All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 226 Pit! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass)

Wang Teng recorded the conversation between Yao Jun, Liu Huaixing and others, and then they stepped into the left passage first, meeting with Lin Zhan and others.

"Get ready, they're coming in."

As soon as he saw Lin Zhan and several people, Wang Teng immediately spoke.

Lin Zhan, Liu Yan and others were shocked and whispered: "Okay!"

Under the leadership of Wang Teng, several people galloped into the depths of the tunnel. When they were about to approach the cave, Wang Teng motioned them to stop.

"It's coming soon. Later, I will use my concealment method to hide your breath. Don't resist." Wang Teng said.

Lin Zhan and others nodded.

Wang Teng first used wind hiding skills to conceal the fluctuations of the dark force, and then attached to the human body, completely concealing the figures of several people.

"so amazing!"

Lin Zhan and others only felt that the body was completely immersed in the darkness, thinking it was a high-level concealment method, but they could not think that it was the effect of the dark force.

Then everyone quietly touched into the cave and found a bunker to hide.

It was the first time that Lin Zhan and the others saw the appearance of the Higher Dark Seed. They were shocked and felt a little weird. They didn't expect that the Higher Dark Seed was actually like this.

Wang Teng motioned them not to act rashly, and then separated from them and returned to the passage again.

He left enough dark force on Lin Zhan and the others, and the wind hiding skills he applied could last for a few minutes.

During this period, Wang Teng must lead the higher Dark Seed to Liu Huaixing and others as soon as possible.


At this time, Liu Huaixing had led Yao Jun and others to the second half of the passage, only more than two hundred meters away from the cave.

"Strange, why is there no sound? Is it that the Battle Tiger team has been wiped out?" Chong Liang said suddenly.

"Pay attention to it. If the Battle Tiger team is destroyed, the alertness of the higher dark species will definitely increase a lot. In case of ambush in the passage, it is easy to be recruited." Liu Huaixing frowned.

Everyone immediately increased their vigilance, and cautiously touched inward.

"It's almost there!" Wang Teng measured their distance, and sneered in his heart.

He turned back to the cave, and the sword in his hand condensed the original force, and suddenly cleaved out.


The sword light bombarded the top of the cave where the advanced dark seed was located, but Wang Teng clearly saw the dark shadow flash, and the dark seed disappeared.

Wang Teng's heart jumped, and he turned and ran without taking a closer look.


"What's the matter?" The sudden loud noise made Liu Huaixing and others' complexions changed, and they were a little confused.

It was okay just now, why suddenly there was an explosion, didn't the Battle Tiger team have been wiped out? Are they still fighting?

A few people didn't know what was going on, suddenly a black shadow rushed over in the darkness ahead.

The cold and cold breath pervaded.

"Higher Dark Species!" Liu Huaixing was shocked, and hurriedly roared: "Hurry up!!"

As he said, the war knife in his hand had already been slashed towards the black shadow that rushed forward.

After hearing his voice, those military warriors reacted first, and fierce firepower instantly poured out.

Everyone in the Spike Team took a bit slower, but fortunately, some military warriors took the lead and gave them time to react.


Chong Liang roared and directly displayed his combat skills, blasting towards the shadows.


Suddenly, a scream suddenly sounded.

I saw that black shadow actually avoided all attacks, and grabbed a warrior from the wolfya squad, rushed to the top of the passage, broke the warrior's neck, and smashed the corpse at everyone.

The warrior was standing next to Yao Jun just now. He only saw a flash of black shadow, and the person next to him screamed and was arrested. He was so scared that he was so excited that he felt his scalp numb. Cold sweat.

"MMP, what the hell?" Yao Jun couldn't help but burst into a swear word, and quickly withdrew into the crowd, not daring to show his head.

The others didn't have time to worry about him at all, their attention was all attracted by that high-level dark species, outputting frantically, and all kinds of attacks were blasted out.


"Everyone, fight hard, I will cheer for you!" Wang Teng hid in the dark, like a wretched old Yinbi.

Then he returned to the cave and met with Lin Zhan.

"The advanced dark species is too strong, I am afraid Liu Huaixing and others are not opponents." Lin Zhan said solemnly.

"That's right, I almost didn't scare a heart attack when I saw its speed just now." Liu Yan said with lingering fears, patting her chest.

"Should we help?" Yan Jinming asked.

"The high-level dark species are too harmful, and it's best to clear them as soon as possible." Lin Zhan looked at Wang Teng and said.

"We are lying in ambush here. With the strength of Liu Huaixing and others, it is not without the power to fight back. That high-level dark species is very likely to be forced back into this cave. We were surprised and seized the opportunity to sneak attack." Wang Teng said.

"Alright." Lin Zhan nodded.

So several people lay in ambush again, waiting for the higher darkness to plant back to the nest.

In fact, Wang Teng didn't say a word, if the higher dark species did not come back, then naturally they would not have to risk their lives to fight with them.

Wang Teng prefers it not to come back.

There are two situations.

The first is that Liu Huaixing was defeated, and the higher dark species were worried about the rough mine and went to check it out.

In the second type, Liu Huaixing and others succeeded in killing it, so it was so natural.

It's a pity that things are counterproductive...


A roar suddenly came from the mouth of the cave.

Wang Teng sighed, and saw the higher dark species rushing into the cave.

Liu Huaixing and others followed closely, but their number was much smaller, and they seemed to have suffered heavy losses.

"Do it!"

Lin Zhan launched an attack fiercely, swiping the battle axe in his hand, condensing the golden axe light, and slashing towards the dark seed.

The High Dark Seed obviously didn't expect someone to be ambushing in the karst cave. Unprepared, it was chopped up and fell from mid-air.

The heavy machine gun in Liu Yan's hand fired alloy bullets in succession, all aimed at the wings of the higher dark species, and wanted to knock off its wings first.

However, the imaginary sound of getting into the flesh did not sound, instead, there were waves of hits on the metal.

"So hard!" Liu Yan's expression changed slightly.

"Tack his head and heart!" Liu Huaixing gave them a blank expression and shouted loudly.

Brother and sister Yan Jinming were about to make a move, and heard the sound, piercing the heart of the higher dark species with one knife and one sword.

Lin Zhan was also chasing after victory, hitting his head with a battle axe.

Liu Huaixing and the others were not idle for a while, and the attack followed, drowning the higher dark seeds.


The surrounding limestone burst and the dust was flying, and under the sweep of the air wave, the situation could not be seen.

"It's now!"

With a move in Wang Teng's heart, a stream of light flew out from his cuffs and rose into the sky, so fast that even the afterimages could not be seen.

"Got you!"

Under the pursuit of mental power, the meteor cone quickly aimed at the heart of the dark species, and instantly penetrated in its stunned gaze.

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