"He Ju, don't play tricks with me. I admit that what you said makes sense, but there is a difference between early exposure and late exposure.

"Moreover, it has to be divided into occasions. In the college entrance examination, all forces are present, directly revealing my identity as a martial artist, and knowing too many people will definitely make me fall into endless trouble." Wang Teng said.

He Ju looked disappointed, this kid is not good at fooling around, it doesn't make sense at all!

Well, it seems that this promotion has no chance with me!

Although he could unilaterally announce that Wang Teng was a warrior, that would inevitably make Wang Teng's heart grudge.

When Wang Teng insists on turning his face, he will definitely be self-defeating. Not only will the promotion be useless, but he will also leave a bad impression on the boss. It is really not worth the gain!

"But..." At this time, Wang Teng made another turning point: "I'll take this trade!"

He Ju's eyes widened, and he almost choked on his saliva. Good boy, I was playing tricks before dare to love him.

I'm so courageous!

He narrowed his eyes and stared at Wang Teng dangerously.

"Haha, don't care, let's continue the transaction just now." Wang Teng was startled and laughed dryly.

"Huh!" He Ju took a breath and snorted softly, "I speak for the sake of it. As long as you show your martial artist's strength and show great brilliance in the actual combat assessment, this star bone is yours."

"No problem, the deal!" Wang Teng stretched out his hand to bring the star bones in He Ju's hand.

Then who knew that he shrank his hand and put the star bone away again.

"The result hasn't come out yet, I just want to get something, I think it's beautiful!" He Ju curled his lips.

"If you don't give me something, what should you do?" Wang Teng said.

"Am I someone who doesn't believe in words?" He Ju stared.

"That may be true." Wang Teng was a little disdainful.

He Ju's chest was suffocated, unable to vent anyhow, he took a deep breath and said, "It's a big deal to make a contract."

Of course Wang Teng was very pleased.

The two signed a contract, signed their names, and left with their own hearts.

Liu Wenshi couldn't get a word in the whole process, and sighed that the young people nowadays are really amazing. Not only can he bargain with the situation, but he also suffers a small loss, which ordinary people can't do.

Moreover, Wang Teng is actually a warrior! ! !

After going back, you must let Yang Jian hug this thigh tightly!


When Wang Teng returned to the barracks, Yang Jian couldn't help being curious, and asked: "Wang Shao, why did my uncle ask you for it?"

"What else can I do? It's just to let me behave well, so as to win them honor." Wang Teng said casually.


"Okay, go to bed, get up early tomorrow!"

Tomorrow is the actual combat assessment. Many candidates did not sleep well at night and looked very anxious. The death index was like the sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's heads!

No words for a night.

Early the next morning.

Candidates still got up very early, finished breakfast, and assembled in an empty square.

A huge UFO stopped in front of everyone.

"What is this?"

"so big!"

"It's kind of like an airship!"

"What seems to be, that is an airship, but...you see, there are runes on it!"


The candidates talked a lot, and Liu Wenshi scolded: "Okay, it's all quiet!"

Lieutenant Luo stood in front of the crowd with his hand, waited until they were quiet, and said:

"You are all very good, and the time to get along is very short, but I am very happy to meet you. Here, I wish you all the best to pass the actual combat assessment, and all of you... come back alive!"

After speaking, he gave a military salute to everyone!

Candidates can't help but straighten their backs——


"That's it, all get on the airship, we will set off immediately to the actual combat assessment site!" said Lieutenant Luo

After he finished speaking, he turned around and stepped onto the airship first.

The students lined up to keep up.

Entering the airship, the examinees looked around curiously, the first time they took this kind of transportation, everyone was very strange.

"Tsk tusk, this should be the Force floater!" Yang Jian exclaimed.

"The Force Floating Boat?" Wang Teng was a little confused, he had never heard of this thing.

"It's a giant airship that uses runes as the carrier and mobilizes the original force as the driving force." Yang Jian explained.

"Isn't this the same as our current Force car, the Force plane?" Wang Teng was even more puzzled.

"It's not the same. I heard that the manufacturing technology of the Force Airship was passed from another world. Some internal structures are different from our current technology. I don't know the specifics." Yang Jiandao.

"You've been doing it for a long time, you're also half-hearted!" Wang Teng said silently.

"Speaking of which, does the otherworld have similar technology products?" Lin Chuhan asked.

"Who knows, although sometimes pictures of other worlds are circulated from time to time, but there is nothing critical. It seems to be restricted. How do ordinary people know what it is like there, but as long as we become a warrior, we have the opportunity to be different. The world is over." Yang Jian said yearningly.

"Why don't you know?" Wang Teng asked Lin Chuhan in surprise.

Lin Chuhan's father is a warrior, she should know something about it.

Lin Chuhan knew what Wang Teng meant, and said, "He never told us this, and I was young at that time, so after something happened, I wouldn't mention it."

Wang Teng nodded clearly.

"..." Yang Jian was at a loss, okay, you two didn't tell me any little secrets.


The floating boat lifted into the sky, looking out from the window, there were white clouds floating around, and the building below was only the size of an ant.

The airship carried more than a thousand candidates, flying in the sky, very stable, almost no bumps.

More than half an hour passed.

The airship trembled slightly and began to land.

"Here we are!"

The examinees couldn't help but look out, and there is an island below, and they are out to sea!

"The examination room for actual combat assessment is actually on the island!!"

"Unbelievable, no wonder where is the examination room for the actual combat assessment?"

"Look, there are two more airships landing over there!"

A sudden voice attracted everyone's attention.

Sure enough, following the examinee's fingers, the two airships flew from different directions and also landed toward the island.

"They should be candidates from other areas of the East China Sea!" Someone guessed.


The airship slowly landed on the island.

The island is quite wide, the airship landed on a clearing, and in front of it was a large camp.

The candidates got off the airship and looked at the surrounding environment one by one.

The camp in front of it occupies a very wide area, with a large number of heavy rune thermal weapons on the periphery, facing the virgin forest of the island and the coastal coastline.

The virgin forest is surrounded by iron nets engraved with runes, and guards guard every exit.

At this time, the other two airships also landed one after another.

A large number of candidates poured out, and for a time, the empty space in front of the camp was piled up.

"Look in the forest!"

A cry of exclamation just fell, and a roar of beast sounded in the forest.


In the primeval forest, a giant beast roared towards the iron net, so much food outside obviously aroused its appetite.


It's a pity that before it approaches, a loud bang explodes.

The guard aimed the muzzle at the giant beast, and when it was shot out, the giant beast was blasted into pieces of meat.

A piece of meat fell in front of an examinee with a slap, making him look pale in fright.

"I have long heard that there are many mutant beasts in the wild, and I only saw it today."

"But these should be ordinary alien beasts that have no original force born, but they have thick skins and are not star beasts that master the force!"

"But these alien beasts are also terrifying. Are they the ones we face in actual combat assessment?"

Someone said in horror that the scene just now scared many people.



"Welcome to the No. 3 examination room in the East China Sea. This time your actual combat assessment will be conducted here."

"We have prepared protective suits and weapons for you, and we will receive them one by one when we wait for the registration name."

"Of course, some people are accustomed to using their own weapons. Some have their own weapons. They can be used after inspection and meet the regulations."

"Now there are two hours, hurry up to receive it, and then start the assessment!"

A man stood on the high platform of the camp, his voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard in everyone's ears.

"Chen Xiaoming!"

"Lin Dawei!"

"Zheng Dong!"


Under the high platform, large boxes were lined up, dozens of staff members distributed weapons nearby, and the candidates who were called out went up to collect them.

There is also an area dedicated to checking whether the test taker’s own weapon is compliant.

Wang Teng walked over, took out the hidden weapon box, and showed the weapons one by one. Of course, the rune gun was not brought.

Needless to think about it, the use of thermal weapons is definitely not allowed.

When the inspector saw the Tibetan weapon box, he was a little surprised: "Young man, you are a good thing. Where did you buy it?"

"Taobao is customized, unique!" Wang Teng said.

The inspector smiled, did not ask much, and began to inspect Wang Teng's weapons, which were gloves and war swords.

"They are all one-star rune weapons, no wonder you don't use the weapons issued over there." The inspector gave Wang Teng a surprised look.

"Is it compliant?" Wang Teng asked.

"Compliance, why not, the one-star rune weapon can only exert its true power by the warrior, and it is only sharper in the hands of the warrior. Are you not a warrior?" the inspector said.

"Even if you are a warrior, you can use the power of these one-star rune weapons, that is your strength, naturally it is not a violation." Another inspector next to it also said.

Wang Teng nodded. After confirming that there was no problem, the inspector put away the weapon, put the hidden weapon box on his back and returned to the candidate team.

"So this thing is your weapon!" Lin Chuhan said suddenly.

"I said it was a secret weapon." Wang Teng smiled.

"Hey! That's still a secret." Lin Chuhan said with disdain.

"Lin Chuhan!"

"Wang Teng!"

At this time, the names of the two were read, and they hurried forward to receive it.

Wang Teng said to the staff: "Just give me a lighter defensive suit. We don't need weapons."

"This suit is relatively light, but its defense is slightly insufficient." The staff found a thin black suit and handed it to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng tried the size, nodded and said, "Just this set!"


An hour later, all the martial arts candidates received defensive uniforms, boots, and weapons they needed.

Both the uniforms and boots are military items, containing special materials and very durable.

The battle uniform includes a trousers vest, which has good defense, can resist the tearing of the claws of foreign animals, and protect the vitals of the human body.

The weapons are also military area-standard weapons, with all types and specifications.

Although they are not rune weapons, they all contain high-density and high-strength alloys that can tear the hard skin of alien animals.

It is worth mentioning that the weapons used by candidates can only be cold weapons, and no hot weapons are allowed.

At this time, the candidates put on their uniforms and boots, and are adapting to the weapons in their hands. The assessment time has not yet arrived, and everyone is waiting patiently in the rest area.

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