All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 218 Your team has been called up (seeking subscription!)

"No, it's the leader of the black wind thief!"

Looking at the powerful black shadow that suddenly rushed out, the expressions of Wang Teng and others changed.

"You quickly solve the other bandits, and this person will be handed over to me."

Lin Zhan flew a 1-star warrior-level bandit and turned to face the leader of the black wind thief.

The leader of the Black Wind Pirates is a sturdy man in his 30s, with brown curly hair and a beard of the same color on his face, looking very rough.

At this time, the outside situation made him furious, and he rushed towards Lin Zhan without saying a word.




This person's weapon was a huge war sword, carrying an unrivaled yellow force, slashing towards Lin Zhan again and again, and at the same time he let out a violent shout after another.

Drink three times in a row!

The fierce momentum is terrifying! !

Lin Zhan's complexion changed slightly, and he squeezed out a battle axe with both hands to hold up the broad sword that was constantly chopping.

His combat skills combined with the battle axe, it was originally a big opening and closing, extremely fierce, but now he has encountered an opponent.

The black wind thief leader's knife technique also followed a fierce route, slashing down with a single knife, forcing Lin Zhan to keep retreating.

Obviously fell into a disadvantage!

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions became extremely solemn. If Lin Zhan could not defeat the leader of the Black Wind Pirates, then they would have to... run away.

However, it hasn't reached that point yet. The top priority is to solve the scattered bandits first, and then besiege the leader of the Black Wind Pirates with Lin Zhan.

Nothing wrong with a group singled out!

Liu Yan's firepower was full, and the alloy bullets poured out without money, taking away the lives of the bandits.

Yan Jinming's brothers and sisters have a combination of swords and swords, and they cooperate with each other, and the killing speed is also amazing. In a short while, there are many more dead souls under the sword.

Niya and several dwarves were also blushing, and the low-ranking martial artists among the bandits were all taken over by them.

A few minutes later, all the bandits paid Huang Quan.

Everyone finally pulled out their hands and formed a siege to the leader of the Black Wind Pirates, and Lin Zhan's pressure was reduced.


The leader of the black wind thief stood in the middle, looked around, his eyes staying on Nyaki people, disdainfully said: "I didn't go to you personally, you dare to trouble me."

"You have done all the bad things, so what if you kill you." Niya shouted angrily.

"Hahaha, kill me?" The leader of the black wind thief laughed and looked at them contemptuously: "Just because you want to kill me?"

"Try it!" Wang Teng said lightly.

"The ignorant is fearless!" The leader of the Black Wind Pirates shook his head, a pair of tigers stared, and his momentum rose steadily, reaching the top of the 4-star warrior level.


When the momentum reached the peak, he shouted violently and stomped under his feet, like a violent bear rushing out.


The ground centered on him could not bear the heavy pressure, and instantly collapsed, and spider web-like cracks appeared, spreading around.

"4-star war soldier-level peak!"

Everyone's complexion changed slightly, and they felt unprecedented pressure.

Can they beat the leader of the black wind thief?

But the arrow has to be sent on the string, and it has to be a wave of hard steel.

Wang Teng's face was solemn, but he didn't hesitate, and rushed up with everyone.

Boom boom boom!

Blades, lights, swords and shadows, the force collided with a huge roar, and the violent wind lifted up dust, flying sand and rocks, showing the intensity of the battle.

The leader of the black wind thief is indeed powerful.


Several dwarves were still weak. He seized the opportunity and swept them out with one foot, kicking them a few meters away. They couldn't get up for a long time, and they seemed to have suffered serious injuries.

Brother Yan Jinming took advantage of him and attacked behind him.

Two blood stains appeared on the back of the leader of the Black Wind Pirates. He suddenly turned back, looking savage, and slashed, forcing the Yan Jinming brothers and sisters to retreat.

At this time, a golden axe slashed from his left side, and the unmatched sharpness made the black wind thief leader's complexion change. He didn't dare to hold on, so he had to avoid him.

At the same time, Wang Teng moved.

He had been waiting for this opportunity a long time ago, when the leader of the Black Wind Pirates evaded, a fiery red sword light appeared on his evasion route.

Fire Lin Sword Technique!

Half a sword! ! !

This sword king Teng did not leave his hand, and actually bombarded the body of the leader of the black wind thief, and the terrifying flames enveloped his whole person.

The leader of the black wind thief suddenly let out a stern cry!

"It's done!?" Lin Zhan and the others couldn't help but be overjoyed, and they increased their offensive. Various Force combat abilities seemed to bombard him.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

He was finally injured, so of course he had to take advantage of the victory and not give him a chance to turn over.

After a while, the leader of the black wind thief fell to the ground, his body was charred, and there were many scars.


Everyone could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

They were all injured more or less, at this time they relaxed, their injuries broke out, and their complexions were a little pale.

Although the price was a bit high, the battle was won somehow.

The faces of several people showed unconcealable joy, and they were about to sit down and take a rest, when there was a burst of applause outside the camp.

"You did a good job!"

More than a dozen people walked in from outside the camp. Several of them were dressed in military uniforms. They appeared to be members of the military.

The hearts that Lin Zhan and others had just raised, suddenly let go of a lot.

"But how come people from the military department show up here?" At the same time, they were a little confused.

"Captain Lin Zhan, we really have fate." A voice suddenly came from the team.

"It's you!" Lin Zhan turned his gaze, and found that the person speaking was actually the Young Master Yao who wanted to join their team before they set off.

Lin Zhan started to have a headache, so he randomly found a task, and unexpectedly ran into this guy again.

This is not fate, this is evil fate!

"It's me, isn't it surprising?" Yao Jun, the young master of the Yao family, glanced at Wang Teng, then his eyes fell on Lin Zhan, and said with a smile.

"It was a bit unexpected." Lin Zhan said.

"Lin Zhan." At this moment, a man with long hair beside Yao Jun called out.

"Chongliang, it turned out to be you." Lin Zhan saw this man and suddenly said, "Presumably this young master of the Yao family has joined you [Spike Team]."

"Yes, having said that, I have to thank you for giving Yao Jun to our Spike Team. His strength is very strong." Chong Liang said with a smile.

"Hehe, then congratulations." Lin Zhan said indifferently.

Seeing his disapproval look, Yao Jun hated him in his heart, turned his head, and glanced at the leading man in uniform without a trace.

The man in military uniform coughed dryly, "Ahem, Lin Zhan, right?"

"It's me, I don't know who you are?" Lin Zhan asked cautiously.

"I am the squad leader of a certain squad under the'Red Tiger' Legion. We are performing a task. The situation is special. Now I will inform you urgently that your squad has been called up!" said the uniformed man.

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