All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 194 Attack! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The three young men were extremely depressed at the moment, as if they had eaten shit.

What is the origin of the other party? ?

The next year in the next year is about the same age, but it's as strong as the opening!

And picking the phantom flame grass is a relatively simple and not too difficult task, for Mao to have such an evil spirit to pick it up?

Can't figure it out!

They can't figure it out at all!

"Misunderstanding?" Wang Teng looked at them with a faint smile, and said, "How do I remember that you didn't seem to say that just now."

"No, no, that's what we mean. The phantom grass is yours if you pluck it. As the five good young people in the new century with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art, how can we make a grab?" The three shook their heads desperately , Resolutely deny.

Nonsense, you can't admit it to death!

The person in front of him was a punch that exploded the powerful existence of the 1 star beast, they were only just promoted to the 1 star warrior, really tough, not enough for him to punch.

What if he is upset and kills them all?

My mother told us, never hesitate when we should follow our heart, we must be decisive!

Father and daughter Bai Xiaocao were dumbfounded.

The three men were still aggressive just now, but now they are so thorough, it is really eye-opening.

"You no longer fight for it?" Wang Teng said.

Fishing law enforcement!

It must be fishing law enforcement!

"No way!" The three of them shook their heads desperately again, despising in their hearts.

"I originally wanted to divide a few of you, since I don't want it, then forget it." Wang Teng shook his head, seemingly sorry for them.

The corners of the three of them twitched, looked at each other, and said with a dry smile: "You said a laugh, the three of me are still okay, so let's say goodbye!"

As he said that, he stepped back cautiously, for fear that Wang Teng would suddenly make a move and leave them behind.

But they obviously think too much.

They didn't take action, and Wang Teng didn't bother to take care of them.

Wang Teng's gaze turned to the dead python.

[Blank attribute*5]

【Wood Force *6】

Picking up two attribute bubbles, he checked the giant python's body again, but did not find a star core or a star bone.

However, the scales on the giant python were worth some money, and he stripped them off and put them in his backpack.

"The flesh and blood of this giant python is good for you. If you don't find it bothersome, you can move down the mountain." Wang Teng took some flesh himself, then stood up and said to the father and daughter Bai Xiaocao.

The father and daughter Bai Xiaocao were a little afraid of Wang Teng, but at this moment they were overjoyed when he saw that he had distributed the blood and flesh of the giant python to them.

"Is this really for us?" Bai Xiaocao couldn't believe it, hesitated.

"If you don't want it, just stay here and feed the beasts." Wang Teng said indifferently.

"If you want, we want." Bai Xiaocao nodded quickly, joking, this is the flesh and blood of a star beast, for ordinary people, it can not be met, not only eating it is good for the body, even if it is sold, it can be sold. A lot of money, how could it not be possible.


At the same time, the three young men did not dare to stop for a moment, and hurried down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, the three of them looked behind them and saw that Wang Teng had indeed not caught up. They were relieved immediately.

"Ha...Haha, I almost didn't scare me to death!" The round-inch-head young man gave a dry smile and patted his chest.

"Hahahaha, I almost got scared to pee, okay." The hot-tempered young man screamed.

"Come on, I don't want to stay in this place for a moment. The credits will be deducted. It's all for a lesson. The newly promoted martial artist is indeed a little frustrated. You must be low-key and then low-key when you go out." In the end, the young man had lingering fears. Said.

"Walk around..."

The three of them left without looking back, as if there was a scourge behind them, but there was still a faint voice:

"By the way, which school does that person come from? It feels terrible!"

"Could it be from Tunghai University?"

"It's also possible that Huang Haijun Academy came out. Only these two schools can have this kind of enchanting existence."

"This year's No. 1 Budo Contest in the country, he should be able to participate, then I won't know who he is."



The conversation faded away with the three of them, until they could no longer be heard.

After Wang Teng settled the matter, he returned to the village, said goodbye to his father and daughter Bai Xiaocao, and took a taxi back to the East China Sea.

"Don't look, he and we are not in the same world." Bai Xiaocao's father looked at the absent-minded Bai Xiaocao beside him and sighed.

"I know!" Bai Xiaocao said lost.


Wang Teng did not go back to school immediately, but went back home.

At home in the deer park.

Seeing Wang Teng's return, Li Xiumei asked in surprise: "Erzha, why are you back? Could it be that you committed something and got expelled from the school?"

Wang Teng: (▼ヘ▼#)

He didn't expect that when he came back, Li Xiumei was not only unhappy, but worried about whether he had caused some trouble.

"Mom, I just don't believe me, so I can't think of me better." Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

"Haha, let me just talk about it casually. You sit down and play with Doudou for a while. I have a snack tonight. I'll make something delicious for you." Li Xiumei also knew that she was thinking too much. She smiled and hurried in. The kitchen prepares dinner.

Wang Teng shook his head, walked to the living room, picked up the villain who was watching TV animation, and smiled: "Doudou, do you miss your brother Wang Teng?"

"Yes!" Doudou looked away from the animation with dismay, looked at Wang Teng, and nodded heavily.

"Really good!" Wang Teng nodded her nose and smiled.


After six o'clock, Wang Shengguo learned that Wang Teng was back, left his job, and hurried home to eat in advance.

At the dinner table, Wang Shengguo looked at the table full of dishes and smiled: "Look, when you come back, your mother has made so many delicious dishes. We don't usually have this treatment, right, Xiaodoudou?"

"Yeah." Doudou and Wang Shengguo have been with them for a long time, and gradually become familiar with them, and their temperament has been let go. At this time, she buried her whole small face in the rice bowl, and when she heard Wang Shengguo's words, she raised a big painted face and lit desperately. Little head.

"Hahaha." Wang Shengguo and Wang Teng couldn't help laughing.

"This little greedy cat!"

Li Xiumei also smiled and wiped Doudou's big painted face, and then put some dishes for her.

She didn't get down here either, she piled his rice bowls like a hill.

"Eat more, look at you, just how long you have been out, you have lost so much." Li Xiumei said.

"..." Wang Teng was speechless, and it was a wrong decision to go home as expected.


After eating at home, Wang Teng went to the rental house in the university town.

The crow egg has not hatched so far. Wang Teng is going to take it back to school and put it in the dormitory, so as not to know when it will hatch.

Hurry up, he finally stepped into the school gate under the eight o'clock time limit.

"This kid!" The guardian looked at him running away and shook his head with a smile.

Logistics building.

Although it was eight o'clock at this time, the building was still bright, and many students entered and exited it, no different from the daytime.

Wang Teng went directly to the third floor and handed over the task.

Turning in the phantom flame grass, the mission is judged to be completed, and the credits are obtained. Wang Teng's first mission was successfully completed. Well, although there were some minor accidents, it was harmless.

Then he returned to the dormitory No. 1 in District C.

As soon as I entered the gate, the lights were still not turned on, and a strong wind suddenly hit.

"Who?" Wang Teng was startled and shouted coldly.

The opponent came so fast, he had no time to dodge, so he could only punch it hard.

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