"Why is that?" Wang Teng asked silently.

"Because of your teacher, I have taken an invincible road since I debuted." Tan Taixuan glanced at him and said lightly.

"The Road of Invincibility!"

Wang Teng almost choked on his own saliva.

Be good, I'm afraid that my cheap teacher is not bragging.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Tan Taixuan said.

"How come, teacher, you are outstandingly graceful and talented. At first glance, you are invincible." Wang Teng said with a smile.

Tantai Xuan also enjoyed Wang Teng’s flattery and laughed happily, and then said: “I know you don’t believe it, but I still want to tell you that I have never been defeated since I became a martial artist. I am not only invincible at the same level, but even It should be possible to kill the enemy at a higher level with your strength. There are countless geniuses in this world, and there are many people who can do it, but I have never heard of the ability to kill the enemy at every stage."

Wang Teng's face gradually became serious. He thought that Tan Tai Xuan was just bragging, but gradually, he found that Tan Tai Xuan's tone was too flat. She seemed to be just stating a fact, rather than insisting you believe something.

This kind of mentality just proved that she was not just talking nonsense, but that she was really invincible at the same level, and even killed the enemy at the next level.

No wonder!

No wonder even a strong like Xiao Nanfeng is not her opponent.

"How to be invincible?" Tan Taixuan asked and answered: "The first is to unite spirit, energy, and spirit to forge invincibility."

"With this invincible power, you can overcome all obstacles, defeat countless current Tianjiao, become a true invincible, and quickly rise to the ranks of the strong."

Wang Teng was immediately in awe.

The image of this cheap teacher in his mind is getting bigger and bigger.

"How about, my stupid apprentice, do you want to try the road to invincibility as a teacher?" Tan Taixuan asked with a small smile in her heart when she saw him like this.

"Okay! I'll also walk the road of invincibility." Wang Teng nodded.

"Very well, I am optimistic about you." Tan Taixuan nodded in satisfaction, but he was relieved in her heart: "A serious nonsense is really a technical job!"

At this time, the doorbell rang.

"It should be the meal, go open the door."

"Hao Le!" Thinking of the spiritual food, Wang Teng ran to open the door.

Outside the door is still the fat man I saw last time.

Wang Teng had already learned from Tantai Xuan that this fat man was a master chef, and a amiable smile appeared on his face.

"Hello, are you here to deliver food to my teacher?"

"Uh...yes." The fat man outside the door was taken aback.

"Then give it to me, thank you so much, the spiritual food you made is very delicious." Wang Teng praised.

"Oh, thank you... wait, the principal is your teacher?" The fat man reacted with shock and asked suspiciously.

"Is there any problem?" Wang Teng said.

"That's...no, I didn't expect that classmate you are actually the principal's apprentice. You are really young and promising." The fat man said with emotion.

"Thank you, this big brother, you are a master chef, you are even more remarkable..."

The two immediately began to talk about each other in business, and they would meet Liangcai, and the atmosphere was very harmonious for a time.

It wasn't until the door was closed that the fat man realized that he had been comparing Mao with someone he didn't know for a long time?

"What bad idea are you kidding?" Tan Taixuan couldn't help but feel suspicious when he saw Wang Teng chatting with the fat man at the door for a long time.

"Where is it, I just want to have a good relationship with him, so that I will have something to eat in the future." Wang Teng said.

"Hey, as long as you are strong enough, you can't eat any good things." Tan Taixuan contemptuously said.

"Start a meal."

Wang Teng smiled and didn't care, rubbed his hands, opened the food box, and put the food on the table one by one, the rich aroma suddenly came to his nose.

This time Tantaixuan asked people to prepare food for two people, enough for them to eat.


"good to eat!"

Ten minutes later, Wang Teng slumped on the sofa and hiccuped contentedly.

"Promising!" Tan Taixuan rolled her eyes and kicked him: "After eating, go back to your own nest. Don't run around these days. Take care of your injuries and wait for class."

"Go ahead, get out now!" Wang Teng got up.

"By the way, the benefits from the Scarlet Tiger Legion... If you take the corpse of the higher dark species, it's useless, so you can study it for the Black Sparrow Legion. As for the rough mine, you can't eat it. I can replace it for you. Other benefits, what do you want?" Tan Taixuan said.

Wang Teng hadn't thought about these things. They were taken by Tantai Xuan from the mouth of the Scarlet Tiger Army, and they had nothing to do with him.

But since Tan Taixuan talked about benefits, Wang Teng remembered one thing.

"My family is going to enter the pill and weapons industry, and we need to get a license." Wang Teng smiled.

"What's my business, I'll just go and say hello at that time." Tan Taixuan said.

Wang Teng hurriedly thanked Tan Taixuan, but it was not easy for them.

After bidding farewell to Tantai Xuan, Wang Teng went straight back to the dormitory. As soon as he entered the door, a dark figure swooped down from the ceiling.

"Ouch, let me go!"

He quickly reached out to catch it, it was the little crow, this little thing has learned to fly, no, it should be said that he has only learned half of it.

Having said that, on this trip to another world, the little crow suffered a lot from following him, especially after the escape from prison, it was stuffed in the backpack almost all the way, and it almost didn’t give me any claustrophobia, if If the bird world also has this kind of disease.

Wang Teng put the little crow on the ground, fed some star beast meat, and then let it sway, flapping its wings everywhere in the room.

He walked into the bedroom, lay on the bed, and silently counted the gains from this trip to another world.

The biggest gain this time is undoubtedly the improvement in realm.

Now his Fire Element, Metal Element, and Earth Element Forces have all been upgraded to the 4-star warrior level. In terms of overall strength, it is really not weaker than the 5-star warrior level.

In addition, the Dark Force and the Wind Force have also been upgraded to the 3-star warrior level, and they have been upgraded by two consecutive levels, from 1 star to 3 stars. You must know that these two forces are relatively rare, and it is not so easy to upgrade. , It’s good luck to be able to improve two levels at once.

In addition, Wang Teng also obtained the three combat skills of [Wind Concealed], [Furious], and [Confusion].

Wind hiding is a concealed combat technique, Berserk is an augmented combat technique, and the heart is an auxiliary combat technique. Each has its own advantages and characteristics. They are all rare combat techniques. Others have no way to get one. Wang Teng got three at once.

I can only say that the system father Niubi (broken sound)!

At the same time, his spiritual attributes have also improved a lot, approaching half of the spiritual realm, making his mental power many times stronger, otherwise he would not have been able to kill the high dark species before.

The above are all gains in terms of their own strength, in addition to the rewards given by the dwarves, and their friendship, in general, this time is really a lot of gains.

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