“What’s not to dare?”

Su Bai said calmly.

The old headmaster also thought that he had taken luck and strengthened a wave.

Unbeknownst to me, there is an emulator.

Today’s legend will continue!

“Okay, have ambition.”

The old headmaster laughed:

“Xianghu has a dragon’s blood subsidy. I can’t favor one over the other. ”

He took out from the table an ornament that was all gray-gold, like a mountain range.

“What do you think of this thing?” It is very helpful for the development of the world. ”

“This is?”

Su Bai thought it was a card

I didn’t expect it to be this thing.

He took it in surprise and looked at it in detail.

Chi Lansu also looked over.

She read a lot, saw the clues at a glance, and exclaimed:

“Heaven and Earth Wonders?”


Recalling the information about the strange things, Su Bai was overjoyed.

In the heavens and the worlds, there are often some special treasures that are condensed by the law and have not been dissolved.

If it is used in the newborn world, it is equivalent to directly filling in some of the missing laws.

He hurried to check the information of the mountain ornaments.

Judging by the panel, a line of small characters appears on its head.

[Innate Metal Mountains: Heaven and Earth Wonders, throw it into the earth.] There will be copper, iron and silver, and even a few gold mines. 】

“It’s a very practical baby.”

Su Bai thanked him and smiled unceremoniously.

“When fighting, I see that although your men are strong, they have not produced civilization, and no students have used tools.”

The old headmaster explained to him:

“The ore vein is especially important in the process of civilization development, and with it, it can also be quickly equipped with weapons and armor.”

“I believe that by this time, the news that you have awakened more than a hundred kilometers of the world has been spread. In the next few days, many media, consortiums, and even people from large families may visit to win you over. ”

“But what I want to tell you is that for the next 6 days. Cultivate the world with all your might! Prepare for the college entrance examination! ”

“These solicitations and courtships are all based on your strength. But as long as you score in the college entrance examination, it is at the top. The benefits are a thousand times greater. Isn’t the most powerful force the state?

With the official full cultivation of you, all kinds of resources will not be lacking. What specialties do you have in your world, the country can also recycle at a high price and cover the bottom for you. ”

The old headmaster’s face was serious.

The voice is earnest, and I don’t want good seedlings to grow crooked.

“Of course I know this, and I’ll be in retreat for the next few days.”

Su Bai said solemnly.

“I’m also going to work hard to transform the snowman.”

Chi Lansu on the side is not willing to show weakness.

The old headmaster nodded satisfactorily:

“This year’s college entrance examination may be the most difficult and rewarding in the past decade.”

“Do you know what the reward for being the first in the country is?”

He asked with a smile.

Su Bai and Chi Lansu both shook their heads.

“Dingding the world’s heaven and earth wonders, a world tree seed!”

The old principal said with great emotion.


Su Bai’s pupils shrank and he looked at Chi Lansu.

They all saw shock in each other’s eyes.

The general world is born, and if there are treasures that drive the center of the world, they can coordinate the operation of the law and regulate the climate and rain.

Greatly transform the power of the world, help gravity catch meteorites outside the sky, and strengthen the origin of the world.

It can also double the assistance to the World Lord, making the World Lord’s projection strength multiply several times, or even ten times!

But this kind of strange thing, the value can not be stored.

Not even the super consortium could come up with it.

This year’s college entrance examination grand prize is actually it?!

I’m afraid that just by relying on the World Tree Seed, you can grow into a sixth-order world!

There are also various special effects such as connecting dimensions and purifying Reiki.

“If only I get …

Su Bai’s eyes flashed with the flame of desire.

Never before has there been such a strong possessiveness.

The first in the country he decided!

“Well, this is just for you. Without the demigod bloodline, even the top ten could not enter.

Without mythology, it is impossible to win the top three. ”

“Let’s go back to cultivation first.”

The old headmaster began to chase people away.

Su Bai and Chi Lansu sincerely bid him farewell.

At least the principal’s help to them is not false.

“I hope the two little ones can surprise me.”

Standing on the windowsill, looking at the back of the two people in the distance.

The old headmaster looked solemn

“I don’t have much time left.”

“To be able to cultivate several more worlds for the country and for human civilization is my greatest contribution.”

Su Bai and the two are not out of the campus

It was surrounded by a group of reporters who heard the news.

“I am a reporter for the Guangcheng Evening News, how did you expand the world a hundred times overnight?”

“Hello, classmate Su, I am from Guangcheng News. Was yesterday’s awakening 1 km a mistake by the Awakening Stone? ”

“What adventure did you encounter?” Found a super meteorite? Is it convenient and we leak it? ”

“I’m from the Imperial Enterprise Group. After hearing about your deeds. The Regional General Manager has sent me to invite you to visit the Penguin Building.

Our Penguin Gods, we sincerely invite you to join! The treatment definitely makes you satisfied. ”

The swarming reporters made Su Bai’s scalp tingle.

The class elders were all squeezed out of the crowd.

Su Bai’s head was big.

Take advantage of the chaos to grab Chi Lansu’s small hand and quickly slip away.

Ran for a while, dodging the paparazzi.

Chi Lansu, who was holding his small hand, coughed twice

“Cough, that, can you let go of my hand?”

Su Bai only found out at this time

I held it for a long time, my palms were warm, and I sweated a lot.

He hurriedly let go and smiled

“Just now it was too chaotic, afraid of walking apart.”

The head of the class had a slight flush on his face and didn’t say anything more.

Speaking of which, the two usually fight, typical of the joyful enemy.

There is no physical touch, so intimate.

This time, Su Bai came out for her and repaired the Xianghu well.

It is in the heart of the squad leader that a seed of youth has been planted.

“Since you’re all right. Then I’ll go back first. ”

Just when she was about to go home.

Su Bai stopped her again and took her small hand to stop her.

“Dry, what?” Want to take advantage of me again? ”

“Isn’t this about moving. The helpful class elders must not be willing to work hard for me alone. ”

Su Bai licked his face and did not let go.

“Who said, I like to see you sweating like a mess.”

Chi Lansu blinked playfully.

To say so, Su Bai is not welcome.

He smiled evilly:

“Class leader, you don’t want the teacher to know that you are this kind of person, do you?”

“So the move is going to bother you.”

“To die.”

Chi Lansu blushed and kicked at him.

The two of them went back to the Subai kennel in a joking fight and prepared to move.

Naturally, it doesn’t take two people to do it themselves.

A phone call called the moving company.

It’s just some personal items to watch in person.

And the two moved.

The storm about the world of Su Bai for more than a hundred miles only spread to the entire city!

Even the group chat with the phone rings non-stop!

PS: ask for flowers, review tickets and more!

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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