Chapter Ninety-Nine uses many S cards, uses the brain domain to develop potions, and all forces pull together!!

Alice explains, rather intriguingly, “The heart-snatcher’s method of eating is no better than Rose’s.” Our zombies have just appeared, and we are also drinking Mao Ru’s blood. ”

“She may be too cruel and murderous to this world, and she can fight on the plane, she can do whatever it takes, and she may be able to play a stronger role than you.”

After all, it rises in a short period of time.

And overwhelmed the two veteran overlords in one fell swoop.

Standing at a higher angle, Alice used balancing.

Finally, this underground war that lasted for a hundred years.

The Dark Spider occupies 50% of the underground territory and establishes the Deep Pit Demon Web Realm led by the Drow Elves, the Spider Elves, and the Dark Spider.

The Heartbreaker Empire established by Audi occupies 30% of the underground territory.

The Evil Eye clan has the fewest and established the Evil Eye Kingdom.

They go under a parliamentary system, and the evil-eyed tyrant has no absolute control.

There are also many parliamentary counter-attacks made up of top silver-eyed demons.

Only 20% of the territory.

However, some of them still live in the swampy areas of the ground, and the total number is the largest of the three tribes.

The underground enters the stage of the Three Kingdoms.

And a hundred years of time has also made earth-shaking changes for all ethnic groups on the earth.

Silver masters are emerging.

There is even a Titan python, the Wolverine Demon Ape that evolved to the Gold Level.

As the second-line leaders outside of several major forces, it is difficult for them to rise only in the primary gold.

And that’s not all.

Even the two-headed sacred beast that had been sleeping felt that the world was a little narrow.

The bodies of Godzilla and the Lord of the Seas have reached the diamond level.

But the transformation of the soul is always one step away.

It can only be called a quasi-diamond grade.

Su Bai naturally knew this.

“The area of the main continent has reached the limit of the 2nd order world, and if you want to go up, you can only advance to the 3rd order.” Only when the world becomes bigger can it accommodate more powerful people. ”

He has an A-class gift package for the final level reward.

It contained five ground cards, river cards, etc., just when he intended to use them.

Suddenly receive a reminder.

Please note that your world has grown to its limit, and continuing to use the resource card will not work. If you want to continue to the 3rd level of the world, complete a World Advancement Mission! 】

“How can there be a task?”

Su Bai was a little confused.

He opened the Creator’s house and searched carefully, only to find it. As the world is strong, it occupies more and more positions in the starry sky. Each time you advance to the first level, you have to devour the world origin of a peer.

Consider that each world has different potential.

With the accumulation of Su Day’s Yuanjie.

At least conquer a 3rd order world and devour its origin to continue to advance!

“We must get it done before the battle for hegemony in a hundred cities.”

Su Bai silently wrote down the incident.

After observing the world for a while, he harvested a batch of faith values.

After re-condensing into four drops of divine power.

Su Bai sorted out the gains from the previous battle.

I used some of the unaffected treasures.

“Use S card deep sea oil field, artificial hundred species of shellfish, pearl shellfish, great white shark swarm, coral card!”

“Then cast the magic music fountain, the multicolored aurora pool!”

Along with the cards turned into streamers.

Treasures are thrown into the world like shooting stars…

[Climate regulator: a world prop with very practical value, can help the world lord, control the weather anytime and anywhere, can be divided into sunny, cloudy, light rain, moderate rain, heavy rain and other modes! 】

【Please note! 】 The maximum effect will be the ultimate rainstorm of natural disaster level, please use it with caution! 】

Su Bai studied it with relishing for a while.

Slightly adjust it to the light rain stage.

The climate regulator also gives a good reminder of which range to divide.

In this regard, Su Bai divided into the southern rainforest area.

After a while, a dark cloud rolled up in the south.

While the orangutans were waiting happily, a light rain suddenly fell. At the same time, many of the resources just released are effective in the sea.

It was soon discovered.

[Important Log: You have invested many precious resources into the sea and enriched the species in the sea. Shellfish, in particular, have given the Kou Tao fish people a lot more food, and the population can reproduce again. The dinosaur people on the land, the corpse tribes, perceived the change in the ocean and also came to hunt. 】

【Faith +1000】

[Record: Under the leadership of the Bishop of the Diver, the Kou Tao fishmen tried to raise shellfish, pearl oysters, coral trees, and with the help of Alice, the fishmen tamed the ferocious great white shark as a mount, which greatly increased efficiency. Production from seabed aquaculture has doubled. Many scallops are sold at home and abroad, solving the hunger problem of many ethnic groups along the river. 】

[The people of Kou Tao held a sacrifice to sacrifice the pearls and corals they collected to you.] 】

【Faith +1000, A class large pearl box (100 in total), S class perfect pearl box (total ten), 100 coral trees more than one meter tall to temporarily store in your backpack! 】 】

“Yes, let them breed more pearl oysters in the future, this stuff is very popular with those who have money.”

Su Bai took a large A-grade pearl and observed.

It is the size of a pigeon’s egg, rounded throughout, and has its own pearlescent atmosphere.

It was found that it could not only be used as a luxury, but also into medicine.

Wear it all year round, it can nourish the face and body.

As for the S-class large pearl, it can be used directly as a magic item.

As a gift to others, in the appropriate way.

A few other coral trees have the effect of weakening blood corals.

The effect of purifying the air and feeding Reiki is also popular with others.

Su Bai thought.

Later, when there is more, it will be sold in the house of the Creator.

The main victory is in the long stream of thin water.

In the long run, he is a big gain.

Just as he was calculating, another reminder sounded.

[The Magic Music Fountain has an effect, the Bishop of the Deepdiver is promoted to the quasi-golden creature, and several other great white sharks are also mutated!] 】

[Sensing the arrival of the Colorful Aurora Pool, Alice led the infrastructure engineering team to build a biological factory around the Colorful Aurora Pool.] 】

[The leading blue excavator is the curvature flying machine in the air, and hundreds of other robots have been brought to life by the source of the tinder, and the efficiency has been greatly enhanced.] Within three days, the largest biofactory in the Celestial Realm was completed. Alice recruited masters of all ethnic groups to form an assembly line for the production of various strategic resources such as evolution potions and healing potions. 】

“Not bad, someone presides over the big picture is good.” And the effect of the tinder source is also good. ”

Among them, the infrastructure engineering team is secondary.

Alice mainly used the opportunity of the source of fire on fighter jets, space saucers.

This also made her organize hundreds of air forces in a short period of time.

Considering the last battle, there was a lack of firepower assistance.

Alice also sent the engineering team to mine and study explosives. Let the evil eye cooperate with the unicorn fairy beast for bomb training.

The evil eye’s eyesight is very powerful.

In the high air, you can find the target at a glance.

Combined with the defense of the unicorn immortal, the combat effectiveness has obviously increased by one step.

Dinosaurs people still love dragon guns.

Alice combines the recent Undersea Man’s Thunder Trident.

Faction Spirit Zombie Research Standardized Extraordinary Dragon Gun.

With the assistance of science and technology cards, it has really been studied.

However, it is necessary to set the magic crystal as an energy source.

From now on.

The dragon gun can not only discharge electricity, throw it out but also explode, and even automatically ask the enemy and automatically return.

In the previous battles, all races were aware of weaknesses and were trying to make up for them. I’m watching.

A red exclamation point appeared in front of Su Bai’s eyes.

Meanwhile, the continent below is exactly centered.

The volcano where the lava fort was located suddenly trembled unrestfully.

【Warning! The earth is under too much pressure and is about to erupt, please issue an oracle to let your men avoid the volcano quickly, or guide the pressure to slowly vent out! 】

“Volcanic eruptions?”

Su Bai looked under his eyes in surprise.

The Lava Fort was in chaos at this time.

The leader is the leader of the dinosaur people who have changed several generations, and now this is Ao Gu.

Hurriedly directing the crowd to flee.

“The Holy Land volcano is about to erupt!” Leave those belongings alone and run away! ”

“The pressure of the volcano is too great, I will block it for a while, and you will arrange for the Dragon Knight to lead the people to escape.”

The Tyrannosaurus Beast that had arrived transformed into a Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast form.

Dozens of tons of seawater spewed out of his mouth.

However, in the face of such a mighty power of heaven and earth.

This is a real drop in the bucket.

Just let the volcano hit a bubble.

As the oldest city in the Celestial Realm, the Lava Fort has a permanent population of more than hundreds of thousands, and the dinosaurs grow higher and higher.

The gates that were built became smaller and smaller.

In a panic, people were blocking the city gates.

Seeing that a large number of women and children were about to be buried in the volcano, Ao Gu quickly shouted, “Go to the northeast and find the sacred beast to suppress the volcano!” ”

The impending eruption of the volcano is too loud.

As the earth shook, patches of dark clouds gathered in the sky. Alice, the Force God Beast and the others all heard about it. However, they can’t help this kind of heaven and earth power.

Godzilla sleeps in the Black Water of the White Mountains.

It’s almost time to catch up.

A strange dark cloud fell from the sky and floated precisely over the volcano.

“What’s that?”

The first to find something was wrong, the Power God Bido Beast pointed to the dark cloud.

“There’s lightning inside, and it seems like it’s going to rain.”

Alice observed.

Suddenly, a click of thunder was heard.

Next, a torrential downpour of rain descends to the top of the volcano.

The most surprising thing is.

Super-torrential rains only under the top of the volcano to wipe out the erupting lava.

One kilometer away.

The lava fort at the foot of the mountain did not even have a drop of rainwater, but it looked very dry.


“It was the great Creator who struck!”

“Thank you for the gift of saving the dinosaur people of a city.”

Many devout believers knelt down on the spot.

Several leaders were also shocked in their hearts, feeling that the Creator’s control of power was so clever.

Alice instinctively sensed something weird.

“The climate regulator is really easy to use.”

I saw the volcanic lava gradually condensed.

A great catastrophe was healed.

Su Bai slowly lowered the regulator.

From the highest level 9 heavy rain, descending to level 5 moderate rain.

After a while, it was completely shut down.

Seeing that there was no change in the Heavenly Origin Realm for the time being.

Su Bai’s consciousness returned to reality.

He also took out from his backpack a treasure that had been rewarded to him personally.

Appearing in his hand was a crystal test tube.

The multicolored liquid in it seems to have life.

Along with the shaking of Su Bai, it will also dance in the bottle.

The stirring liquid vaguely forms a cerebellum shape.

If you look closely, you can also find countless flashes of light in the liquid, like brain nerve cells.

Su Bai carefully opened the wooden cork.

A refreshing fragrance travels from the nostrils to the depths of the brain.

Stirs up all brain cells in the body.

Just by sniffing, Su Bai was a hundred times more energetic.

The head is clearer than ever.

【Brain Domain Development Potion: A strategic treasure developed by the highest technology of the Human Alliance, it is made of the diamond brain of the brain demon as raw material, supplemented by more precious spiritual medicinal materials than the Shanggan species.

It has the effect of permanently enhancing brain domain development, strengthening spiritual power, improving soul talent, and immunizing harmful spirits, without any side effects!

– Brain development never ends! 】

[Please note that everyone only has an effect if they eat it for the first time.] 】

“In the house of the Creator, I didn’t see anyone buying or selling.”

Perceive its importance.

Su Bai specially washed up, closed his eyes and calmed his mind, ready later.

Only then pick up the test tube again.

Carefully pour into mouth.

Accompanied by a viscous liquid like a multicolored snake into the throat.

It did not have a hint of raw and fishy as Su Bai imagined, but it was very sweet and fragrant.

When the moment of entering the throat.

Su Bai’s eyes opened.

It’s like feeling the new world.

There is a singularity in the mind that is detonated, and every brain nerve is ignited by a flame.

The unexplored mysterious brain domain is unlocked by a layer of medicinal power.

Like a long drought and manna, it is constantly moisturized.

The spiritual power that was originally the gold level was constantly strengthened to the peak.

Break through to Diamond!

Numeracy is epic enhanced.

Many details about the operation of the world, the plan – is remembered. Even some of the details before the crossing were evoked.

Not only the brain domain, but also the five senses have been strengthened.

You can hear the familiar sound of a radio in the garden outside the door, where the shell lang hiding under the roses is pushing the dung ball, and farther away.

There was a faint hint of exhaustion on his face, and the tired equipment of many years was swept away.

Su Bai felt like a computer from the nineties.

Suddenly changed to the computer version of the 20s.

Look brand-new.

When you reopen your eyes, you can faintly receive other messages from the universe in your head and even hear the radio directly.

It can also be multi-purpose.

While observing reality, you are in the sea of stars.

Accept the prayers of believers and respond simply.

“Is this the effect of brain domain development? I already have Diamond psychic power? ”

Unbelievable Su Bai. Hurry to the bathroom to wash a cold water head.

After calming down again, he was even more excited.

“My body was fed back by the Heavenly Origin Realm, all the way to the top gold level, and now even my soul has stepped into the diamond level ahead of schedule.”

“As long as I upgrade the world to the 3rd level, I can also evolve to the diamond level, and I will live for at least 800 years!”

He clenched his palms and a sonic boom sounded.

Because the progress is too fast, the control of the huge power is a bit unstable.

But now this hidden danger is completely gone.

“The college entrance examination reward is not an accident, but considering that many candidates advance too quickly and are a bit vain.”

Su Bai suddenly realized at this time.

But he wondered if others had similar rewards.

So I called and asked the class leader.

“Brain domain development agent? I don’t have it here. There is only what Golden Brain God Pill. Listen to the name weird, a little afraid to eat. Does it work so well? ”

After hearing Su Bai finish, he felt ethereal after eating.

Chi Lansu muttered, “What you said is the same as the contraband, I will try it later, the effect should be weaker than yours.” ”

“That said, did any staff come to your house?”

Su Bai was stunned: “Why did you come to my house?” ”

Recently, many forces have been looking for him, and some people have even found him on the phone and tried to contact him.

Su Bai did not pick up.

“Ah, the national reward, I won the second place in the city, the fourth place in the province, and the prize alone has 10 million.”

He also said that he would send me a high-tech villa worth 20 million yuan in the best community in Guangcheng.

And other cultivation resources, this can make my parents happy. ”

“I’m holding the trophy and smiling.”

Speaking of this, Chi Lansu’s tone is beautiful.

“I haven’t arrived yet, and I heard that the capital directly sent people, which may be troublesome.”

Su Bai, who had already experienced a visit by Chief Chen, came to woo him.

It’s a lot calmer.

However, there is also a little expectation in my heart.

In the province of Chilansu alone, the municipal reward is so high.

Then as the second in the country, I think the reward is not bad, right? Another bottle of upgraded Brain Domain Potion, I don’t see it myself.

“Yesterday I sorted out the results of the college entrance examination. In my sea, a special pearl, coral breeding ground was built, and I looked at it, very beautiful, and special effects. Next time send you a copy. ”

“Could it be too expensive?” It’s not good to always take your stuff. Last time your swordfish did me a big favor, otherwise you would have fallen to the fourth floor. ”

“By the way, the deepest part of my world can produce a kind of Xuan Ice that speeds up cultivation, and I will build you a cold ice bed.”

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