All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 180 Wang Teng won again! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The food on the second floor of the cafeteria was too expensive, and Wang Teng wanted to go straight away, but Hou Pingliang and the others looked at him pitifully with four pairs of eyes.

Alas, my heart is too soft!

It’s the first time and the last time for the classmates.

Don't even want me to treat you to death in the future.

Hou Pingliang's few people are still very measured. A few people ordered three or four dishes, and then ordered a wooden bucket of rice.

The wooden barrel rice is boiled with spiritual rice. If it is eaten every day, it will also be of great help to the martial artist's cultivation.

Even so, after eating a meal, it cost ten credits, which is equivalent to a small amount of 100,000 yuan.

It didn't take long for the spirit chef of the canteen to prepare the food and bring it up.

Wang Teng watched the four of Hou Pingliang devour, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Then he immediately joined the battle group. The guests I invited would earn a bite.

So there was such a jaw-dropping scene in the corner of the canteen on the second floor.

On the second floor, many seniors and sisters showed their disgust when seeing them like this.

Shame, shame!

They must be freshmen and never seen the world.


Over the next few days, Wang Teng spent military training every day, sweating and youthful, while also dealing with challengers who came to him from time to time.

Although Wang Teng defeated the two sophomores, the school has a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

They all thought they had found out Wang Teng's strength, and they were full of confidence every time.

As a result, dreaming of this girl, looks plump, but feels very skinny.

It's all deceptive!

Wang Teng's strength refreshed everyone's cognition time and time again.

He accepted the challenge again and again, and then... narrowly won again and again.

On the night of the tenth day of the military training, Wang Teng once again defeated a sophomore senior, leaving behind a legend of grandeur.

"Wang Teng has won again!"

The freshmen have long been numb, winning more, it seems to have become a matter of course.

Many people gave Wang Teng a nickname-Wang Wudi!

Of course, there are mostly jokes.

But this name really makes many people uncomfortable, and the word invincible has important meaning to the martial artist.

So far no one has dared to call it invincible.

Even a warrior-level warrior dare not, Wang Teng district 1 star warrior-level warrior, where is the face called invincible?

Fortunately, the real powerhouse would not trouble Wang Teng because of this joke.

And Wang Teng has more than just this nickname, there are other things such as giving you the top horn of the king and the king of bricks, specializing in the black hand king black heart and so on.

When these nicknames spread all together, even if someone was upset, they would no longer hold onto the nickname Wang Wudi.

On the contrary, Wang Teng was very satisfied with the nickname Wang Wudi. He felt that this nickname was worthy of him.

Wang Wudi!

Yes, Not Bad! good!

One day, Wang Teng will be invincible in the world...

Of course, after experiencing another double-squeak victory, everyone finally noticed something wrong. This Wang Tengte is simply pretending to be a pig and a tiger!

A freshman almost beat up everything he could in his sophomore year, saying that he was not pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Who would believe it?

Wei Hua and Zhou Kun, the two people who first challenged Wang Teng, couldn't help smiling bitterly. This guy is too pitted, and he doesn't look like a pink freshman with a dark heart.

At this moment, Wang Teng was clutching his chest, looking pale, looking at the young man who fell below his feet, and muttered to himself: "This senior... is so strong!"

"Hey, don't pretend, now who doesn't know that you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and pretending to be boring!"

Yang Lin and Chen Su on the side were full of black lines, and their expressions were so awkward that they could not wait to beat him severely.

"Why don't you believe me? I tried my best and I almost lost!" Wang Teng looked very injured.

"Shit, let's go, I don't want to see this force anymore." Yang Lin took Chen Su and quickly fled the scene.

"Oh, good people are always incomprehensible. Life is so lonely as snow." Wang Teng walked to the edge of the ring and sighed softly.

"..." Everyone below.


Never seen such a brazen person! !


Although everyone knows that he is pretending, Wang Teng always looks half-dead every time he finishes playing. The so-called fictional reality, true or false, is actually unpredictable, and I don’t know if this is his bottom line. NS?

As a result, many people are more afraid, feel unsure, and dare not come to challenge easily.

Wang Teng'an was born for three days. Just when he thought that no one would come to challenge him again, an unexpected but reasonable name appeared in front of him.

Challenge Book-Zhuotai!

A challenge book from Zhuotai!

Wang Teng heard the name Zhuotai as soon as the school started.

When Wang Teng knocked the opponent off, it was more or less a beam.

Originally thought that Zhuotai would be the first one to come out and trouble him, but he didn't expect this person to hold back until now.

"Tomorrow noon at twelve o'clock." Wang Teng pondered for a moment: "This is Zhuotai jumped out at this time, is it possible that he has full confidence?"

"Sure enough, ha ha..."

Penetrating laughter echoed in Room No. 1 in District C.

In the past few days, Wang Teng has defeated more than a dozen challengers. Many of these people are outstanding sophomores and seniors. Naturally, they are not weak in talent. Wang Teng has obtained a lot of attribute bubbles from them.

The attributes of the Five Elements Force each have increased, and Wang Teng's strength is steadily advancing towards the 4-star warrior level.

In addition, the spirit and perception attributes have also increased a lot.

[Comprehension]: Spiritual Realm (28100)

[Spirit]: Spirit Realm (17100)

Wang Teng couldn't help feeling that all these challengers were good people, and sent various attribute bubbles to help him.

If possible, the challenge should be more violent.


At the same time, in Room 2 of District C, a few sophomores gathered together, and the computer screen in front of them was playing videos of Wang Teng fighting with people these days.

Apparently someone had recorded all of Wang Teng's battle over the past few days, and they were studying at this time.

After they watched the dozen or so videos, all of them looked solemn and remained silent.

"There are indeed two brushes. It's no wonder that I can beat you sophomores all over again." A moment later, one of the young men with narrow eyes suddenly said.

"Zuotai, don't talk cold words, this kid is a bit weird, and his strength is more than just the surface." The others said with ugly expressions.

"Hmph, no matter how strong it is, it will never exceed 1 star warrior level. I will definitely defeat him." Zhuotai said with an arc in the corner of his mouth, coldly said.

"Are you really sure? If even you are defeated, then no one else can contend with for our sophomores and seniors, and then our face will be completely wiped out." A young man said.

"You just look at it." Zhuo Tai didn't say much, with a calm expression and extremely self-confidence.

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