
"What are the kids nowadays so capable of!"

In the New World, at the Whitebeard Pirates' base, on the Moby Dick, the blond Whitebeard has been called the strongest in the world. The power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit is earth-shattering, and he is definitely at the top of the pirates.

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, he couldn't help but feel that the tide of the times was rolling too fast. The scene of joining the Rocks Pirates many years ago was still fresh in his mind, but he was already forty-one years old. Fortunately, his dream was being fulfilled step by step, and more and more"family" gathered around him.

He vowed to do his best to protect them and not let them get hurt.

"Dad, I will definitely surpass them in the future."

At this time, a pineapple-haired boy came to Whitebeard and said with confidence.

Yes, this is the future captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco. Although he is about the same age as Remington, his intelligence and talent have already been fully demonstrated. If he had not been protected too well by Whitebeard, he would not be so weak in a few decades if he had the power of the mythical beast Phoenix.

"Gulala! My sons are certainly not inferior to others!"

Whitebeard laughed with relief. Nothing is more important than his sons in his eyes. He thinks so now and in the future, and it will never change.

Suddenly, the other pirates adopted by Whitebeard on the ship also shouted. The atmosphere was extremely cheerful, and the atmosphere was full of family affection. Unlike Charlotte Linlin, who wanted to build a pirate group by giving birth to children, the family affection between them was really pure.

In a small town in the New World, a black-haired boy wearing a shabby blue vest and looking quite strong used the claw knife on his arm to kill an adult wild boar.

"Days like this, who knows when they will end!"

After skinning the wild boar and roasting it over the firewood, the boy sat cross-legged with melancholy, his eyes fixed on the blazing flames, sighing secretly in his heart.

A few years ago, after his mother and two sisters died in an accident, he had to live alone. He didn't know who his father was, but he saw many strange fruits in the only booklet left by his father.

After carefully looking through it, it turned out to be a devil fruit illustration. Later, he found that a purple pineapple-shaped devil fruit in the picture was very cool and attracted him deeply. He didn't know why, at that moment, it seemed as if he had determined in his heart that he must get this devil fruit in the future, and then eat it to gain powerful strength.

This little boy is the shame of the Whitebeard Pirates in the future,"Blackbeard" Marshall D. Teach, but now he is only seven years old. According to the plot, he will board Whitebeard's ship in five years.

"He is only a few years older than me, so is he that powerful?"

"It must be the effect of the devil fruit. When I eat the Dark-Dark Fruit, I will be more powerful than them!"

After being stunned for a while, Teach took out the newspaper he got in the morning from his arms, and then unwillingly tore it into pieces and threw it into the flames. After all, he was only seven years old at this time. Although he was mature in thought and excellent in all aspects, he still didn't understand many things, and it was inevitable that he would be a frog in the well.

"Boss, are we really going to the Hive? There are many pirates there now!"

In the submarine, when Avalo learned that the destination was the former base of Rocks, he opened his mouth wide and tried to dissuade Remington with a horrified look.


"You are so ugly like this, so what if there are pirates there? Are you scared?"

"As a leader of a very evil pirate group, please don't always behave in a disgraceful manner. It makes it very embarrassing for me as the captain, you know?"

"If you do it again, I will chop you into pieces and feed you to the sea kings!"

Remington, who could no longer bear it, kicked Avalo down and stepped on him, increasing his strength while speaking harshly.

When he read the original novel, he remembered that Avalo was also a lawless pirate! How could he be so timid when he was young? Although this kind of funny personality is sometimes quite funny, it is too low. If seen by outsiders, wouldn't it seriously affect the reputation of the evil pirate group?

"Got it! Got it! Boss, I was wrong! You are wise and powerful, tall and mighty, those pirates would probably be scared to death when they hear your name, how could they be your enemy!"

"Please be merciful and spare my subordinate this time, I will never dare to do it again!"

Abalo, who was struggling to breathe due to being stepped on, cried and begged for mercy from Remington loudly.

He was really scared that Remington would step on him to death without any lightness.

Looking at Jock on the side, he was trying hard not to laugh out loud. In short, whenever he saw Abalo's miserable appearance, he would want to ridicule him.

And Weibull, who was standing next to Remington, had a blank expression on his face like a thug. Since he agreed to follow Remington, his personality became more and more like Barrett. He didn't talk much and never cared about what Remington did. No matter what order is given, he will do it immediately and never ask why!

Remington was not stingy. Since he was training Weevil as a future senior cadre, he had already given him the Superman Impact Fruit he got in the Heluo Kingdom. Now he had nothing else except two big swords.

He originally wanted to get Weevil a mythical beast species or an ancient species, but after thinking carefully, he decided to get the impact fruit. After the development, the ability to further enhance the means of attack would be more suitable for Weevil.

"Then can you use your brain full of shit and tell me where the escaped Wang Zhi is most likely to be?��"

Remington did not rush to release his foot from Aballo's head, but asked him again:

"Wang Zhi, Wang Zhi……"

"The Silver Axe Pirates have definitely joined the Silver Axe. I heard a few days ago that the Flying Pirates were going to go to war with the Silver Axe Pirates. I didn't expect that because of the boss's unintentional move, it would increase the difficulty for that guy Shiki to win. This is really killing two birds with one stone!"

Avalo's mind raced, and he said with great certainty after a while, and finally did not forget to flatter Remington.

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