All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 211 Red Leaf Dwarf Tribe (Subscribe!)

But the three bullets seemed to have suddenly changed their trajectories.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Three blood flowers bloomed on the jackal, and one of them was on its head. It flew out two or three meters by the impact of the bullet, and fell to the ground without a sound.

"This is?" Liu Yan looked shocked when she saw this scene.

She had thought that Wang Teng's spear skills were a bit weird before, and she hadn't seen it clearly at the time, but she was paying attention just now, so she saw it very clearly.

It's not that the three bullets changed the trajectory, but that they were shot at that location.

Wang Teng used his terrifying calculation ability to calculate the jackal's evasion route. After it dodged, it directly hit its vitals.


Liu Yan couldn't calm down thinking of these three words.

For every fighter who uses firearms, gun fighting is the most powerful combat technique, and many people rush to it.

Liu Yan is no exception.

As soon as the jackal leader died, the rest of the jackals had no heads and were quickly resolved. The remaining three or two fled with their tails between them, seeing that the situation was not good.

Wang Teng pulled the attribute bubbles they dropped with his mental power, and then picked them up.

Get the total:

【Blank attribute*30】

【Earth Force *38】


"Did you just use the spear fighting technique?" After the battle was over, Liu Yan grabbed Wang Teng's hand excitedly and asked.

"Not bad." Wang Teng nodded without concealing it.


Lin Zhan and others couldn't help but look at him upon hearing this.

Obviously, they had all heard of the prestige of gun fighting skills, and they were very surprised that Wang Teng actually mastered this firearms combat skill.

"You, where did you learn it?" Liu Yan asked him excitedly when he admitted.

Wang Teng told a few people about the process of acquiring the spear fighting technique, and of course the matter of picking up attributes was hidden.

I, Wang Teng, is a genius with no one in a million.

As a result, after Lin Zhan and others listened, they were speechless for a long time.

"Your experience is really something..." Lin Zhan and others found that they couldn't find words to describe them.


"The gun god? Why have I never heard of this person?" Liu Yan said with some uncertainty.

"Then I don't know." Wang Teng shook his head. He didn't know much about that person.

"It's a pity, your spearmanship was taught by the other party, otherwise I would want to buy it from you." Liu Yan shook her head very regretfully.

Wang Teng nodded. Although the other party seemed to be a mental patient, without his permission, Wang Teng would not teach spear fighting skills to others at will.

"Otherwise you can try my method," he said.

"Forget it, I can't be as shameless as you." Liu Yan rolled her eyes.

"I am shameless, this is a good strategy." Wang Teng said silently.

"Ha ha."


At about two or three o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Teng and others finally arrived at Hongye Hill.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window, Wang Teng couldn't help but a glimmer of surprise flashed in his eyes. The eyes were low hills surrounded by low trees with red leaves.

There are also terraces on the hills, planted with golden rice, and many short figures are working in the fields.

At the same time, tall stone buildings with peculiar styles stand around the hills, and some buildings are directly connected to the mountain, which looks quite magnificent.

"This is Hongye Hill!"

Lin Zhan parked the car, greeted everyone to get off the car and walk up the mountain.

"Who are you?" A petite young female dwarf appeared on a big tree, watching Lin Zhan and others vigilantly.

"Hello, we are the warriors of Yongcheng Polar Star Martial Arts Hall to help you clean up the Storm Mantis. This is the proof of our mission." Lin Zhan took out a scroll.

This ancient form of mission delivery is naturally not popular on the Stars, but the Star Martial Continent is still used, and they can be regarded as going to the countryside to follow the customs.

The woman's figure flashed, and the scroll in Lin Zhan's hand fell into her hand, and she appeared on the tree trunk again, turned the scroll to take a look, her face eased, and nodded: "Come with me," The warriors of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall."

She jumped from the tree, led the way in front, and walked up the mountain.

Lin Zhan and others followed.

It was the first time that Wang Teng had come into contact with a dwarf at close range. He couldn't help but look behind her secretly. Her hair was tied into several small braids, like the dirty braid hairstyle on the side of the earth star, and her clothes were the same. The seed leather armor is simple and practical, and looks very defensive. It has the same effect as the battle uniforms on them.

At the same time, she was carrying a bow and arrow on her back, and a dagger on her calf. There were no large weapons, and she walked very lightly and smartly.

I met many other dwarves on the road, and they looked at Wang Teng and others curiously, and greeted the petite female dwarf one after another.

"Nia, who are they?" a dwarf asked directly.

"They are the warriors sent by the Pole Star Martial Arts Museum to help us clean up the Storm Mantis." The petite dwarf Niya explained.

Then the dwarves whispered to themselves.

"It turned out to be a warrior in the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall!"

"Are they the people of the world behind the space crack? They are no different from the human races of our Star Martial Continent!"

"I don't care who they are, as long as I can clean up those damn wind mantises, I will treat them as friends..."

After listening to these discussions, Wang Teng found that many dwarves were not particularly repulsive to them.

Perhaps for ordinary people, what foreign world, what place star, as long as it does not affect their normal life, they will ignore it.

But what makes Wang Teng strange is that the appearance of these dwarves is quite different.

As they walked along, they saw some dwarves who were petite and smart, while others were sturdy and unusually strong, just like dwarf fitness experts, and this was true for both men and women.

Wang Teng asked Lin Zhan next to him in a low voice.

Lin Zhan looked at the petite dwarf in front of him, his lips moved slightly, and his voice came to Wang Teng's ears: "Racial differences."

"Race difference! This difference is really big enough." Wang Teng muttered in his heart for a moment, and didn't ask any more.

Nia took them to a building on the hill that was connected to the hill. An old dwarf with all gray hair and beard greeted them: "Welcome you, guests from afar, I am the patriarch of the Hongye tribe dwarf tribe. Hm."

"Hello, respected patriarch of the Hongye Tribe." Lin Zhan stepped forward to salute.

"I know what you came from. Thank you very much for coming. Do you need to take a break first?" said Om, the dwarf patriarch.

"No, we have had enough rest on the road, now we can go to hunt the wind mantis." Lin Zhandao.

"In that case, I will let Nia summon the dwarf warriors in the tribe to go with you. Their strength is also good, and they have already fought against the wind mantis, and they know a little about it." Aum said.

"Okay." Lin Zhan had no reason to refuse, they really needed to know the information of the wind mantis.

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