All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 167 No one can escape! (Please subscribe!)

The entire dormitory area seems to be isolated from other areas of the school, surrounded by trees, and the environment is very quiet.

Rows of wooden houses are simple yet exquisite, with a hint of military style, calm and low-key, and they seem to have a sense of comfort.

Zhu Tao led everyone forward and pointed to the area in front of him and said: "This is the Ding District. You two, Lin Xue and Hou Pingliang, can find the corresponding room number by yourself."

"Okay, thank you senior." The two nodded and thanked.

"After entering the military academy, you will be brothers and sisters from now on, you are welcome." Zhu Tao said with a smile.

Lin Xue and Hou Pingliang already had some feelings at this time, and the senior Zhu Tao took care of them as meticulous and thoughtful.

They don't know what other schools are like, but here, they feel a sense of affinity.

Wang Teng understood the difference even more. In his previous life, he went to register. The so-called orientation of those seniors and senior sisters was nothing more than simply registering, and then throwing a booklet introducing the school to the freshmen, and it didn't matter.

It's impossible to even think about it if there are seniors who take it around in person and give a detailed introduction.

Of course, some good-looking freshmen still have this kind of preferential treatment. After all, many old students are willing to participate in the orientation work for the purpose of being a younger student.

The purpose is not pure!

This is too much, isn't it.

It’s not easy to find a girlfriend, you guys who are old and faint and want to join in the fun.

All in all, the treatment of military academies is really not available in general schools.

"Student Wang Teng, we ran into it as soon as we entered school. It was also fate. We should contact us more when we have time." Lin Xue said.

"Okay, contact more." Wang Teng replied.

"Hmm." Hou Pingliang also nodded quickly.

Lin Xue's parents and Hou Pingliang's father also thanked Zhu Tao, and then nodded to Wang Teng before entering the dormitory of Ding District.

"Let's go, go to District C." Zhu Tao said, continuing to walk forward.

Wang Teng followed behind him and found that the more he went in, the better the environment and the quieter he appeared.

"The people living in District C are usually sophomores. There are also some third-year students, but not many." Zhu Tao said: "As for freshmen, I don't know if anyone can live in besides you. Freshmen live in directly. The situation in District C was relatively rare in the past."

"Well, area C is here..."

As soon as Zhu Tao's voice fell, a girl walked out of a wooden hut in the dormitory of District C. After seeing the two of them, she was slightly taken aback, and said with some uncertainty: "Senior Zhu Tao, aren't you going to welcome the new year? This It's a freshman..."

"Oh, Liu Ting, yes, I will bring the new students here." Zhu Tao also recognized the other person and nodded.

"There are new students living in District C this year!" Liu Ting looked at Wang Teng in surprise.

"Wang Teng, you know, it's him." Zhu Tao introduced.

"It turns out that you are Wang Teng's younger brother. Seeing it is better than hearing it. Well, you look handsome!" Liu Ting's eyes lit up, she looked at Wang Teng a few times, and laughed.

"..." Wang Teng.

Are the girls now so superficial? Only knowing that it flows on the surface, you can't see the rich and interesting inside of this big and young at all.

Alas, disappointed!

"Hello, Senior Sister." Wang Teng said flatly.

Yo, it's pretty fanciful!

Liu Ting raised her eyebrows and smiled and asked, "Which room does Wang Teng's brother live in?"

"number 1!"

Before Wang Teng spoke, Zhu Tao had already spoken for him.

"Number 1?" Liu Ting was shocked, her eyes widened: "That's Zhuotai's residence!!!"

"It is indeed Zhuotai, but the dormitory office should have asked him to move out in advance." Zhu Tao said.

"This is not the point. The point is that Zhuotai is so proud and he will definitely not give up. He is the best student in our sophomore year. I heard that he is trying his best to attack a 2-star warrior. At this time, Wang Teng's younger brother It made him lose face." Liu Ting said.

"There is no way, this is the school's decision." Zhu Tao sighed.

"Senior, if there is nothing wrong, I will go in first." Wang Teng said at this time, his expression did not change at all, Zhuotai, even if it hits 2 stars, it is impossible to be his opponent.

So I can only say sorry!

But... I should move to Zone B or even Zone A soon, and I'll just return it to him at that time.

"Go, tidy it up, you can just walk around on your own if you have nothing to do. The freshman training camp is at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and there will be announcements later."

Zhu Tao saw that Wang Teng didn’t care, and finally didn’t say anything. He just talked about the arrangements for the next afternoon, and finally reminded: “Also, don’t be late, otherwise the consequences will be serious. This is a military academy and the discipline is very strict. Ordinary schools are a little different."

Seeing Wang Teng's doubts, he smiled: "As for the consequences, you will know then."


I have long heard that the military academy has strict discipline. I don't know what punishment will be imposed if it is violated?

Wang Teng suppressed the doubt in his heart and said:

"Thank you senior today!"

"You're welcome." Zhu Tao smiled.

Wang Teng nodded at the senior Liu Ting again, dragged the suitcase and walked into the dormitory area.

"This Wang Teng is a bit arrogant." Liu Ting looked at Wang Teng's back and said, "It seems peaceful on the surface, but the arrogance in the bones cannot be hidden."

"New students first, pass the martial arts test with the strength of the martial artist, and the school teacher personally recruits. All of these, he does have the capital to be proud." Zhu Tao laughed.

"Too arrogant is not a good thing. As a top university, we have no shortage of geniuses. He will definitely suffer." Liu Ting shook his head and said, "And what the teachers like to do most is not to fight the arrogance of these geniuses. Let them be obedient."

"Hahaha, none of us came here like this, even the top ten group of people, are not being cleaned up and obedient." Zhu Tao laughed a little schadenly.

"Yes, no one can escape!" Liu Ting also laughed.

However, the corners of their mouths twitched unconsciously when they thought of their past experience, which is really unforgettable!

None of these freshmen can escape hahaha...


Wang Teng didn't know the psychological activities of the two seemingly serious seniors. He found room No. 1 in District C.

Room 1 is different from other houses.

It is a single-family house with a small yard. Compared with other houses in District C, it definitely stands out from the crowd.

Wang Teng took out the key, opened the door and walked in.

Slipped around.

This... is a small villa at all!

There are everything in there.

The living room, bedroom, study, bathroom, kitchen, and even a spacious training room.

For Wang Teng, who is used to living in the villa, it shouldn’t be too much of a fuss, but he is still surprised by the school’s handwriting.

No wonder everyone was surprised when they heard of Room 1!

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