Not to mention that the mythical beast vampire form has been eaten by Shana. Even if she didn't eat it, Remington would not trade with Reid if he found the devil fruit. In his opinion, he was really losing money. For such a loss-making business, no matter who it is, don't let Remington do it.

"In this world, apart from the World Government, I don't know which other force is more likely to obtain the devil fruit than the Evil Pirates."

"Tell me, what do I need to pay in order for you to help me mobilize my forces to find that devil fruit?"

Ryder thought about it, put away his previous arrogance, and kicked the ball to Remington. The devil fruit in the form of a mythical beast vampire was extremely suitable for him no matter from which aspect, and if he could get it, he could accept it even if the price was a bit high.

"Ryder, I have to say you are too naive. If you want a mythical beast devil fruit, I might have a chance to get it, but you specifically asked for a vampire fruit. Do I have to turn the whole world upside down to help you find it? That's not realistic."

"I know what you are thinking. You want to further strengthen your physique, make your observation Haki even more terrifying, and have unparalleled speed. These ideas are good, but they are just your fantasies. It is harder to realize than climbing to the sky."

"How about this, I can promise you that within five years I will give you a top-notch mythical beast devil fruit. As for its specific ability, I am not sure, but you have to join me for ten years."

"If we can do it, we can trade at any time. You and I are both people who disdain to lie, so as long as we have a verbal agreement, there will be no problem."

Remington shook his head and said.

But he himself did not believe the last sentence. If Reid said that he disdains to lie, Remington might believe it, but it is not certain for him. The promises and oaths made today may be forgotten tomorrow morning. He may be talking and laughing with you one second, and kill you the next second.

Remington is such a shameless person. He will try his best to be trustworthy in business, so that more people will be willing to trade with him, but this depends on the benefits he can get. If the benefits are too great, he will do many things that people cannot understand.

"Ten years?"

Ryder thought he had heard it wrong and repeated it in his mouth. It was the first time he had seen such a greedy person. His strength was at the top of the ocean. He wanted to work for the other party for ten years with a mythical beast devil fruit whose power he didn't know. It would be better to kill him.

"That's right, it's ten years. When the deadline is up, it's up to you to decide whether to stay or go. Even if you choose to leave, I won't do anything to you."

"To put it bluntly, Reid, the power of one person is limited after all. Although you are called the Lone Red and your strength is very good, you are already very dangerous. When the World Government is free, it will definitely take the lead in dealing with a strong man like you who has no partners and no power."

"No matter how strong you are, the Five Elders only need to ask Kong to send Sengoku and Garp, and the two of them are enough to capture you and lock you up in Impelton for life, and you can't even escape!"

Remington didn't think there was any problem with his deal, and then launched a"brainwashing" offensive against Reid.

He remembered that in the original book, Reid defeated Kong and was eventually exhausted and arrested. If possible, he would be willing to change the other party's fate and take him in as his subordinate. In that case, he would have another senior cadre under his command, which was really great.


Reid was stunned by what Remington said, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that those words made sense. However, he would not agree to such a loss-making deal just because of Remington's words. At least he felt that it was not worth it.

"When you have thought it over, come to see me at Beehive Island anytime.

Before Reid left, Remington did not forget to remind him.

"The Red Earl is restless, so he wants to join the Evil Pirates, right?"

In the office of the Five Elders in Marijoa, the flat-hatted Five Elders frowned and said with a look of fear.

If it were any other pirate group, he didn't think Reid would join them, but it was not certain for Remington's Evil Pirates. They already had so many strong people, and anyone who was not a fool would know that becoming a member of them would bring great benefits.

"Redfield shouldn't do that. After the war, we must control the development of Remington, otherwise he may become the next Rocks."The blond Five Elders looked unhappy, but now the war is imminent, and there is no time to study Remington. He even doubted whether their world government could stop Remington if he wanted to go to the final island.

"This brat caused us to lose an ace member. Let's put this aside for now, and we will definitely settle the score with him later."

The five elders with mustaches said angrily.

Bede was the second strongest among the four aces under their command. How could he accept that he died on Beehive Island?

"Perhaps we made a mistake. We should have listened to Kong's suggestion and sent the Super Demon Slayer Order to wipe out the Evil Pirates. Now the speed of their development has exceeded our expectations."The bald Five Elders also realized their mistakes. Who could have thought that Remington's Evil Pirates would develop so fast?

"Have you ever thought about this: if Roger and others were defeated by us, and Kaido and Charlotte Linlin were also defeated and captured, who in the New World could compete with Remington?"

"Whitebeard? He has no ambitions other than wanting his family. Golden Lion? His flying fleet is no match for the Evil Pirates. Now Redfield is close to Remington, so is there any obstacle for him in the New World?"[]

The bearded Five Elders did not talk about the current topic, but asked a few questions that made him uncomfortable.

Remington has so many enemies, and he can develop his pirate group at a very fast speed, but what if there are no enemies? He was a little scared, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

This was the first time in his life that he had no way to deal with a pirate, especially such a young pirate.

Send a large number of strong people to fight Remington head-on? You don't need to think about it to know that the price to pay is very high, but if you don't do that, how can you limit Remington's development?.

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