All Chat Members Are Me

All the members of the chat group are me Chapter 226

"That's right, Saber has withdrawn."

Lingfeng turned his head and glanced in the direction of the white cat, and spoke to Irisviel.

There were a total of eight servants participating in the Holy Grail War this time, but on only the second night, two servants had already left.

Now, apart from White Cat and Tom, the only remaining servants left alive are Archer, Rider, Berserker and Assassin.

"Saber actually left the show, what will Kiritsugu do?"

Irisviel sensed her own situation, and the first thought that came to her mind was the situation of Emiya Kiritsugu.

"Ling Feng, now we just need to capture her, and then after defeating the three cavalry servants, we can summon the Holy Grail."

Kenneth said to Ling Feng.

Kenneth had already seen how powerful Ling Feng was just now, so naturally he had no intention of betrayal.

"What about her?"

Ling Feng glanced at Kenneth and said loudly.

Of course she was referring to Irisviel.

" she?"

Kenneth glanced at Irisviel, then turned to Ling Feng and said.

"We only need her body. As for her soul, we don't need it at all."

Kenneth expressed his thoughts word for word.

In Kenneth's eyes, Irisviel was nothing more than an artificial human, something the Einzbern family could produce as many as they wanted.

Yes, in Kenneth's mind, Irisviel is a consumable, but this is also the view of most magicians.

"Just her body?"

Ling Feng said aloud.

"Just her body."

Kenneth said decisively.

Sure enough, you are a greedy guy.

Ling Feng looked at Irisviel in front of him, stretched out his hand and shook it gently in her direction.

Irisviel's face immediately turned pale.

She opened her mouth slightly and looked at Ling Feng in front of her with dull eyes.

At the same time, a white soul was slowly emerging from Irisviel's mouth.

"The soul is still intact, so take her back."

Ling Feng glanced at Irisviel's soul, and then let go of his hand.

"What kind of magic is that of yours?"

Kenneth looked at the situation of Irisviel in front of him, his face suddenly turned pale, and he asked Ling Feng in a low voice.

Kenneth didn't expect that Ling Feng could actually do magic about the soul.

You know, for a magician, the soul and the magic circuit are two very important things.

And Ling Feng's magic that can extract other people's souls has greatly shocked Kenneth.

"You can't learn the ways of the world."

Ling Feng said aloud.

The ability he just used was the ability related to the soul that Ling Feng developed after mastering the Samsara Eye.

That's why Ling Feng told Kenneth that he couldn't learn.

" All right."

Kenneth sighed helplessly after hearing this.

To be honest, Kenneth was very interested in the magic performed by Ling Feng.

But now that Ling Feng has confirmed that he can't learn it, Kenneth can only accept his fate.

Then Lingfeng directly grabbed Irisviel's shoulders and took her flying towards his small restaurant.

As for Kenneth, Ling Feng asked him to go back to his hotel and then do whatever he had to do.

Anyway, Kenneth's trip to the Holy Grail War has ended now, so Ling Feng can let him go.

Soon, Lingfeng took Irisviel back to his small restaurant.

"You...what do you want to do!"

Irisviel watched Ling Feng lead her towards the basement, and she couldn't help but feel panic in her heart.

"It's nothing, I just want your body."

Ling Feng smiled at Irisviel, and then continued walking towards the basement.

But Lingfeng's smile was like a devil's smile in Alli's eyes, and her whole body became extremely stiff.

Although Ellie is only nine years old this year and has stayed in a castle in Germany before and has never been out, she still understands some things.

After all, Aili is now the mother of an eight-year-old child.


Ai Li looked at Ling Feng with red eyes.

If she could, she just wanted to slap Ling Feng in the face.

But due to the six-stick light prison, she couldn't move at all.

So this idea is just a thought.

"I'm not interested in wives."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at Irisviel, then threw her directly onto the operating table.

If this world were a romantic action movie world like Rei Feng Ito, then Rei Feng the Magician might still be interested, but unfortunately not here.

After Lingfeng threw Aili onto the operating table, he fixed her tightly. At the same time, Lingfeng walked to a small room and changed into surgical clothes.

At this time, the white cat took Tom back to the small restaurant.

"Take him and follow me."

The white cat said to Tom behind him.

At this time, Tom was carrying Emiya Kiritsugu on his shoulders.


Tom nodded and followed the white cat.

"What do you want to do?"

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the ceiling of the small restaurant with dull eyes.

As a magician killer, he is well aware of how some ruthless magicians treat their enemies.

Soaking the enemy in formalin is considered easy.

So now Emiya Kiritsugu no longer has any hope for his life.

"What do you want to do? We'll find out when we get in."

The white cat smiled at Emiya Kiritsugu, then waved and walked directly into the basement.

When Kiritsugu Emiya entered the basement, the figure on the operating table directly caught his eye.

The woman on the operating table is his wife, Irisviel.

"What on earth do you want to do!"

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at his wife who was tied to the operating table and hurriedly yelled at the white cat.

He didn't expect that his wife would also be arrested.

"Hey, you're pretty fast."

Ling Feng put on his surgical clothes and walked out of the small room.


Eri heard Emiya Kiritsugu's voice and turned her head quickly to look.

At this time, Emiya Kiritsugu was tightly restrained by the six-stick light prison.


Emiya Kiritsugu looked at his wife and shouted loudly.

Chapter 317 Emiya Kiritsugu who takes the initiative to work

"Why do I feel like you are parting ways now, making me look like a bad person?"

Lingfeng put on the mask, pulled the gloves on his hands, and said slowly,

"What did you want to do by bringing us here?"

Emiya Kiritsugu glared at Ling Feng and asked sternly.

At this time, Emiya Kiritsugu was like a mother animal protecting her cubs, threatening Ling Feng.

But his threat had no effect in Ling Feng's eyes.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to get the Little Holy Grail."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he took out a syringe and pierced Irisviel's arm directly.

As Ling Feng stretched his fingers, a large stream of blood was drawn directly from Irisviel's arm.

"Then what are you doing?"

Emiya Kiritsugu hurriedly asked.

"Your wife, Irisviel, is the Little Holy Grail. As the Holy Grail War progresses, every time a servant is defeated, it will turn into a force of magic and enter your wife's body. After the five servants withdraw, your My wife will be swallowed by the little Holy Grail in her body and turn into the Holy Grail, right?"

Lingfeng asked Emiya Kiritsugu while drawing blood.

"Then have you ever thought about saving your wife's life?"

Lingfeng put away the needle and turned to look at Emiya Kiritsugu.


Emiya Kiritsugu was about to say something, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Irisviel's voice.

"Kiritsugu, Kiritsugu is for all mankind. The purpose of fighting for the Holy Grail is to save all mankind, so it is worth sacrificing me."

Irisviel said hurriedly.

"Sacrifice one person to save all mankind?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng took a good look at Emiya Kiritsugu again.

He did not expect that Emiya Kiritsugu, as a magician killer, would have such a great ideal.

"Oh, so how do you save humanity?"

Lingfeng poured the extracted blood into a blood bag, then put it into a small box and refrigerated it.

Hearing this, Emiya Kiritsugu glanced deeply at Ling Feng, but said nothing.

"If we tell you how Kiritsugu saved humanity, can you help us obtain the Holy Grail?"

Irisviel looked at Emiya Kiritsugu's appearance and spoke hurriedly.

She knew about Emiya Kiritsugu's past, and she also knew that telling Emiya Kiritsugu's past was like opening up his scars.

So Ellie decided to speak out for Emiya Kiritsugu herself.

"No, Ellie, I'll just speak for myself."

Emiya Kiritsugu was silent for a while and then said slowly.

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