All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 224 The Troll's'Furious' Combat Techniques (seeking subscription!)

Wang Teng sprinted all the way to the inside of the passage, bumping into more than a dozen black giant rats lying in the passage, and asking him to pick up the attribute bubbles was a joy.

He looked at the attribute panel and obtained a total of 93 Dark Force.

[Dark Force]: 94500 (2 stars)

In addition, there are 45 points of mental attributes, and 142 points of blank attributes.

[Spirit]: Spirit Realm (29.1100)

[Blank attribute]: 166

Sure enough, is it the right way to pick up attribute bubbles behind others?

Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully, feeling very reasonable.

At this time, the sound of fighting came from ahead, and Wang Teng couldn't help stopping and touched it silently.

He was a little surprised, because the voice was too small. In theory, this sound shouldn't be the only sound in a warrior's battle.

Turning a corner ahead, Wang Teng saw the situation inside. Liu Huaixing led his men to besiege three tall and sturdy figures.

A curtain of light lay across the middle of the passage, and the faint light of runes on the wall radiated out.

"No wonder! It turned out that the voice was blocked by the rune formation, but why did they make this extra effort?"

While Wang Teng was stunned, he was also a little confused. The silencer of the heavy machine gun can be said to be a conventional configuration of their military equipment, but before the battle, a soundproof rune formation is arranged. What is it for?

He was a little unclear, so he looked over the rune formation and looked inside.

The three figures that were besieged by Liu Huaixing and others were similar to those of the Giants, but they looked terrifying and hideous. They were dressed very crudely and crudely, as if they were just the skins of beasts that had been simply sewn. , I wear it as clothes.

The skin exposed outside the clothes is dark green, and even has black markings. They have thick bones, bloated bodies, and look a little hunched. Their heads look twice the size of ordinary humans. They have squalid faces, bare fangs, and copper bells. Inside the large eyes, two yellow-brown pupils were filled with brutality and cold blood.

"Is this kind of creature... also a dark species?" Wang Teng was secretly frightened, saying that he was really uplifting.

Coupled with this huge dark species, he has seen three forms of dark species so far!

At this moment, in addition to the three dark seeds, there were four still lying on the ground, but it was clear that the ones who were already dead could not die anymore.

In addition, the military warriors also sacrificed several people, in order to solve the four dark species, they are not without a price!

There were a dozen or twenty attribute bubbles floating beside the corpse, and Wang Teng used his mental power to pull it over.

Pick it up!

【Fire Force*10】

【Earth Force *6】

【Blank attribute*14】

【Dark Force*8】



Obtained a total of 42 Fire Force, 36 Gold Force, 28 Water Force, 56 Soil Force, 33 Water Force, 48 Dark Force, 70 Blank Attribute, and 30 Spirit Attribute.

Great harvest!

There was no change in the realm, and Wang Teng didn't take a closer look, and his eyes were on the battlefield.

Those three huge darkness planted under Liu Huaixing and others’ offensives, the wounds on their bodies continued to increase, and black blood covered the whole body, but they seemed to be tireless and painful, roaring again and again, and they swept down with a mace-like weapon in their hands. Forcing the military warriors to retreat.

"Back! Back! Damn, don't get close to the troll!" Liu Huaixing kept shouting.

Military warriors are also involuntary. They have seen the brute force of ‘trolls’. If they are smashed on their bodies, even 2-star warriors will have their bones cracked, so they don’t dare to get too close.

But the passage in front of you looked quite small, but in the case of so many people fighting in a melee, it seemed a bit crowded, and it couldn't be used at all.

They could have taken the advantage of the heavy machine gun to shoot the'troll' remotely, but the rough skin of the'troll' could withstand the bullets of the heavy machine gun, and it was hard to come up, so that the military warriors paid a worthy amount. A heavy price.

"It turned out to be a troll!" Wang Teng's eyes flashed.

A few minutes later, two of the trolls were killed, and the last troll was already at the end of the crossbow. Wang Teng thought it would be over soon.

Unexpectedly, the troll roared suddenly, his breath rose suddenly, his eyes became more violent, and he rushed toward Liu Huaixing and others fiercely.

"No, they are desperate, get away!" Liu Huaixing's expression changed drastically, and he shouted.

It's a pity it's too late!

A military warrior was directly grabbed by his arm, and with a "tear", his entire arm was torn off, and then the troll slapped him into the air, hitting him on the stone wall next to him, and he was uplifted in an instant!

The rest of the military warriors immediately got red eyes, covered with heavy machine gun fire, and burst out frantically.

Liu Huaixing held the troll with a sword in his hand and three not weak military warriors. The Force's combat skills blasted out and prevented the troll from approaching.


Ten minutes later, the troll was finally killed and crashed to the ground. Several attribute bubbles floated up.

With the end of the battle, Wang Teng couldn't help but breathe out for those military warriors.

Then cast his eyes on those attribute bubbles.

Pick it up!

【Dark Force*8】


【Dark Force*10】

【Blank attribute*12】



Wang Teng once again gained 40 dark force, 32 mental attributes, and 56 blank attributes.

When he picked up the last attribute bubble, his heart was shocked!


As the attribute bubble merged into the body, Wang Teng knew its function.

This is a combat skill type attribute bubble. As the name suggests, when using this combat skill, the user will enter a violent state, and can burst out twice to three times their own strength in a short period of time.

This attribute bubble came from the last troll. Wang Teng guessed that this [Rage] skill was the source of its sudden eruption in the last fight.

Speaking of it, I have to thank Liu Huaixing for driving the troll to a dead end, otherwise he would not be able to obtain this combat skill.

"Good guys!" Wang Teng couldn't help sighing.

If Liu Huaixing knew that they were working hard in front, while Wang Teng was hiding in the back to pick up the bargain, I wonder if he would be angry?

Although he successfully killed the troll, Liu Huaixing’s complexion was very ugly at this time. The dozen or so military warriors he brought with him are now nearly half dead, and the rest are more or less injured, and their combat power is greatly damaged. , It is probably difficult to deal with that advanced dark species!

"Repair and heal the wound on the spot. After half an hour, go to the left passage!" Liu Huaixing said with a calm face and a slight groan.

Those military warriors hurriedly sat down to rest and heal their injuries, not daring to delay a little bit of time.

However, Liu Huaixing observed the surroundings, touched the stone wall, knocked a black spar from above, only a slight hint of joy appeared on the surface.

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