All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 287 Transformation talent = women's clothing boss!



It really appeared! !

Wang Teng looked surprised, he hadn't reported any hope, but he didn't expect that after being caught by Su Lingxuan, he would be able to explode this talent for the last time.

God bless!

He immediately thanked the gods and Buddhas in his heart, no gods, angels, and Zeus.

It's not easy!

Killing so many ooze monster babies, if you really don't get this talent, those ooze monsters will die too unjustly, isn't it?

Pick up.

With a touch of his right foot, the attribute bubble representing the transformation talent was immediately picked up by him.

As this transformation talent merged into his body, Wang Teng suddenly understood.

Although this transformation talent can't make him completely change his body shape like the ooze monster, for example, from a ball to a long stick, the ooze monster can do it, but people can't do it.

After all, the body structure of the ooze monster is very different from that of human beings.

However, after obtaining this talent, Wang Teng can change the shape of his muscles and skin. In this way, he can completely change his body shape into another look.

"Okay!" Wang Teng was overjoyed, this talent did not disappoint him.

Su Lingxuan saw that Wang Teng hadn't spoken for a long time, and sneered: "Why, I haven't researched it out? Or are you just lying to me?"

Wang Teng came back to his senses, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "How could I lie to you? I was just remembering what I learned. In fact, I have already worked out some brows. When the teacher comes back, I will show you. "

"It's true. The teacher has studied for so long and hasn't researched anything. You have only studied for a long time, and then you have studied the eyebrows?" Su Lingxuan was shocked. She didn't think Wang Teng could study anything at all, so she asked. It was just to expose Wang Teng's lies.

"What good is it for me to lie to you? When the time comes, in front of the teacher, won't it be dismantled all at once." Wang Teng said.

"But that is impossible to study." Su Lingxuan has always felt that the deformation of the ooze monsters is only caused by their body structure, and there has never been any life pattern that represents the so-called transformation talent.

"Who said it's impossible." Wang Teng looked at her meaningfully.

"But..." Su Lingxuan was upset by him, and she wanted to argue with her dissatisfaction.

"No but, my stupid junior sister, don't use your mediocre aptitude to determine the idea of ​​genius." Wang Teng said with a face of force.

"Me, mediocre aptitude?" Su Lingxuan seemed to hear some funny words, pointing to her nose with an incredible face.

It was the first time that she heard someone say that she was mediocre. This guy is really big-faced and very annoying!

"Yes, you are talking about!" Wang Teng nodded.

"Then I will wait to see how amazing your genius thinking is." Su Lingxuan smiled angrily.

"Let's wait and see."


Goering did not come back at noon, Wang Teng and Su Lingxuan arranged their time after lunch.

Wang Teng returned to his room, opened the attribute panel, and planned to study the [Transformation] talent he had just obtained.

Deformation: 1100

Wang Teng was a little surprised.

"Try it!"

When Wang Teng thought, the muscles in his palm began to wriggle.

After a while, his palm changed its appearance. Whether it was the size, fingerprints on the palm, or the overall shape, it was completely different from the original appearance.

We must know that human fingerprints are called unique passwords, and the transformation talent can change it, which shows how powerful this talent is!

"It's amazing!" Wang Teng looked at his palm back and forth, the more he looked at it, the more interesting it became.

After watching it for a while, he couldn't help but ponder again: "However, with the current level of talent, it is difficult to change one hand alone. I am afraid it is impossible to change the whole body."

He looked at the very end of the attribute panel.

Blank attributes: 814

After saving for so long, it's time to come in handy.

With a thought, the blank attribute is immediately reduced by 99 points, and the description behind the transformation talent becomes complete.

Deformation: 100100 (consummation)

Wang Teng experienced the feeling after the transformation talent was completed.

Then he smiled slightly, and the muscles all over his body began to squirm and change at the same time, and his face, body...every place was changing.

In a short time, he completely changed into another person's appearance.

The appearance is rough and crazy, and the figure is a little out of shape, not like the original handsome boy.

"I'm afraid I can't even recognize my mother in this way!" Wang Teng looked at himself in the mirror, touching his chin and muttering to himself.

He became addicted to playing, standing in front of the mirror, constantly changing his appearance, and found it very interesting.

Suddenly he seemed to think of something, with a strange face, and gradually a beautiful and fair woman appeared in the mirror.

Although the appearance has become the appearance of a woman, and even the Adam’s apple is retracted, it is impossible to get rid of certain physical characteristics...

Wang Teng looked down and his expression became very strange: "Is this the legendary lady-dressing boss? Ahem..."

After a while, he walked out of the room and was restored to his original condition.

Wang Teng left the Rune Guild and found a place where there was no one. His appearance changed. After a while he became another boy of the same age. Then he changed into another clothes and suddenly became another person completely.

I asked someone to find out the location of the Alchemist Guild and Blacksmith Guild in Yangcheng, and Wang Teng walked towards the Alchemist Guild first.

The Alchemist Guild is not far from the Rune Guild. In fact, the Blacksmith Guild is also nearby, and the three are distributed around in a triangular shape.

The Alchemist Guild is a peculiar building like a pill cauldron, which is much more eye-catching than the Rune Guild.

When I walked closer, there was even a faint fragrance of medicine wafting out, which smelled very good.

Wang Teng walked into the Alchemist's Guild, his eyes swept away, and the situation inside was similar to that of the Rune Guild, quiet and tidy, and the staff were doing their work in an orderly manner.

Similarly, there are many attribute bubbles floating in the guild.

Wang Teng's mental power quickly swept away and picked up all of them.

When Goering gave him a small stove last night, he had already taught him the method of covering up his soul imprint, so at this moment he didn't have to worry about being discovered anymore, which could save a lot of trouble.







After picking it up, Wang Teng reaped a lot, gaining 188 points of alchemy attributes and 32 points of spiritual attributes.

[Spirit]: Spirit Realm (81.3100)

【Alchemist】: Intermediate (88500)

The sub-professional column has changed, with the appearance of the alchemist profession, and it has also been promoted directly from the junior alchemist to the intermediate alchemist.

For others, whether it is an alchemist or a rune master, it takes a lot of time to lay the foundation, but for Wang Teng, it is done overnight, and it takes several years or even more than ten years to quickly achieve the achievements that others can achieve.

Two hours later, Wang Teng walked out of the Alchemy Master Guild, and successfully passed the Intermediate Alchemist Assessment and obtained the title of Intermediate Alchemist.

Beside him, two alchemists from the Alchemy Masters Guild were very enthusiastic...

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