Hearing what Wang Teng said, everyone was speechless.

This Wang Teng Sanguan seems a bit crooked!

"Our dignified martial arts club is not a human trafficker group. What kind of body do you want you to sell?"

Rao was so angry with Zhuanghe's temperament that Wang Teng glared at him, and suddenly he wondered whether it was right or wrong to pull this guy with three wrong views into the martial arts club?

"Then why are you looking at me like this? It's so oozing." Wang Teng said innocently.

"Of course I want to see what you guys have three heads and six arms, and why are you so enchanting." Xia Qiu said.

"Hey, that's enough, are there you guys who bury people like this?" Wang Teng said in a bad mood.


Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw him slumped.

"Okay, everyone don't make fun of him, and save some face for our newcomer Wang." Zhuang He also smiled.


Half an hour later, Wang Teng walked out of the martial arts club and shook his head.

These senior elder sisters of the Budo Club are relatively easy to get along with, but they are a little skinny and love to make fun of him.

"But this martial arts club is really not easy, there are several 3-star warriors who I saw today."

Those who can reach the level of three-star warrior are basically students of three or four seniors. They have experienced many tasks, and Wang Teng can feel the impressive aura from those people.

"Things gather by kind, people are divided by groups, and the strong will only work with the strong!"

Wang Teng sighed with emotion.

It was already evening, and he went to the cafeteria to have a meal, and then went back to the dormitory to practice.


The next day, early Sunday morning.

After breakfast, Wang Teng took the weapon and walked to the school gate.

When you reach the gate, take out the student card and swipe the entrance guard.

Since he has already accepted the task and there is a record on the student card, he can pass through this door.

The doorman is very familiar with this kind of situation, and he knows that he is going out to do a task at a glance.

Therefore, he would not stop him, just nodded to Wang Teng and said, "Classmates, pay attention to safety and come back safely."

Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Okay, thank you, uncle!"

The uncle doorman watched Wang Teng walk away, sighed, and said to himself: "These children are the hope for the future!"


Wang Teng left the university town and took a car directly to Chunhua Mountain.

In the two-hour drive, Wang Teng sat in the back with his eyes closed all the way, making the driver in front full of curiosity.

But he saw that Wang Teng didn't mean to speak, so he had no choice but to say nothing.

Two hours later, the car drove to a village under Chunhua Mountain.

I have to say that this place is really a bit biased. If it weren't for Wang's high price, the driver would not be willing to drive over.

"Just wait for me here, I should be back before the sun goes down." Wang Teng exhorted the driver.

"Don't worry, brother, since I promised you, I will definitely pick up your business today, and I won't take any other business." The driver promised, patting his chest.

Nonsense, the money that this young man pays is enough for him to run the car for a day, and he doesn't have to run around all the time. Such a good thing can't happen once a year, so a fool would not do it.

Wang Teng nodded, got out of the car, and pulled a passing villager to inquire about Chunhua Mountain.

"You said you want to enter the mountain?" The villager dragged by Wang Teng was a middle-aged woman in her forties. Hearing that Wang Teng was about to enter the mountain, she looked at him in surprise and said, "Young man, it's not safe in this mountain now. You are young, I advise you to go home."

The middle-aged woman looked at Wang Teng without any scruples, and when she saw him with delicate skin and tender flesh, she looked at the taxi next to her, and she didn't even think she knew it was from the city.

She wondered, now these people don't wait for a safe place, but prefer to get together in a dangerous place. Is this too comfortable for them?

"I have important things to go into the mountain, but I can't go back without success." Wang Teng smiled: "Auntie, don't worry about it. Since I'm here, I must be mentally prepared and won't make fun of my life."

"You people in the city, just don't listen to persuasion. Yesterday there were three young people who just wanted to go into the mountains. They couldn't persuade them. They haven't come out yet, so I don't know what happened?" The middle-aged woman shook her head helplessly. road.

"Oh? Three young people?" Wang Teng was a little surprised. There were other people coming over. He asked calmly, "What are they dressing up, do you say what they are doing in the mountains?"

"What are you asking about?" the middle-aged woman asked suspiciously.

"I'll just ask casually." Wang Teng took out two hundred yuan and stuffed it into the middle-aged woman's hands.

"How embarrassing it is." Her eyes lit up and she said embarrassed, but her hand was very honest, holding the money tightly, for fear that Wang Teng would take it back again.

"Auntie, just keep it. You deserve it. Now the news is also for money." Wang Teng smiled indifferently.

"You people in the city are very particular about people. They are generous." The middle-aged woman smiled and whispered: "The three young people are dressed similarly to yours. They are dressed more smartly. I think they even brought weapons. He said that he went into the mountains to find something, and asked the herb collectors in our village to show them the way, but I don’t know exactly what they were looking for."

"These people are also here to pick the phantom flame grass, right?" Wang Teng thought suspiciously, "Does my first mission fail?"

"No, it's all here, I have to go into the mountains to look for it, not to mention that I only need ten phantom flame plants, which may not conflict with their goals."

Thinking about this, he made a decision in his mind, and said to the middle-aged woman: "Auntie, are there any other herbalists in your village?"

"No, just that one. Few people are willing to enter the mountains now." The middle-aged woman hesitated for a moment, as if it was for money, and said: "But the old man...oh, the old man is the one who gathers medicine. People, his daughter often follows him into the mountains and is familiar with the conditions in the mountains. You can ask."

"Okay, thank you Auntie." Wang Teng nodded, gave her another ticket, and then asked the address of the herb gatherer.

I have to say that the charm of money is great. The middle-aged woman was going to work in the field, but now she personally sent Wang Teng to the old man's house.

"Sister Bai, are you at home? Open the door and someone will look for it." The middle-aged woman went up and knocked on the door.

In a moment, the door was opened, and a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl came out and asked, "Aunty, what's the matter?"

"Sister Bai, there is a young man from the city over there, saying that he is going to the mountain and looking for someone to lead the way. Would you like to chat with him personally?" The middle-aged woman pointed to Wang Teng.

"Into the mountain?" Bai Xiaocao frowned and hesitated for a moment. As if thinking of something, he nodded and said: "Okay, you can let him come over and talk to me."

"Good." The middle-aged woman felt that she was responsible for this, and she was very happy, and whispered to Bai Xiaocao, "Sister Bai, let me tell you that the people in this city are all taken advantage of. There is a lot of money. If you are going to take him into the mountains, you can do more and don’t lose out."

"..." Wang Teng couldn't laugh or cry, this aunt was really thief and thief.

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