All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 209 System changes and gun battles (two in one)

The heavy armored vehicle drove out of Yongcheng, drove more than ten kilometers on the main road, and then entered the wilderness area.

The wilderness area is overgrown with weeds, the height is above the knee, and the road has not been opened. It is full of potholes and steep slopes.

Sitting in the car, Wang Teng didn't ask Lin Zhan and others anymore, but studied the connection with Little Crow on his own.

Obviously, his current situation cannot be inferred by common sense.

Wang Teng tried several times and finally confirmed that he could indeed exchange perspectives with Little Crow.

This discovery made him feel relieved, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed!

Originally it was just a simple conclusion of a contract.

This ability to "exchange perspectives" is really useful. Wang Teng didn't even think about it. There were many situations in his mind that needed to use this ability.

Such as detection, vigilance, snooping, etc...

Don't be too practical!

Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief, calming his mind, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Why does this happen when other people also enter into contracts, but it happens when it's their turn?

Is it true that I am the protagonist of the destiny, so I have this treatment?

Ahem, so shameless, I don’t know if I’ll be beaten to death!

"Or that Master Lingxu is really so awesome, and the spirit pet contract he made has special effects?" Wang Teng thought to himself, but he denied it himself.

That's not right. If that spiritual pet contract had such benefits, Director Li, who had bright eyes when he saw the money, would certainly not sell it to himself so cheaply.

"Could it be..." He frowned and thought for a long time, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind.

The Eye of Lingshi! ! !

That's right, it's definitely the Eye of Lingshi.

Wang Teng thought that the Eye of Lingsight was the ability that he had dropped from the crow's parents, which he had acquired.

And the little crow has inherited the Eye of Spiritual Vision as much as possible, so there is something in common between him and the little crow.

Perhaps this is why he was able to switch to the perspective of Little Crow.

The more Wang Teng thought about it, the more he felt this way, and his heart suddenly became clear, no longer entangled.


As soon as he figured it out, Wang Teng couldn't help but fall on the attribute panel, and then he couldn't help but let out a surprise.

I don't know, the property panel has discovered the change quietly.

There is an extra column above.

Spirit Pet: Youyan Mingcrow [1 star (8100), talent: Lingshi, Mingyan (unawakened)]

"After signing the contract, the spirit pet's attributes will appear on the attribute panel!" Wang Teng's heart moved: "Can you add some to it?"

Before Wang Teng hunted the star beast, there were some blank attributes left. He added 1 blank attribute to the original force attribute of the little crow.

The properties on the properties panel change immediately.

Spirit Pet: Youyan Mingcrow [1 star (9100), talent: Lingshi, Mingyan]

The little crow seemed to feel the change in himself, and his eyes were humane, but he didn't know what was going on.

"Really!" Wang Teng was overjoyed.

In this way, it can completely save a lot of training time, as long as the blank attribute is enough, the strength of the little crow can be quickly improved, and it can become its own powerful arm.

And when the little crow grows to the size of its parents, Wang Teng will have one more flying tool, which is much more powerful than an airplane.

"It's just too big, it's not easy to carry around..." Wang Teng thought, touching his chin.

Suddenly, there was a blast from outside, and the heavy armored car suddenly turned a big turn. Wang Teng was caught off guard. The whole person was taken flying, tilted to the side, facing forward, and crashing into a soft place...

"Enemy attack!" Lin Zhan shouted violently.

Wang Teng's heart condensed, and he quickly raised his head, just in time to meet Liu Yan's shameful and angry gaze.

"Uh... Sister Yan, I definitely didn't mean it." Wang Teng quickly explained.

"Hmph, I will settle accounts with you later on this matter." Liu Yan glared at him, the machine gun in his hand was loaded and aimed at the back of the car.

"Who is it?"

Wang Teng followed her gaze, and saw three heavy-armored vehicles jumping out from the hillside beside him, quickly converging and chasing them.

"I don't know, his grandmother dared to attack us." Lin Zhan was furious, his face was very ugly.

If he hadn't reacted in time and avoided the sudden bombardment, their car would not die or be partially disabled.

"Then kill them." Liu Yan's eyes were stern, and the heavy machine gun in his hand was aimed at a car behind and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!

Ding Ding Ding!

Three shots in a row, all hitting the heavy armor of the opponent's car, burst out a string of sparks.

The opponent was obviously also a master. Seeing Liu Yan shooting, he turned away in advance.

The people in the other two cars were not idle, a large number of alloy bullets poured out, and several people hurriedly lowered their heads to avoid them.


They fired again.

Lin Zhan turned the steering wheel frantically, and at the same time stepped on the accelerator, the heavy armored car suddenly jumped forward for a long distance.


The shells hit the ground less than eight meters away from the body, causing the heavy armor to sway from side to side, and a large amount of soil and gravel sputtered.

"Damn, we are so bullied!"

Yan Jinming looked cold, took out a rocket launcher from a box full of hot weapons on the car, and blasted one of the chasing cars on his shoulders.

Generally, the warrior squad will prepare enough hot weapons to prevent similar situations from happening, so as not to fight back.


It is a pity that Yan Jinming's shot was still avoided by the opponent.

At the same time, Yan Jinyue also took out a heavy machine gun from the box to assist Liu Yan and interfere with the enemy's fire coverage.

Although the two brothers and sisters are not good at thermal weapons, they have also practiced specifically.

Wang Teng was not idle either, took out the rune gun, pointed it at the driver in one of the cars, and fired it.

The other party looked disdainful and seemed very confident, turning the steering wheel easily to avoid the bullet route.

But the next moment, the expression on his face suddenly stiffened.


Splashes of blood!

Headshot with a shot! !

"Understand the spear fighting technique!" Wang Teng muttered to himself, with an unpredictable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Everyone is shocked!

Liu Yan turned her head and looked at Wang Teng. She didn't even understand the shot. The other pilot had clearly avoided the trajectory. Why was he still hit?

But this is obviously not the time to delve into it.

"Good job, go on!" Lin Zhan laughed loudly. He didn't care about this, as long as he could kill the enemy.

After the heavy armored car lost its driver, it rammed sideways uncontrollably. The person in the passenger seat relentlessly pushed away the body of his companion and regained control of the steering wheel.

But at this moment there is enough space for Wang Teng Liuyan and others to operate.

"Little brother Wang Teng, let's compare and see who kills more." Liu Yan said while aiming.

"Okay, Sister Yan is interested, I will stay with her to the end." Wang Teng smiled relaxedly.

The two looked at each other and shot at almost the same time.

Liu Yan was obviously serious, and the car whose driver had just been knocked out couldn't dodge in a panic.

Wang Teng and Liu Yan took advantage of the victory and looked for the person in the car.

With two "bang bang" sounds, the two living beings were instantly taken away under the gunshot.

There were a total of five people in that car. After three were killed, the other two's complexions changed drastically. They didn't dare to snatch the steering wheel anymore, but jumped out of the car.

However, Wang Teng and Liu Yan couldn't think of what they could think of. As soon as they landed, there were two gunshots. They were shocked and couldn't get up again.

The other two cars were chasing closer and closer, and the people on it shot wildly at Wang Teng and others, forming a flanking attack from the left and right sides.

Lin Zhan drove from left to right, while Yan Jinming's brothers and sisters were completely led by Liu Yan and Wang Teng, assisting and interfering with the enemy.

The opponent was crowded with fierce firepower, Wang Teng and Liu Yan could only dodge while seizing the opportunity to shoot.


As expected, Wang Teng shot a shot, and a person in the car on the left couldn't even scream, so he landed on the car.

But at this moment, the two vehicles had formed a left and right flanking situation. One person on each of the two vehicles held a barrel, aimed at Wang Teng and the others, and fired directly.

"Fuck, sit firmly!"

Lin Zhan's pupils contracted, he couldn't help but yelled, and pressed a red button on the dial of the car.

There was a roar like a roar from the chassis of the heavy armored car, and the runes on the car suddenly gleamed. The speed of the whole car soared, and it seemed to be pushed forward by a huge impulse.

Two artillery shells almost scratched the rear of the heavy armored vehicle and passed through, shooting at the vehicles on both sides.

"Hurry up!"

The people in the two cars watched the cannonballs come, completely confused, and instantly became stupid, but someone reacted and screamed in horror.

The person in the car jumped out of the car almost subconsciously.



Both vehicles were directly bombed into the sky.

On the other side, Lin Zhan stepped on the brakes, the heavy armored car made a sharp bend, ploughed an arc-shaped scorch mark on the ground and then stopped.

Then he jumped straight out of the car and rushed towards the people.

Brothers and sisters Liu Yan and Yan Jinming didn't need to remind them. The tacit understanding made them know what to do next.

After Lin Zhan got out of the car, they also jumped off the heavy armored car, took out their weapons one after another, and surrounded the attackers.

Wang Teng single-handed the sword, followed closely behind.

Being attacked for no reason, everyone is angry, there is nothing to say about this, those people must die.

The people who jumped from the car were disoriented by the explosion, but they were all martial artists, and soon recovered, immediately got up from the ground and rushed towards Wang Teng.

"Kill them!" one of them said coldly.

There were still seven or eight people left. At this time, they took out their weapons and attacked Lin Zhan and others.


Lin Zhan was already angry, took out the giant battle axe behind his back, let out a roar, and killed him.

He smashed a man's weapon with an axe, and the giant axe slashed directly on the opponent's head, opened a scoop for him, and spilled red and white objects on the ground.

Speaking of this, this was the first battle faced by Lin Zhan after he was promoted to the 4-star warrior rank. He didn't expect it to be in such a situation, and the opponent was weak and pitiful.

These people are mostly 1 star and 2 star warriors. Under Lin Zhan's great axe, they are like fish on a chopping board, allowing them to be slaughtered.

Among them, two three-star warriors saw that Lin Zhan was the strongest among the people, so they besieged him.


On the other side, a 2-star warrior rushed towards Wang Teng with a grinning smile on his face.

He had long seen that Wang Teng was the youngest in this warrior team, not to mention that they had also checked that there was a rookie with a 1-star warrior level in this team, and he knew that it must be the young man in front of him without even thinking about it.

Wang Teng felt that he was inexplicably underestimated, and the person on the other side looked like he was holding the winning ticket, and he was really embarrassed to disappoint him.

It's a pity that life and death are fighting, either you die or I die. Wang Teng drew out a sword, and the grinning smile on that person's face instantly solidified, and then it turned into astonishment.

"How can it be?"

He was puzzled, what about the one-star warrior rank?

Why is it so strong?

In the end he left this wonderful world blankly.

One who was closer, saw his companion being killed in seconds, with a ghostly expression on his face, and wanted to sneak away.

However, a figure appeared in front of him immediately.

"Want to run?" Wang Teng asked with a smile.

"Forgiveness, forgiveness!" The man threw the weapon in an instant, fearing that Wang Teng would be killed by Wang Teng a second later, and then he knelt on the ground with a boneless plop, begging for mercy.

"Answer me a few questions, maybe you can spare your life." Wang Teng said.

"If you ask, I must know that everything is endless." The man nodded desperately.

"Who sent you?" Wang Teng asked.

"It's the Patriarch of the Yao Family in Yangcheng. He made a deal with many warriors and let us attack and kill several warriors squads below 4 stars that came back from the Dark Mist Forest three months ago." The man hurriedly said.

At this time, Lin Zhan and the others ended the battle. Except for a 3-star warrior-level soldier who was half-handed by Lin Zhan and dragged over like a dead dog, the other warriors all went to Huangquan.

"Captain!" Seeing Lin Zhan's hand with only half a breath of 3-star warrior-level warrior, he couldn't help swallowing, his eyes full of horror.

These people are too strong!

Killed them all almost unscathed, and even the two captains of the three-star warrior level were beaten like this.

"Yao Family in Yangcheng!" Lin Zhan looked a little dignified, and looked at each other with Liu Yan and Wang Teng, and they had obviously guessed the cause and effect.

"Do you know why they want to do this?" Wang Teng still asked.

"It seems that it was because the son of the Patriarch of the Yao family was killed in the Dark Mist Forest, but he couldn't find who killed it, so..." the man said honestly.

"So he didn't stop doing it, killing all the warrior squad that came back from the Dark Mist Forest at that time." Wang Teng sneered.

"Yes, yes." The man dared not look into the eyes of Wang Teng and others.

The Yao Family Patriarch's approach is indeed a bit excessive. In order to avenge his son, the Yao family is a powerful force, and there are no mistakes, and I don't know how many innocent people will be implicated.

Such an act is really disgusting!

And they are not much better. They do everything for the money, they are all scorpions, and they have no face to blame the Yao family.

If you encounter someone with weak strength, then forget it. The problem is that he mentioned the iron plate this time.

Of course, if he knew that they had ran into the hands of the real murderer this time, he didn't know what it would be like?

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