All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 233 Red Tiger Army Commander (seeking subscription!)

The alarm sounded loudly in the Red Tiger City, the lights illuminated the surroundings, and a large number of warriors sent out to search.

This is a military city, and there is no room for any accidents. Any accident must be strangled in the cradle.

In the middle of the city, in a building.


A middle-aged man with a calm face strode into the office.

"Military Lord!"

"Military Lord!"

"Military Lord!"


Everyone in the office got up and saluted. When they saw the face of the middle-aged man, they suddenly became nervous.

This man is impressively the commander of the Red Tiger Army-Xiao Nanfeng!

Xiao Nanfeng looked around and moved his robe behind him without any wind, and opened it slightly. He sat down on the main seat and slowly asked, "Who can tell me why there are prisoners who have escaped in prison?" "

Everyone was silent, all bowed their heads, and no one spoke.

The prestige of an army master is nothing more than that!

"Wang Yong, you say!" Xiao Nanfeng's gaze turned to the next slightly fat man.

Wang Yong was sweating profusely, his face muscles trembled uncontrollably, his feet came together with a "pop", he saluted, and said loudly: "The subordinates are negligent, please punish them!"


As soon as the voice fell, a mountain-like momentum was pressed down.

Wang Yong's whole body was bent down, his face was pale, and his legs couldn't help shaking.

This is because Xiao Nanfeng left his hand, otherwise Wang Yong would have to kneel on the spot, and he would be ashamed in front of his colleagues.

At this time, a man next to him stood up and said: "Military owner, the most urgent thing is to arrest the fugitive first. It's better to give Wang Yong another chance and let him redeem his merits."

Other military officers also agreed and interceded for Wang Yong. Even if someone disagreed with Wang Yong, at most they did not speak at all. The military owner was most afraid of colleagues from falling into each other, and their actions could easily affect the military owner's senses.

"Wang Yong, I'll give you another chance." Xiao Nanfeng said lightly.

"But if you can't catch the prisoner back, you don't have to come back!"

Speaking of the momentum, he got up, turned his head and left.

Just like when I came, I came in a hurry, and I went in a hurry, without stopping at all.


Wang Yong responded loudly until Xiao Nanfeng was completely away before raising his head, feeling that his back was soaked with cold sweat.

"Old Chen, thank you very much!"

He turned to look at the man who had just helped to speak.

"Go ahead, it's important to catch someone." The man waved his hand and said.

"Well, if you can survive the catastrophe this time, I will ask you to have a good drink again." After Wang Yong finished speaking, he hurried out.



Wang Teng and Lin Zhan looked at each other, saw more and more military fighters coming here, and immediately made a decision.

The lights have illuminated a large area, and their concealment method is still useful in the dark, but in such a bright environment, coupled with a large number of warriors searching, there is nowhere to hide.

The only way is to run, here is not far from the back door of Scarlet Tiger City, there is still a glimmer of life if you forcibly break through.

Several people galloped to the back door.

The old man didn't speak, and followed them slowly, looking very leisurely, not running for his life at all.

"They are there!"

When passing a street, a group of military warriors who had been patrolling nearby spotted Wang Teng and others and shouted.

"Chasing, don't let them run." Immediately a large number of military warriors gathered in the direction where Wang Teng and others fled.

"Damn it was discovered so soon."

Everyone looked ugly, and they had tried their best to take the most remote route, but they didn't expect to be seen by the military warrior who suddenly appeared on the street next to them.

Several people rushed wildly. As I said before, the streets of Scarlet Tiger City are straight-forward and very simple. There are no complicated layouts such as streets and lanes, so even if they are remote, they are easy to be spotted.

Besides, this is the base camp of the Scarlet Tiger Legion. There are so many people on the other side, and it didn't take long for warriors from all directions to rush over.

"What to do? It seems to be surrounded." Liu Yan asked while running wildly.

"Fight!" Lin Zhan gritted his teeth.

"People in front of you pay attention, you are already surrounded, surrender quickly, matter what you kill!" The voice from the other side came through the horn.

Several people in Wang Teng didn't take these words to heart at all. At this point, there is no room for negotiation anymore.


The crowd roared and rushed to the military warriors in front of them instantly. The force roared and rolled up waves of air. The few people seemed to turn into rays of light and shoot directly into the front military team.

Before, their weapons were all confiscated, but they were only stored in the prison, and they were taken back when they escaped.


The battle broke out!

Those military warriors did not expect that Wang Teng and the others would be so swift, and they rushed into their ranks without even hesitating, and they were in chaos for a while, even if they were all armed with heavy guns, they couldn't shoot at will.

However, Wang Teng and the others were few in number, but they were more flexible.

Although there are many warriors in the military department, most of them are low-level warriors. Maybe the actual combat experience is not weak, but it also depends on who they are facing.

Lin Zhan and others are all three-star warriors and above, rushing into the warriors of one-star and two-star warriors, it is like a tiger entering a pack of wolves.

One by one military fighters were knocked into the air, screaming continuously.


Lin Zhan and others are not in love with war, they only found one direction, pierced through like a sharp knife fiercely.

It didn't take long to get rid of the team in front, and there was a roar from behind.

A dozen small off-road locomotives shuttled across the street and approached quickly.

Bang bang bang!

The gunfire sounded.

Lin Zhan and others rushed to the side in haste.


Yan Jinyue reacted a step slowly, was shot in the arm, and a blood flower flew up.

"Xiaoyue!" Yan Jinming yelled, and immediately rushed to her side, pulled it up, and avoided the bullet that followed.

Wang Teng and Liu Yan tumbling on the ground, both took out rune guns and shot backwards. Both of them were very clever in spear skills, especially Wang Teng. Spear fighting skills combined with mental powers were almost exactly one shot. .

"This kid!" Seeing this scene, the old man's eyes flashed slightly.

Wang Teng saw a military warrior who had been hit by him flew upside down from the car, and the small off-road locomotive under him turned over and hit the building next to him, flashing a flash of light in his mind.

With a move, he caught up with the locomotive that was about to hit the wall, controlled it, then rolled over the car, and rushed towards the military warriors in the opposite direction.

In an instant, he staggered with a military warrior, stuck the opponent's throat with one hand, and carried him away.

The unmanned locomotive overturned to the ground.

"Capture the car!" Wang Teng shouted.

Lin Zhan's eyes lit up, and because Lin Zhan was the closest, they rushed to the fallen locomotive first.

Liu Yan also hit several locomotive drivers here, creating a chance for Yan Jinming brothers and sisters. They also took a locomotive and rushed towards the rear.

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