There are many historical sites, classic snacks, and modern luxuriant commercial streets in summer.

These are must-visit places for young people.

Playing is nothing more than eating and drinking, walking around and having fun.

Wang Teng and the others didn't have any clear destinations. Time flies extremely fast wherever they go to play.

After dinner in the evening, I went back to rest for one night and continued to play happily the next day.

They climbed the ancient city wall early.

Because of the holding of the nation's No. 1 martial arts competition, a huge flow of people gathered in Xiadu, not only in China, but also in foreign countries.

Therefore, at this time, the crowdedness of Xiadu is no less than that of holiday festivals.

Early in the morning, many people had already arrived on the ancient city wall.

The ancient city wall was built in the ancient Warring States period. After more than two thousand years of wind, frost, rain and snow, it has become a major symbol of China.

Some people even listed it as one of the eight wonders of the world, which is enough to show the great significance of its existence.

Everyone who comes to Xiadu will almost always come to the ancient city wall before this trip is worthwhile.

Wang Teng and others climbed up the ancient city wall, stopped and went, admiring the beautiful mountains and rivers around them, feeling a majestic momentum rushing toward them.

Han Zhu took a picture, looked at the effect, nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "It is said that there is a dragon lurking under the ancient city wall of thousands of miles."

"I'm afraid that this statement is based on misinformation. After all, Shenlong is a legendary creature." Du Yu shook his head.

"Even martial arts have appeared, and many star beasts in the alien world use dragons as their names. Although they have not seen what they look like, they do exist. This shows that it is not impossible for us to have dragons in China." Wan Baiqiu said.

"If it really exists, how can this ancient city wall hide the dragon?" Wang Teng asked with a smile.

"Who knows, there are many dragon veins in China Earth, and many people still guess that real dragons are bred in those places. There are different opinions, and there is no conclusion." Wan Baiqiu shrugged.

"But what you said, I remember. It is said that some famous mountains and rivers have seen legendary creatures. According to expert speculations, even if they are not true legendary creatures, they are very similar. It may be that the star beast has mutated and approached. The image of a legendary creature." Han Zhu said.

"If the legendary creature does appear, it will be fun." Another girl in the team Wei Jing smiled.

"That's not necessarily fun, maybe it will be a disaster." Han Zhu shook his head.

Hearing what he said, the atmosphere suddenly became a little dignified. For Earth Stars, the current situation can still be controlled, but once a large number of terrifying star beasts appear, it will be catastrophic for human civilization.

The powerful warriors of mankind can certainly protect one party, but there are too few warriors after all.

The crowd continued to move forward following the flow of people, and suddenly a commotion in front of them attracted their attention.

"Go, go and take a look." Wan Baiqiu squeezed the crowd first and walked over.

Han Zhu and the others shook their heads and hurriedly followed.

At the same time, the discussion among the crowd continued to spread into their ears, gradually making them frowned.

"These people from the Afro-African Alliance are really too much. Let us bully people in China!"

"Is there no one to take care of it?"

"Come on, they are warriors, we can't afford to provoke them."

"Are we just watching them bullying those little girls?"

"Otherwise, what can I do? I have seen a piece of news before. It was also a few people from the Afro League bullying a shoe-shining old man. Some people couldn't see it. They came forward for the old man and beat a few people from the Afro League. , The beating was not light, do you know what happened later? Tell you that the man who was in his early days was arrested, and he also paid a lot of medical expenses."

"There is still such a thing, how can anyone dare to fight for their own people in the future..."

There was a lot of discussion, but no one dared to step forward to help. Some even squeezed out the crowd, turned and left.

Wang Teng and the others easily walked to the front of the crowd. The four Afro-African Alliance members surrounded the two girls, speaking frivolously and constantly making fun of them.

The two girls wanted to go around them, but the other side refused to give up, forced them to a corner, and even pulled their arms, just not letting them leave.

The two girls were flushed with anxiety, and looked at the people around them with horror and pleading, hoping that someone could lend a hand to help.

Although many people were unbearable, they subconsciously avoided their gaze.

For ordinary people, this kind of thing really can't manage.

Han Zhu and the others figured out the cause and effect, and they couldn't see it anymore. With an angry expression on their faces, they planned to do it.

"Let go of that girl!"

At this moment, someone suddenly yelled in anger.

The three boys walked out of the crowd, pointed at the four Afro League members, with an angry face, staring at them coldly.

The four Afro-African League youths turned around. They were tall and burly, with dark complexion. In addition, they were martial arts practitioners, and their bodies were even stronger. The faintly revealed martial artist's aura gave people a great oppressive force.

"Hey, this has nothing to do with you, don't be nosy." One of the Afro-African League youths stared.

Facing the pressure of the four Afro-African youths, the three boys almost subconsciously wanted to retreat, but they stopped abruptly, and boldly said: "Who said it has nothing to do with us, these two girls? It's our compatriots. On the land of China, bullying our compatriots has something to do with us."

Obviously, they were talking to other people present. There were many Chinese people all around. If everyone spoke together, they would definitely be able to scare off the four four Afro-African League youths.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of the three boys, many people showed their righteous indignation and made their voices.

"Yes, bullying our compatriots has something to do with us."

"Everyone goes together, I don't believe that they dare to offend everyone."

"This is China, not a place where you want to be arrogant..."

Everyone is bloody, but sometimes there are many things that ordinary people can't afford, so they can only choose to avoid them.

At this moment, everyone spoke in unison, with great momentum, which invisibly gave many people courage to join in one by one.

"I want to see who dares to be nosy!"

Seeing this, the four Afro League youths didn't show any fear at all. Instead, they aroused fierceness, and a sharp look flashed in their eyes.

The four of them acted directly and pounced on the three boys first.

They have already seen that these three boys are inciting others, and that the others are simply outsiders and they dare not do anything.

They can be said to be unscrupulous, and they are so arrogant and arrogant.

The four Afro-African youths were all warriors, fisting violently, and slammed at the three boys, frightening their faces.

These three boys are just ordinary people, and they didn't expect that the other party would suddenly act, and there was no way to fight back.


The two girls who were entangled couldn't help showing anxious expressions and reminded them loudly.

The crowds all around retreated in fright and were greatly frightened. Many people even closed their eyes directly, not daring to watch the tragedy that was about to happen next.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came out.

This voice is obviously wrong!

Everyone looked into the field, but saw a few figures appearing in front of the three boys at some unknown time, and all the attacks of the four Afro League youths were blocked.

The shots were three men and one woman, and their postures were elevated. It was Wang Teng, Han Zhu and others.

Compared with the four Afro-African League youths, their figures are undoubtedly a little thin, but everyone found that they easily squeezed each other's fists.


"It's our warrior of China!"

The one who can block the attack of the warrior must be the warrior. Everyone came back to their senses, with excitement on their faces, cheering loudly.

The three boys suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling cold sweat on their backs and a little softness in their legs.

"You guys step back a bit." Han Zhu turned his head back.

The three boys nodded again and again, and helped each other back to the side.

"You really make people very angry!" Wang Teng looked at the four big black men in front of him, grinning with white teeth.

The four Afro-African League youths struggled hard, but they couldn't get rid of the palms of the four people on the other side anyway, and their complexions suddenly changed slightly.

"who are you?"

"We?" Han Zhu glared coldly: "We are the ones who fight injustice."

"Do you dare to move us, do you know who we are?" shouted one of the Afro-African League youths.

"I don't care who you are. Today, I am the king of heaven and I can't save you." Wang Teng smiled coldly, didn't talk nonsense with them, put his hand, swept his leg, and slammed the man in front of him. The heads of non-alliance youths.


The tall and sturdy body of the young man from the Afro League was directly blasted out, hitting the city wall severely, and one cheek instantly swelled.


The other three Afro-African League youths saw their companions being beaten, and their expressions changed drastically.

"How dare you hit someone?"

"You are over, you are over!"

The three screamed in anger.

"We can't finish it, I don't know yet, but you are definitely going to finish it." Wan Baiqiu's face was slightly cold, and he blasted a punch, hitting the bridge of the nose of the Afro-African youth in front of him.


There was a clear, crisp sound.

Nosebleed splatter!

The young man from the Afro League hurriedly grabbed his nose and screamed, with painful tears and nose streaming down: "You bitch, you are dead!"

"Dare to speak out!" Wan Baiqiu raised his eyebrows and kicked out mercilessly. He kicked the person a few meters away and fell a dog to gnaw on the mud.

On the other side, Han Zhu and Du Yu also shot, and beat the other two Afro-African League youths to the floor, with blue noses and swollen faces.

Although they are martial artists, in front of Han Zhu, Wang Teng and others, they have no power to fight back, only to be beaten.


After beating for a long time, Han Zhu, Wang Teng and the other four slowly closed their hands, let out a sigh of relief, and felt relieved.

"Fuck, let us see again, once and again, once and again." Wang Teng kicked an Afro-African youth's ass and shouted coldly.

The four Afro-African League youths looked bitter and left without looking back.

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