All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 264 You Haven't Seen Enough!

Tap, tap, tap!

As soon as Long Yao's voice fell, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the woods.

A brawny brown-haired exotic man walked out of the darkness and appeared in front of Wang Teng and the others. He was holding the young man Long Yao called He An in his hand.


He An didn't know his life or death, and was randomly thrown on the ground by a strong man from a foreign country.

He glanced at Wang Teng and others, then his gaze fell on the blonde woman and said lightly: "Hill, you have failed!"

"That kid has some doorways." The blonde woman's complexion changed, and she spouted blood again, saying with difficulty.

"Don't make excuses for your incompetence," said the brawny brown-haired man disdainfully.

His eyes turned to Wang Teng and others.

Long Yao was swept by his gaze, as if a mouse had seen a cat, and was so scared that he quickly hid behind Wang Teng.

Hao Zhengxing and others also had scalp numbness and goose bumps all over their bodies.

"This is... murderous!"

In the dark, Liu Feng's face changed slightly. He clearly saw something. How many people had to be killed by this brawny brown-haired man to release this level of murderous aura?

"Retreat to the side." Wang Teng smiled and said to Hao Zhengxing and others.

"Captain, this person is not simple. If I guessed correctly, this should be murderous." Li Wendong said solemnly.

"Well, I know." Wang Teng nodded and said.

"Captain, if we can't beat us, let's run away, not ashamed." Hao Zhengxing let out a cry.

"..." Wang Teng was speechless: "Roll the calf!"

"You still don't know enough about me as the captain, that's fine, let you see and see today."

Hao Zhengxing had already been hiding far away, and they gathered together to talk in a low voice.

"It feels like the captain is acting hard."

"It seems to be eh."

"Can you win by pretending to be forced?"


"Otherwise, let's run." Long Yao was anxious, and once again chased a few people to run away.

"If you want to run, you run, anyway, we don't be ungrateful." Hao Zhengxing collectively despised her.

Long Yao was a little embarrassed, she was alone this time, and she didn't dare to run around, and said in a nonchalant manner: "Then, forget it, I'll stay with you."

Here, the brawny brown-haired man has no extra nonsense, staring at its prey like a beast, his face suddenly showing a hideous look.


The force exploded under his feet, his figure disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared on top of Wang Teng's head.

His weapon was a huge battle knife with a long hilt. It was held by his hands and severely slashed from Wang Teng's head.


A war sword popped out of the hidden weapon box behind Wang Teng, and was instantly held in his hand, blocking it up.

The two soldiers joined each other and made a metallic vibrato.


Then there was the explosion of the Force, and the terrifying energy knocked down the surrounding trees directly, and Hao Zhengxing and others backed away.

"Three-star warrior level!" Wang Teng saw the strength of this brawny man, a slight arc appeared in the corner of his mouth.

But the brawny brown-haired man condensed in his heart, and when he met Wang Teng's eyes, he suddenly felt a sharper murderous intent rushing toward his face.

"How is it possible?" He lost his composure, his face changed drastically, and he yelled inconceivably.

Compared with this murderous aura, the murderous aura he released is basically like a kindergarten kid playing with him in front of adults.

"You still haven't read enough." Wang Teng's lips moved slightly, and he said these words silently.

At the same time, the crimson light of the long sword in his hand was prosperous, and the eyes of the brawny brown-haired man couldn't help but shed tears.

"Damn it!"

The brawny brown-haired man was filled with the fear of death, his eyes widened, and he withdrew and retreated.

"It's late!" Wang Teng swung a sword, and the crimson sword light carried the blazing flames and drowned the brawny brown-haired man.


A violent explosion sounded.

After a while, the air wave gradually subsided, the smoke cleared, and the brawny brown-haired man fell into the deep pit in the center.

There were scorch marks all around the deep pit, and there was even an unquenched flame burning.

The same was true on the body of the brawny brown-haired man, with a sword mark on his chest that took his life.

On the other side, the blonde woman looked at Wang Teng in horror, as if she was looking at a monster.

"This kid has become stronger again!" In the dark, Liu Feng was shocked, and shook his head with a wry smile. No wonder Wang Teng was so confident. With this strength, there would be no major problems with him or not.

Wang Teng slowly inserted the war sword into the hidden weapon box, and saw a few attribute bubbles floating on the brown-haired strong man, his mental power spread out, and he picked it up quietly.

Then turned his head to look at Hao Zhengxing and the others, and found that they were looking at themselves dumbfounded.

"Return to mind!"

Wang Teng yelled and said, "Take the bodies of these guys and the big blond wave. Let's go back and eat supper."

"Oh," Hao Zhengxing replied repeatedly.

"..." Liu Feng couldn't help being a little speechless when he heard these words, this guy was actually thinking about eating supper.

Then Wang Teng notified Xia Lu and the others and asked their police station to bring people over to clean up the mess.

Those who gathered to race at night have been dispersed, and those who should be controlled have also been controlled, reducing the impact to a minimum.

Xia Lu and Hu Bing came to the scene and saw the signs of destruction around them, and they were speechless for a long time.

Hu Bing's face turned pale, thinking that he had run on Wang Teng in various ways, he couldn't help swallowing, feeling a bit dry in his throat.

Xia Lu couldn't help thinking of Wang Teng's plain face, her eyes a little complicated.


Xicheng District Police Station, after the task was handed over, and 200 credits were obtained, Yang Zhenchao sent Wang Teng away.

"Brother Wang, thank you so much this time, you deserve to be the elite of the Yellow Navy Academy. We didn't catch the people after so much effort. You can do it in three days." Yang Zhenchao said in amazement.

"Captain Yang is polite, there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future, then we will leave first, my teammates are also very tired, I have to go back to take a good rest." Wang Teng said.

"Okay, go slowly." Yang Zhenchao waved at them.

Wang Teng and a few people left the police station. They had been busy all night and were hungry. They returned to the university town and ordered a barbecue at a stall on the side of the road. Each of them asked for a bottle of draft beer, even a few girls. not excluded.

Barbecue with draft beer, a perfect match!

Before the barbecue came up, a few people touched it first and took a bite.

"Cool!" Hao Zhengxing exclaimed.

"What is the name of the ghost." Wang Teng kicked him.

Hao Zhengxing didn't care, he smiled.

After a while, the barbecue came up, Wang Teng picked up a bunch of lamb and ate it, and then asked, "How does this task feel like tonight?"

"Difficult, too difficult, and very dangerous." Hao Zhengxing said while eating barbecue.

"Yes, I felt like I was going to die several times." Yuan Jing said.

"It's right to be aware of this. I'm afraid that if you kill two warriors, it will swell." Wang Teng said.

"Come on, we still have this self-knowledge. Without your guidance, we would definitely not be able to kill those two warriors." Hao Zhengxing shook his head.

"Yes, these are warriors who have experienced life and death combat. If we meet them alone, we may be killed without a single move." Li Wendong said with emotion.

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