough satellites, they would really not be able to accommodate so many people.

The six people from Wang Teng and Song Yicheng came to the air over the three major ring roads unimpeded all the way, and immediately there were receptionists who appeared to lead them.

"A few are waiting in the first ring mainland." The receptionist first glanced at Wang Teng curiously, and then said.

The three ring roads are different.

The first ring of the mainland is like a VIP area.

Such as the eight great royal clans, all the princes, emperors and others are waiting in the first ring continent.

As the genius warriors of the military department, Wang Teng and others are naturally qualified to enter the waiting area of ​​the First Continent.

But Wang Teng and others didn't care about these things.

Under the leadership of the reception staff, Wang Teng and others entered the first ring mainland.

After landing on the ground, Wang Teng looked around curiously and found that the ground was actually made of bluestone, and he couldn't see his head at first glance.

Obviously, this entire continent is probably like this.

A group of figures were sitting cross-legged on the bluestone, some were practicing with their eyes closed, some were chatting, and some were just wandering around...and so on!

Wang Teng's arrival immediately aroused the idea of ​​many people, the eight great royal clans, all the princes and others all cast their sights on.

I don't know if it was deliberately arranged. It turned out that the area where Wang Teng appeared was the place where these most popular geniuses gathered.

Wang Teng glanced over, and found that besides the eight great royal clans and the princes, there were actually many talented warriors who had seen them before, and they didn't know where they came from.

For example, hundreds of meters to his left, a young man in a gray robe sat cross-legged on the ground with a long sword on his knees, but he himself was like a sheathed sword, showing no sharpness. , Very ordinary, no one has discovered that his strength is actually very strong.

There are also all kinds of geniuses, all of which are extremely not weak. Although no specific strength can be seen, they are definitely not comparable to ordinary geniuses.

Wang Teng was faintly excited, so many geniuses, how many attribute bubbles should it be!

In any case, this genius battle must squeeze the wool!

Wang Teng thought happily, and suddenly noticed a lot of malicious gazes. He couldn't help but smile. It is estimated that his previous appearances aroused the enthusiasm of these geniuses. Now he is not pleasing to your eyes.

However, he did not pay attention to it, ignoring all the unclear gazes around him, took out a set of tables and chairs on his own, and placed them on the open space, then sat down Shi Shiran, and even took out an engraved symbol. Wen's large sun umbrella is fixed.

The climate of this battle star is very bad, there are three stars in the sky, and the heat it emits is amazing.

Although he is not afraid of the sun, he can block it, so why should he let himself be basked.

Lie down on the recliner, a glass of iced Coke appeared in his hand, and he drank comfortably.

Song Yicheng and others: "..."

Everyone: "..."

For a while, the surrounding atmosphere was a little weird.

"Oh, forget you, come here, let's sit down and rest together." Wang Teng hurriedly greeted when he saw Song Yicheng and the others standing stupidly.

" need it." Song Yicheng looked at the strange gazes around him, and wanted to refuse.

"Whatever you are polite, it's your own family. Come, have a drink, and go get angry." Wang Teng took them to sit down.

The six of Song Yicheng couldn't get rid of it, they could only sit down with the gaze around them, but they felt uncomfortable on pins and needles.

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